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Palm Reading 23

Started by Bardcel, October 18, 2012, 10:23:03 PM

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Palm Reading 23

The Goddess is my guide; I have everything I need – my posters, my power
tack and my fake moustache.
She makes me lie down in green parks; She leads me beside ponds – where I
feed bread to the ducks.
She restores my failing courage; She leads me in the paths of Operation
Mindfuck for Her purposes.
Yes, though I walk through the halls of Aneristic walls, I will fear no cabbage;
for You are with me; your golden apple and hotdog comfort me.
You prepare a notice board before me in the presence of Greyface; You anoint
my head with anonymity; my fingers post very fast.
To be sure your enlightenment and humour will follow me all the days of my
life; and I will live in the house of Eris for ever.


A little funny, but mainly unnerving - I get the satire/mood of Christian form, but putting Discordian catma into it feels twisted. Seems inappropriate, even ominous about an alternate or future Discordianity.
In other words I could see this posted at a Catholic church for shits and giggles,
but I wouldn't hang it in my home..