
The End of the World is Coming, and YOU MAY DIE

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Generation Y Can't I Do That

Started by GlompChomp, September 25, 2014, 04:38:55 AM

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Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: GlompChomp on September 26, 2014, 09:35:58 PM
Quote from: Pope Pixie Pickle on September 26, 2014, 09:30:31 PM
have we got precious little wanker bingo yet?

Not really real discordians has got to be on there somewhere...

Pixie if I dress up like a terrorist will that turn you on? I want to see your tits, those big brown eyes are sexy as f

Now he's just showed himself to be the 4chan basement dwelling /b/tard he truly is..

Pope Pixie Pickle


Doktor Howl

Glompchomp has been temp banned to stop the behavior.  The admin group will decide what to do with him long term.
Molon Lube

Pope Pixie Pickle

FEMEN  are a bunch of fucking sock puppets anyway.

Pope Pixie Pickle

yada yada yada the rest of whatever he typed

Pope Pixie Pickle

Pope Pixie Pickle

Pope Pixie Pickle

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Brother Nihil on September 26, 2014, 09:58:41 PM
Of course GlompChomp, this "Discordianism" is part of the pseudo-counterculture that poses no threat to ZOG corruption; indeed, it is often an agent of their agenda (see CIA involvement in 60s conterculture, FEMEN, Pussy Riot, etc.). The real counterculture in the age of Yahoudi liberal international capitalism is National Socialism and Aryanism.

David Myatt explained this decades ago:

QuoteThe reality is that a world-wide capitalist tyranny has been created, with the peoples of the West made for the most part docile through materialism and "entertainment" and "sport" and "personal pursuits", with their opinions formed for them by The State, its educational system, politicians, and the Media – especially television and newspapers. The individual has become subservient to The State in thought, word and deed. Basically, the individual is now mostly powerless before the might of The State.

Of course, the majority do not see this, duped as they are and have been by The System with its trickery of "democracy" and "rights". In addition, some dissent and "rebellion" is allowed, and even encouraged – so long as it doesn't threaten in any real way the ideas and the control of The System. Those individuals, groups, organizations who do or who may pose a serious threat to The System are dealt with, often by those organizations being outlawed, and their leaders and members being tried according to some tyrannical State law and put into prison for a long time.

(Read more of Myatt's writing here)

As for yourself, you may not be interested in Aryan Revolution or race war, but they are interested in you...

So tell me, PD...Is this filth the PD you wanted?  Is it the PD you need?  In a more civilized time, we hanged Nazis.  Now we must tolerate their "ideas"?

To hell with that.  Cast them out.
Molon Lube

Pope Pixie Pickle

I've been No Platform'ing them all afternoon roger :D

Pope Pixie Pickle


Raz Tech

"If you waste your time a-talkin' to the people who don't listen,
To the things that you are sayin', who do you think's gonna hear."
"And if you should die explainin' how the things that they complain about,
Are things they could be changin', who do you think's gonna care?"

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Raz Tech on September 26, 2014, 11:02:18 PM
"If you waste your time a-talkin' to the people who don't listen,
To the things that you are sayin', who do you think's gonna hear."
"And if you should die explainin' how the things that they complain about,
Are things they could be changin', who do you think's gonna care?"

Your Waylon Jenning song pairs wicked well with your constant need for attention.

Like moldy cheddar cheese and pruno.
Molon Lube

Pope Pixie Pickle

I wonder if Raz has actually ever tried to engage with a fat beer swelling bonehead, the worst collection of walking tattoo flash art and nationalist cliches on no neck bullies who actively target women of colour; white women who dare disagree and make them look like dunces ALL whilst claiming that islam is sexist. THEN they get in a flap about halal meat being served in Subway when the first thing they do after getting out of the pub is have a fecking doner kebab? I mean if you aren't a vegetarian your moral stance on that is pretty fucking shaky.