
Attempting to do something

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Started by Mesozoic Mister Nigel, June 23, 2012, 04:24:57 PM

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Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."



is ... but... what if it WORKS?! :horrormirth:

Nephew Twiddleton

.... What did I just watch? What does that have to do with....
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



It's a really sad attempt to attract females  into the science profession

This video was published by the European Commission for a campaign designed to attract more women to a career in science. The commission said that the video had to "speak their language to get their attention" and that it was intended to be "fun, catchy" and strike a chord with young people. "I would encourage everyone to have a look at the wider campaign and the many videos already online of female researchers talking about their jobs and lives,"
The original video was taken down after it received so many negative comments.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Bu☆ns on June 23, 2012, 06:08:35 PM
It's a really sad attempt to attract females  into the science profession

This video was published by the European Commission for a campaign designed to attract more women to a career in science. The commission said that the video had to "speak their language to get their attention" and that it was intended to be "fun, catchy" and strike a chord with young people. "I would encourage everyone to have a look at the wider campaign and the many videos already online of female researchers talking about their jobs and lives,"
The original video was taken down after it received so many negative comments.

I caught that much. It's still very confusing.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Mesozoic Mister Nigel

IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Pope Pixie Pickle

oh yea, THAT. 

man my feminist rage gland is going to explode soon. In fact I'm going to need that as a freaking e-mote.

Sad thing is that the rest of the facebook page behind it is actually pretty good. The logo is irritating, as well as the pinkifying, the barely legal fashion divas striking poses in shoes that would get them kicked out of any lab for health and safety reasons. It is insulting young women's intelligence. "o I cans be Science Eye Candy Barbie."

I mean compare it with the youtube vid of Obama talking to girls who won the STEM competition. To be fair the US one in the Whitehouse is longer. and plays to a different type of aspiration, one that is slightly more money -though -hard work filtered though the american dream on its aims, as well as "we need this to better the economy" angle. This was not patronising to young women interested in sciences, however, despite the inherent propaganda being a White House and government video.

And they are totally going the wrong way about it on MANY not including the mention of stereotype threat in that article.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

It's kind of unreal. Are they completely unaware of the entire Internet making fun of "girls" science sets just a few months ago? All it does is humiliate and demotivate girls who are already into science. "Look, science can be cute and fluffy and non-threatening, just like girls!"

It's a fucking slap in the face. It more or less screams Dear girl scientists; don't take yourselves seriously, because we don't take you seriously! Here are some 80's fashions for you while you play science, tee hee!
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 09:47:31 PM
It's kind of unreal. Are they completely unaware of the entire Internet making fun of "girls" science sets just a few months ago? All it does is humiliate and demotivate girls who are already into science. "Look, science can be cute and fluffy and non-threatening, just like girls!"

It's a fucking slap in the face. It more or less screams Dear girl scientists; don't take yourselves seriously, because we don't take you seriously! Here are some 80's fashions for you while you play science, tee hee!


          but it should pimp how to build your own vibrator, with options, that, imo, would attract more girls to science immediately
"a good fight justifies any cause"

The Johnny

Its progressive in the sense that it portrays being "girly and into fashion" as not contradictory to chemistry work.

It is sexist and offensive in the sense that "girls are (or are supposed to be) like this".

Its funny, trying to broaden what women can or cannot do, or should/shouldn't do, without deconstructing the old notions of what a woman IS.
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner

Anna Mae Bollocks

Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 06:29:26 PM
IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!

I love makeup.

I also wish that one girl had ground her stilletto into the shriveled nutsack of whoever came up with this.  :x

Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division


Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on June 24, 2012, 06:58:08 AM
Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 06:29:26 PM
IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!

I love makeup.

But do you love science and maths??  And why do you love makeup? serious question.

Surely if you want to get girls into science 'n maths you need to be doing it with tellytubbies or somesuch. By the time they are 5 or 6 Barbie has grabbed them by the gonads and kindly relatives are giving them toy kitchens and baby sized toy vacuum cleaners - hey girls do any of you really think house cleaning is a game? If you haven't got the developing skills and mindset by the time you are out of infant school you are going to be fighting an uphill battle, and if you haven't got the developing skills and mindset why would you even bother, just look forward to having babies
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber

Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: MMIX on June 24, 2012, 11:02:07 AM
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on June 24, 2012, 06:58:08 AM
Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 06:29:26 PM
IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!

I love makeup.

But do you love science and maths??  And why do you love makeup? serious question.

Surely if you want to get girls into science 'n maths you need to be doing it with tellytubbies or somesuch. By the time they are 5 or 6 Barbie has grabbed them by the gonads and kindly relatives are giving them toy kitchens and baby sized toy vacuum cleaners - hey girls do any of you really think house cleaning is a game? If you haven't got the developing skills and mindset by the time you are out of infant school you are going to be fighting an uphill battle, and if you haven't got the developing skills and mindset why would you even bother, just look forward to having babies

I don't wear makeup often, and when I do I like to use bright eyeshadow colours and make art for my face, which is totally temporary. Most of the time I've not a scrap on.  Job interviews, when I wear a dress to go out for the evening and such. Weddings, special events. That's when I like to dress up. The rest of the time it just takes too long- imo it would ruin the "special occasion mek a Pix feel pretty" feeling I get (There IS definitely social conditioning in that feeling) but most of the time I cannot be fucked to and really don't want to make that into a chore/lose the buzz I get from being a scruffy girl who can transform into something that is me with the volume turned up to 11 or just play the I Need This Job game. I use it as a mask. cos that's what it is.

I reckon they could have shown a female chemist in a cosmetics house doing ACTUAL SCIENCE that relates to what this lot thought young women are into. They could have been more fucking subtle in their assumptions, but weren't.

Anna Mae Bollocks

Quote from: MMIX on June 24, 2012, 11:02:07 AM
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on June 24, 2012, 06:58:08 AM
Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 06:29:26 PM
IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!

I love makeup.

But do you love science and maths??  And why do you love makeup? serious question.

Surely if you want to get girls into science 'n maths you need to be doing it with tellytubbies or somesuch. By the time they are 5 or 6 Barbie has grabbed them by the gonads and kindly relatives are giving them toy kitchens and baby sized toy vacuum cleaners - hey girls do any of you really think house cleaning is a game? If you haven't got the developing skills and mindset by the time you are out of infant school you are going to be fighting an uphill battle, and if you haven't got the developing skills and mindset why would you even bother, just look forward to having babies

Did you read the rest of the post?

Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on June 24, 2012, 06:58:08 AM
Quote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on June 23, 2012, 06:29:26 PM
IN SCIENCE! it is still the 1980's, and GIRLS LOVE MAKEUP!!!

I love makeup.

I also wish that one girl had ground her stilletto into the shriveled nutsack of whoever came up with this. :x

I don't think Nigel's implication was that "GIRLY STUFF=BADWRONG"


Assuming that people who are into girly stuff are living "MATH IS HARD! TEE HEE!" barbies is just as fucked.
Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

I am super into girly stuff. I love dresses and perfume and makeup and my vagina. But that has pretty much nothing whatsoever to do with science. It makes as much sense as trying to sell a nursing career to boys by making a commercial that's all about touching their cocks. Boys are super into their penises, so it makes perfect sense, right? Hey boys! Nursing, and fondling your genitals! Become a nurse, and you can still rub your junk!
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."