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Brit Spags! So Jim fixed it...

Started by Mangrove, October 23, 2012, 08:23:22 PM

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Yeah, that was pretty much my facial expression upon reading that.

Also consider this umprompted denial:

QuoteSavile, who died last year at 84, said: "One of my jobs is to take away the deceased. You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I'm just saying goodbye and looking after him.

"That is a privilege and an honour. Some people get hold of the fact that Jim likes looking after cadavers and say, 'Aha, Jim's a necrophiliac!' I'm not a necrophiliac."

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: Cain on October 26, 2012, 03:21:33 PM
Here's the Nick Davies article from 1998

So, uh, I really didn't do my homework here.

It turns out that Tom Watson was not referring to Peter Morrison when he talked about a Downing Street aide who could get access to pornographic material.

Quote from: Tom WatsonWithin the material seized at Righton's home were letters from known and convicted paedophiles. The contact, who has seen the letters, claimed that one paedophile in particular was of great concern. He said that the paedophile, who worked with children, boasted of a key aide to a former PM who could help get hold of indecent images of children. I am not naming the person for obvious reasons but for clarity it is not former MP, Peter Morrison.

Also interesting to note that Jimmy Savile got the keys to Broadmoor because the Tories didn't like that the management there were actually listening to the union workers, giving out payrises and so on. 

So in addition to being a pedophile and possible necrophiliac, he was a scumbag scab in the bargain.


Uh, so during the Great Pink Panic, aka the Cold War, it turns out employees of the BBC were vetted by MI5.


Confidential papers, obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, have revealed that the BBC allowed MI5 to investigate the backgrounds and political affiliations of -thousands of its employees, including newsreaders, reporters and continuity announcers.

The files, which shed light on the BBC's hitherto secret links with the Security Service, show that at one stage it was responsible for vetting 6,300 different BBC posts - almost a third of the total workforce.

They also confirm that the corporation held a list of "subversive organisations" and that evidence of certain kinds of political activity could be a bar to appointment or promotion.

The BBC's reliance on MI5 reached a peak in the late 1970s and early 1980s at exactly the same time as millions of viewers were tuning into the fictional adventures of George Smiley in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and -Smiley's People.

Even if Savile had not been vetted during his time spent with Maggie Thatcher at Chequers (he almost certainly was), he was likely vetted by MI5 earlier, due to his BBC work.

The most charitable explanation is that the security services cocked it up.  But that doesn't seem very plausible - Savile had already come to the attention of the police a couple of times for his preferences...those would be picked up on any basic background check. MI5 also had at the time a huge stable of "watchers" it could call on, for surveillance purposes.  Admittedly, said watchers were not too good when it came to the KGB running around the streets of London, but at least the KGB had tradecraft which could explain that.

All other explanations involve them being willing to overlook it.  Which then leads to the question of why?  His political opinions, insofar as I can find them, suggest he was more a man of the right....were they content to have a politically reliable character at the forefront of the popular music industry, regardless of his other activities?  Or was it for some other reason....I can't help but think of Savile's northern dance club empire and wonder how it interacted with the drugs trade, for example.

And of course, one cannot rule out simple blackmail.  Though for what purpose is another question...


Wait, what?

(Original at link)

OK, the coverup aspect we already knew about.  But Belgium?  Well, that's a new angle, for sure.

And a very, very disturbing one.  Amerispags may not know this, but Belgium is basically Europe's Florida - not in terms of the people who live there, so much, but it is the ground zero for weird shit, banana republic style shenanigans and corruption on a grand scale.

In particular, there have been numerous rumours about the "ballet roses", which the above article seems to be referring to.

Also note the reference to Marc Dutroux (note: NSFW, triggering).  And that is some extremely dangerous territory. 

Belgium also leads, inevitably, to, Amsterdam.  And whenever Amsterdam and pedophilia are linked, one should remember the story of Warwick Spinks.  Interesting that Spinks was nabbed so recently, after such a long time on the run, isn't it?


Too tired to think about this properly.  But I will persevere regardless.  Not rigorous, this.  Merely speculation.  Showing connections between dots, without narrative.  No thesis, just facts.   Well, not true, never just facts, elimination and juxtaposition of information, ranking according to percieved trustworthiness, influenced by hidden biases.  No overt theories yet, however.



Quote'Frank is one of the hardest people to buy a present for' he says, addressing the audience like they're the end-of-pier crowd.
'You never bought me one though!' Frank replies, chuckling like mad.
'I did! I did – it was for Christmas. And do you remember, it was a Black & Decker?'

If you're unfamiliar with the innuendo there (I was too), it turns out 'Black & Decker' is a euphemism for a willy. Presumably a black man's willy. There's a report out there in internet-land where Bruno defends himself against an accusation of wife-beating using the term himself.

'My mum's here. Don't talk about that. Pass on that one Freddie, cool down' Frank says, laughing at the in-joke.
'...But it broke down' Starr continues, possibly referring to a specific event. Unless he's still joking. If he is, we don't really get to a punchline.

'The Black & Decker?' Frank asks, trying to recall.
'It was alright on holiday though!' Frank says.
'It was on turbo, mate!'

QuoteBut, let's go back. What's that? What's Frank been saying? Jimmy tells us...

'Now listen! Underneath this... drab exterior'

He's pulling at his trousers. The groin area of his trousers.

'It ain't a White & Decker is it?' asks a giggling Bruno.

Have Starr, Bruno and Savile been on holiday together? A Black & White & Decker holiday? It doesn't bear thinking about.


"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness


Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


That shit about Doutrox is horrifying.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

I'm gonna take a pass on checking that one out, at least for the moment. D:
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Nigel, at the risk of engaging in some reverse psychology, you do not want to read that article.

"Trigger warning" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Anna Mae Bollocks

I'm not sure there's even a word for that level.
Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division


The X Dossiers are not comfortable reading.

LMNO is right, I should have added a trigger warning, I will edit the post afterwards to reflect that.  The article in question involves, at least in part, lengthy interviews with the victims of sustained and organised childhood sexual abuse. 

The article also shows several (mercifully edited and purposefully low quality) pictures from the Dutroux dossier.  These are not gratuitous, but designed to show there is corroborating evidence for the claims of several witnesses concerning the kinds of abuse they underwent.

However, the most important thing about the article are the claims.  In essence, after Dutroux's arrest, and the speculation about a network he was kidnapping and providing girls to, several people came forward, believing due to the seriousness of the investigation into Dutroux that the police and Justice Department officials could be trusted with their stories.

Each witness was given an "X" designation and interviewed.  And if even 10% of what they say is true....then Belgium has some very serious issues.  And the chances are, what they say is at least partly true, because they were interviewed seperately, and their reports corroborated each other.  The same names came up, again and again.  The same places.  The witnesses were able to positively identify girls who were murdered by the network, and investigators found discrepancies in the death certificates issued for them.

Despite the trigger material, the meat of the article is in the investigation, showing the credibility of the witnesses, and the allegations and their implications.

If anyone wishes, I can send them the article minus the most obvious triggers (the graphic descriptions of abuse etc), should they want to see the evidence for themselves.


I've printed off the Dutroux info, starting through it now.

10 pages in, appalled and fairly certain to finish it tonight now. I assume there's been little real follow up in terms of arrests and convictions?

One thing that does seem startling is the level of mutual protection offered by those involved to each other. I would have thought in any potential network of this size there'd be a catastrophic weak link sooner or later?
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.