
I hate both of you because your conversation is both navel-gazing and puerile

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Started by Bu🤠ns, March 19, 2013, 05:29:16 AM

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Andrew Weev Auernheimer went to jail for hacking into AT&T.

Quote from:
What are the formal charges, then?
One count of identity fraud and one count of conspiracy to access a computer without authorization.
What is his sentence?
41 months in in prison, followed by three years of supervised release. He'll also have to pay $73,000 in damages to AT&T (which, let's remember, wasn't actually damaged in the incident — just embarrassed). Weev tweeted this shortly before the sentence was read: No matter what the outcome, I will not be broken. I am antifragile.

Taleb reference!  awesome. 

But srsly folks...a troll jailed?  Is this a case where this guy's outlandish reputation got him in a place where he could easily been made an example of? 

///Not that this has ever happened before or anything///


"But guys I was just trying to show you your security was flawed! I didn't mean nuttin' by it!"  :lol:

I feel bad for the guy anyway. This shit happens all the time. Admittedly the trolls generally don't get caught all the time. But surely AT&T (and others) realise that this is something that's more or less constantly going on?

I fail to see how this one guy being locked up for years is going to change anything. Then again 'setting an example' doesn't seem to work all that well on such a grand scale.

Smooth Groove Panty Insert Design Specialist™


Yeah, it seems excessive to me.  But I guess that's what happens when you stir the hornets' nest.

I'm just wondering if this is falling in line with what happened to Aaron Swartz. Maybe back in the day all you had to do is throw ONE LSD researcher in jail for 30 years over a roach but maybe it just takes a couple of hi profile (maybe) scapegoats these days.


Q. G. Pennyworth

The justice system would rather you rape people than use their websites in ways they didn't anticipate.


Reginald Ret

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 20, 2013, 07:43:27 AM
The justice system would rather you rape people than use their websites in ways they didn't anticipate.
A message from AT&T's logic division:
Fact: Corporations are people too.
Fact: Rape can be defined as being used in ways you didn't anticipate.
Conclusion: Trolls = Rapists.
Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

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The Feds have always had a notorious hard-on for hackers.  Even if they are not actually, you know, hacking something.

I mean, as far as I can tell, this means practically anyone who was using the internet before Facebook was hacking.  AT&T were dumbfucks, but they're dumbfucks with political clout, so this was never going to go Weev's way.

Q. G. Pennyworth

He's going to appeal. It's just too bad he's kind of a repellent human being to begin with, kind of hard to drum up sympathy for a guy that bitches about the Jews so much.

Cainad (dec.)

Thread title lead me to believe that someone had been thrown into Troll Jail.