Reader Report: NZ Politics - Why National have my vote

Started by Pæs, April 03, 2014, 11:59:46 PM

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Published on one of NZ's two major news sites.

Quote from: JOJO MADDRENLabour needs the Greens and New Zealand First to even think about forming a government.

The Greens, if they ever got to any real political power, would destroy the wellbeing of New Zealand while attempting to save the country for all the sheep. But with the rest of the world busy cranking up the greenhouse gases, even the poor old Kiwi battler wouldn't survive under their rule.

For now, Labour has David Cunliffe but at the rate he's going in the opinion polls, it won't be long before we have another change of Labour leader. Just when we thought we had got rid of that fishy smell in Parliament, Shane Jones of SeaLord fame will step forward into the breech.

As for Winston Peters, since I met over him a year ago, there hasn't been a day gone by I haven thought of him. And I haven't thought about him today either.

So folks, why would you even think of changing a winning National team?

One which has led us through the great financial crisis to the promised land. That's the key issue which will get my vote: proven leadership in the tough times. QED.

Crowdsourced news ftw!