
All you can say in this site's defence is that it, rather than reality, occupies the warped minds of some of the planet's most twisted people; gods know what they would get up to if it wasn't here.  In these arguably insane times, any lessening or attenuation of madness is maybe something to be thankful for.

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Thread split Hirley0

Started by hirley0, December 17, 2012, 12:23:54 AM

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ad 533 <45 ??? 554 <58 563 <66 569  572 <97<601>
v ad 606 v not d'Lighted with the inFo i provide U
? who is the 4th {far person
Cristina Fernández , Uruguay, José Mujica, y de Bolivia, Evo Morales.


ad 607 620 ? April 14. BY Air Land &Sea
A: Caracas 2 Havana B: Uruguay 2 China via Santiago C: Across S Atlantic "/t
ad 627
440 kilometres of railway trucks and the construction of a 350 kilometre-long railway spur to transport the potash to a terminal in the port of Bahia Blanca for export.

ask china to pick up the pieces:? | keep VALE%40's | don't say NO |
ad 639 641
645 eduardo-eurnekian/chile2argentina
ad 648 649 IF she does i doubt she will act No Time4R.
ad 650 Leaving me 0, Other than move Long0s to Ridge
.. NHK did cover the CFK ? F ? face off
my vhs was not loaded so My-
          ad 662}v

this is the first use on TV that i have seen about the                 West | East line
that extends into the South Atlantic, and in my opinion over the RIDGE
Shirley, my guess is that the debate should be religious 1, 2,3,OR more
today ? consider  the 2 mark it's Black8.75 Pesos & Brown5.095
Anti & Pro | However one wants to see, what for me is the defacto Global standard for what to do next. it is not US/china/NipOn 3/22 3/20

above ^ a promo for Yakata CAPITOL MOVE ad 670
ALSO IT SEAMS CLEER 2me when the future rate graphs are drawn ...
that volume should be one of the components. another one should be
the period of fixed price level should be set at some fraction of the
? " TRADING DAY " ?  probably 1/20th OR for a 5 hr day 60*5=300/20=
1/4 hour
ad 673 yeah:? so much for bac2mov-Y exchange rate (5.10&8.75
my point is probably as follows? del último golpe de estado

there exist? scattered here there & ever where disputed islands
often claimed by so called Sovereign nations / usually more than 1
which obviously belong to the class " DISPUTED" & due to this fact
should in fact be considered " DISPUTED " & belonging to no one
and to every one at the same time. thus having two price tags
i'LL call the two tags the black/blue tag & the other 1 Brown/Red
never mind non¢ents. Proceed with the proceedings ? start from ?                    ? the last coup


ad 683 Opposition candidate leads ad 703
706 S has the support of the Latin American and Caribbean countries.
707        ?WHERE is the fleet:
ad 713  it is Wednesday here the saboteurs rule | not i
this anyway
ad 717    :fnord: Bachelet, running in the 17 November election.
ad 721 LISTEN? U3!!! B=2 C=1 & D3 provided .ur=Mal*
:fnord: ad 725 :fnord: ad 733 738 743 gas re-gasification plant in the River Plate coast, OR.
ad 746 good weather in Patagonia {appearently ad 755
ad 759 :fnord: R41a919
   announces measures to those affected by the storm on national TV
ad 766 05-04-2013 & 2 is eveN ?


ad 770 change bp to bw to link to todays mod Bp
ad 787 FPad 806

ad 818>
OK? PICTURE  a cylinder that has a glass wall on each end
a ramp door that can be opened & closed for access to the inside by A
Ford RV motor home. close the RAMP DOOR & drive foreword | the cylinder
rolls CW LOOKING IN THE RIGHT SIDE WINDOW | slowly now down the ramp
and into the sea & under water | turning is now the problem | thus the
next cylinder to be tested must be egg shaped to achieve a long slow turn
on the sea floor sand. stay out of the mud | end of test | 3 weeks Later

