
Testimonial: "I cannot see a slither of a viable defense for this godawful circlejerk board."

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Started by tyrannosaurus vex, August 29, 2012, 06:39:35 AM

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tyrannosaurus vex

Every time there's an election looming, pundits and politicians start Talking Big. They paint grand portraits in broad strokes and simple terms, trying to illustrate why they, or their party, or The Cause of the Moment deserves your vote. They talk about standing on a precipice or at a crossroads, about "Historic Moments" and choices that will forever shape the Futureā„¢. Some of them are better at it than others, some tactics are more effective than others, and some moments in history really are more important than others. But, inevitably and no matter how many people they convince, all this Big Talk leads to more of the same old thing. Deficits soar, prices skyrocket, jobs dwindle, education dries up, bubbles burst, markets crash, and the Sun keeps coming up and going down in the same old boring directions it always has.

Why do we fall for this nonsense? We know by now that politicians are liars and cheaters. We know better than to believe them. We know they're not worth taking seriously, that they are ultimately just a bunch of interchangable clowns in monkey suits who dance around the issues, who are trained by the powerful and the privileged to entertain us, and to help us maintain our fantasy that "We the People" means something. It doesn't matter whether they're Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, from Kansas or California. They're all for hire, but none of them are working for us. And this is something we know.

So why do we fall for this nonsense? Because we're suckers for a good story, that's why. Because we're hard-wired to seek out a narrative and join in. We fall for these tricks beause they appeal to our sense of pride, our exceptional character. Most of all, we love these politicians -- these jesters -- because they give us someone to hate, to be superior to. They give us permission to think highly of ourselves, in spite of our low status in the social order. In their over the top narratives about "this moment in history," we are given a license to assume that among all the people of Earth we are special, that simply because through some act of random chance we happened to be born in America, we are Nature's crowning achievement, and God help anyone who disagrees.

This is the way it has always been in America. Separated from much of the world by vast oceans, we have grown a society that focuses inward. That sometimes doesn't even acknowledge that the rest of the world exists at all. Our politics is no exception to this. Whatever threats we face from outside our borders, they are easily outmatched by those we perceive to exist within our borders. We were among the youngest nations on the planet when we fought a Civil War as bitter and as hotly contested as any ever fought anywhere else. And the blood from that war intellibly mark the character of our political culture even today.

There are, in fact, two Americas. One, whose history is marked by enlightenment, wisdom, great achievements; whose present is characterized by charity and goodwill; and whose future is plotted out by dreams, innovation, and dedicated work; and the other, whose story is a tradition of injustice and oppression; who defines herself today by willful ignorance, fear, and greed; and whose only thought for the future is ignoble lust to return to the past.

One America fought to end the insane and violent institution of Slavery, while the other fought just as hard to preserve it. One America built great monuments to great ideas, while the other cowered and conspired in the dark to undo every step made in progress. One America fought a long war and defeated hatred and intolerance in Europe, while the other locked our fellow Americans away in prison camps of our own. One sent men to the Moon and opened the doorway to the future, while the other clung to the indignities of segregation and Jim Crow. One America has spent a century refining and perfecting the ideals of tolerance and equality, while the other America has grasped for the past and kicked and screamed about every inch of privilege it has had to share with minorities, no matter how little it has affected their own lives.

One America stops and picks up those who have fallen by the way, while the other spits on them and insults their will to succeed. One America dreams of a future where all people share the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; while the other stands in the way and cruelly shoves the less fortunate out of line. One America leads the world in science, technology, music, art, and culture; while the other America resents educators, distrusts knowledge, is unmoved by facts, seeks to stifle innovation and violently opposes progress.

One America believes there is no good way into the future for any of us that does not carry all of us forward; the other believes if you can't carry yourself, you should be left on your own. And today, as one America suffers in the wake of financial disaster, the other America carries on as if nothing is wrong, amassing wealth in unprecedented amounts at an unprecedented rate, and buying our pundits so they can tell the rest of us what we should think about it, and bullying our leaders so they can tell us what we can do about it: nothing. One America believes all people are created equal; the other believes in punishing many for the crimes of a few.

This is an election year, and the politicians are doing their song and dance like they do every election year. But this year, don't listen to their stories. Don't listen to what the radio wants you to believe. Most importantly, don't vote for any man or woman. Vote for the America you want to live in and believe in.

Vote for Richard This is an election year, and the politicians are doing their song and dance like they do every election year. But this year, don't listen to their stories. Don't listen to what the radio wants you to believe. Most importantly, don't vote for any man or woman. This election isn't about Barack Obama or Mitt Romney; it isn't about taxes or jobs; it isn't about gaffes or photo-ops -- as much as both candidates would like you to think it is. This election is about you, it's about me, it's about us. It's about America, and which America we want to live in and believe in.

This year, vote for that America. Vote for Richard Milhous Nixon.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.

The Good Reverend Roger

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

tyrannosaurus vex

Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


That was great all around.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.