
Testimonial: "It's just honestly sad that a place like this exists"

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Fuck you and your sniveling weasel of a boss

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, April 25, 2012, 03:06:28 PM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

So, what, you think it's funny to lure parents into the school with vague robocalls about "changes to the gifted program" with less than 24 hours notice? Did you forget that we're by definition parents ie: people who have children that will require childcare for the duration of your useless lecture? Was it a conscious decision on your part to leave out the fact that you were only talking about changes to the admissions process and not things that would affect existing students, or are you just too fucking retarded to realize that this is relevant information parents need when making the decision to show up or not? Fuck you for ruining my dinner. I did not need to be here for this.

When you were writing up your little speech, did it ever occur to you that starting off by insulting the entire first grade gifted class might maybe put some parents on edge? Like we haven't had enough shit to deal with already, what with your administration failing to plan for the teacher's totally predictable absence due to pregnancy. "HERP DERP LET'S JUST WAIT UNTIL IT'S A CRISIS TO LOCATE A REPLACEMENT!" And now you've given our kids a substitute who has never run a classroom before, has no training with gifted students, and can't keep her home life out of the classroom. GOOD JOB. Yes, it's totally appropriate to start off by shitting on the class that YOU, PERSONALLY set up for failure.

You clearly don't know what a "gifted" student is, you said as much several times over. I liked the part where you strongly implied that every parent who wants their kids in the gifted program is "pushing too hard" and "sees their children through rose-colored shades." Dipshit. You've never dealt with a gifted child in all your life. You're a gym teacher who got promoted through the system by people who don't actually give two fucks about education and just want to make sure the state funding keeps coming in. Your mediocre children never wanted to know how an internal combustion engine works, or where all the energy from the sun comes from, or whether the government in our country is less terrible than the ones in the Middle East that are getting overturned. You never had to explain 9/11 to a seven year old. And know that she understood what you were saying, and all the awful things it led to. Yes, it's definitely pride that makes me think my daughter who's reading faster than I can keep up with and making the kinds of insightful observations that make me feel like a retard needs to be in a gifted class. It's definitely those rose-colored shades that make her look like a kid who needs to be pushed harder academically, not the fact that she wraps up her homework in under 5 minutes and brings home books from the library that her four year old brother can wipe out in a night.

It's completely reasonable that you based your evaluation of the program on standardized test scores. Everyone knows those are completely accurate and measure the things that matter and not just a narrow band of material that's an approximation of the bare minimum any educated society should expect out of their most pathetic students. Seriously. It's definitely an indication that there are kids in the gifted class who don't belong there when not every child scores "advanced" in every subject.

Good job in convincing me that public education really is worthless after all. I guess the brainwashing from the hippie town I grew up in where we actually gave a fuck about public transportation and education finally wore off.

AND YOU, DIPSHIT SUPERINTENDENT! Get a suit that fits. Also try to make it less obvious that the only thing you have ever cared about is your paycheck and the buildings in this district. And maybe show up on time to the meetings you set up with parents, you awful little man. I bet you have a chewing post at home to keep those rodent teeth worn down.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

 :lulz: If you have a local weekly that publishes anonymous rants, send it to them.

A lot of the fucktards in school administration really have no idea what gifted programs are for. The gifted school in my area was finally started up by a team of educators who were tired of seeing the gifted kids slipping through the cracks and failing miserably in school and life, because they do have different needs. That doesn't necessarily mean academic achievement, either.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Q. G. Pennyworth

I think I'd need to rewrite it for a different audience. Papers aren't a big fan of "dipshit," and the principal's kids probably don't deserve to get crapped on quite that much.

The Boyfriend wouldn't let me throw a shoe.


As a fellow (and a non-) parent, I (don't) feel your pain.  Maybe I'm arrogant but I think that all children are "gifted" and the only thing holding them back is bad parenting.  So props to you cuz you're obviously doing a good job in my book  :).

Time for home-schooling?
QuoteOne day I realized life was pointless.  I've been celebrating ever since.
There's beauty in everything so lets destroy it all together.
Sometimes Always is Never.  For everything else there's Mastercard.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"Gifted" is basically just a school-system codeword for "Has a high aptitude for solving certain kinds of puzzles".

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."