ad 823>{4 get this
if it will float have it towed out to sea
between Cook & Thule
AS A SEA Bird nest site & fertilizer factory ad 827
ad 830 IV LITTLE DOUBT THAT "DELMA"  is on to something big
doubling of income in ten years | &4 the most part i agree 110%
by that i mean 10 year period {not 20) and doubling 2x {not e)?
my thought however is about 2xWHAT (output){not income}

my guess is soon the musical refrains |Portugese}? should pick up
the subtilize of this movement ?{whether in or out) & from this ?
What is "Michelle" saying soon {in the 3 ring RING/RINGS) /-/u:


ad 832
Blue ad 844 CASA no connect:
Green traveling on Thursday to Caracas? No
Red ad 868  Casa v
ad 873 no CASA again words  Carmen Teresa Meléndez
-_- ad 875 _-_ ad 886 in Caracas, Ve ?


ad 891 Break Time?ad 902 Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile ad 914
AD 917 v a broad agenda v 
                suspend                                5 b
                                Plan B Bahía Blanca. Chinese ChiLLi
ad 920 Unilever company, in the district of Tortuguitas, in Buenos Aires province.
AD 928 Argentine Chief of St(R)ate receives her Brazilian counterpart, Dilma Rousseff
ad 929  it is the two days three nights Question
12-n-12-n-12 {get over it
ad 932 {WiLL try to follow 2weeks&2days /recalling two
Wednesday midday ? Aerolineas /_an Chile
YES:  i agree in principle, &dis in practice | take Rate for example
eveRY? look when it rains it Rains get over it | besides take the April date 
and subtract the prior reversal in years & months devide by 200  or 2000
and clock that for Rate
Also i favor a Miss direction Start! Start with
the tunnel from/to Chilli by Land And an underwater approach by Sea | 1
sea frloor farm at a time starting with Oysters & Kelp. every single day new1

ad 938 is there a "malvinas-radical-group-b" weB site


Look towards the sea?/? follow/post Ed's Location&progress DETAILS 984
ad 975 & May B KnoT 77
ad 973 i may be sleeping thru A main event :fnord:      Daniel ScioliBuenos Aires Governor
         Fly out to Dr. Ed H.    |   4th OR 5th Week    Sir: & drop On ?
ad 970  
ad 966 YeaH: seams rather pointless to me too. Time to move on? 5/1@12 :fnord:

ad 963 May be its Just me {reboot day, a confusing  :oops: TiMe :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:
ad 938 :fnord: :fnord: :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:


ad 995 Clue Less actually ad 1013 Uruguay/?/Argentina/?/Brazilad 1014

  {drop in on A-B if U can ????/

mY GUESS about this is the Quality folks are telling the Jokes
what is needed is Quantity not Quality in place of 2 MultiMillion $ Reactors
20,000 or more at a cost of 1,000 , Quantity not Quality | think delivery?
sure there are those QUAL types who will say it cannot be done
to them i say N.pwr Is cheaper by the dozen {Much | and as 4 the ECON/scale
i would ask WHOS TAIL? Keep it Simple | for N.pwr 1 Size fits all, 4 40 years
in other words get your model A & T from N.Korea not France ad 1025}v
Grytviken ? CCAMLR Permit WPA/2013/011, ? 12 February 2013'"
ad 1034 AT this time i AM doing tico time get over it
< Azevedo WTO who.o-o
ad 1051<ad 1055  7pm
ad 1057
ad 1060 think ahead, go ahead: go to Chili, for TRADE TALK
Hm? fine: i'poise Muddy the waters if U must
use plenty of round ups? there is money to be hat, is what i herd
      ^ ad 1106 ^


ad 1063 exactly WHY thinking ahead is not easy today i do not know
following the agenda { yeah | 1085} WHERE? Hospital Español in La Plata
ad 1090 English T
ad 1097>
Hua Sheng 626ad 1100        >



<ad 1114 online? see "viernes"{Fridays
Yuanchao expressed on Friday "full support
ad 1136
my guess is the solar event will not be to bad ad 1143 _ Time 4a Line?