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Chaos Poems

Started by gnimbley, December 30, 2004, 10:40:43 PM

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[This is the first in a planned series of twenty-three.]

Before the beginning
the void was emptied
erased like forgotten sands
paved over with vacuity
satiated with emptiness

Pregnant with song
the silent voice skitters
across the missing surface
scratching her thumbnail
against endless nothing

Faltering they join
in disjointed reverie
masticated spirits
born of the edge between
possibility and uncertainty

Expelled into creation
the cold, cold vacuum
stirs broken memories
of things never past
and nothing yet to be

Time falls and it begins

agent compassion

...and then I woke up.


'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon


just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


Poetry scatters through the air
The rain falls
To a gray world
The colors swirl
A drunken Apollo dances a tune
In an endless changing world
That turns and moves by the whim of words
Magic spells
Eternal life and death
Discordant harmony
Order and chaos

Hotsuma eats gnome shit.

East Coast Hustle

Hotsuma may eat gnome shit, but he's not the only one around here who thinks...nay, knows that poetry sucks rancid goat-ass...

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


mass poetry = instant phail.


Quote from: That Communist Bastardpoetry sucks rancid goat-ass

is that not weirdly poetic in it's own right? (or write for you lennon fans)
What makes it so? Making it so is what makes it so.


The Continued Adventures of Bionicle Mcgonicle - Jonathan Berman

The continued adventures of Bionicle Mcgonical Bionicle Mcgonical, the exemplar of sardonical; He wrote a book, to the shelves quickly it took. But the public is wary of that which is out of the ordinary And refused to read the novel.
“I’ll force them!” he confirmed, karate only recently learned, Of brute strength I have plenty! Though my gas tank is quite empty, and I haven’t left home in three years!
The question he pondered, as down his halls he did wander; that he could not reach the public was feared? “I’ll bring them here.” So when they are near, I can make them to read my great works!
A great party he planned, with halls deck in a manner quite grand. He was rather happy, but then he felt (cruddy) because he forgot the guest list.
He checked his address book, but after but one look, he broke down, and cried. “I’ve been such a misanthrope!” He exclaimed, “Not a single name is named; not a single friend have I!”
He search frantically for a phone-directory, but he had not phone and cried out for this inequity. “Why great gods of Olympus, must my life be such a trite fuss?”
“Why can’t I have it easy at all? Every time I get up, I just seem to fall! No opportunity have I wasted in life, no experience passed up no matter the strife! Is that it, do you want me to die?! Life with no one share to share it tastes of bitter lye!!”
End of this long speech goddess Eris appeared. Oddly enough she was sporting a beard. She tossed him an apple made of purest gold. Carved into its face “KALLISTI” in bold.
With that she was gone, and in her thunderous wake, Mcgonical knew what to do, for Eris’s sake. He took down the balloons, ribbons, and streamers. The hats, tables, and paintings (for the dreamers). When this was done, he had exhausted himself, and slept peacefully within the great dome.
Upon the morning, he took a great step; he released his book via Internet. There weirdoes could download without fees, it became a best-seller if that term can be applied to something gratis. [graah-teez]
"I do not believe you can catch me for I am super freaky." ~Artie the Strongest Man... In the World
"Ignore what my blog says-- Its for normals."


The other day I when to the past;

The trip there was fast;

but it did not last;

for much time.

Then I returned to the present;

and ate cooked pheasant;

with lime.

With the dial turned to yellow

I met a fellow

who was quite mellow,

for that era;

he was a terra(or);

at the local pubs.

Several jugs

he would down,

and then he would frown,

for in vomit he almost drowned,

on fatefull day.

I traveled to the future,

where I needed a sucher,

for my lacerated neck wound.

The surgeons suggested,

that after I rested,

I should become a mime.

For my laryx was crushed,

when I had rushed,

to Twenty-Twenty-Nine.
"I do not believe you can catch me for I am super freaky." ~Artie the Strongest Man... In the World
"Ignore what my blog says-- Its for normals."


^ Now THAT is proper poetry.


Quote from: Solitaire^ Now THAT is proper poetry.

it still sucks.


It sucks?

QuoteThen I returned to the present;

and ate cooked pheasant;

with lime.

How can a poem containing these lines suck? Just look at the many-layered complexities, the deep metaphor, the wry social criticism of today's world contained within the lines! This is an incredibly articulate piece of writing that works on many levels. The writer's deepest subconscious tumult is carried across in the rhythmic, yet irregular sporadic bursts of raw emotion!


Social criticisms and deep metaphors suck.  Which is ironic, because saying a concept sucks is in itself metaphor.


Quote from: SolitaireIt sucks?

QuoteThen I returned to the present;

and ate cooked pheasant;

with lime.

How can a poem containing these lines suck? Just look at the many-layered complexities, the deep metaphor, the wry social criticism of today's world contained within the lines! This is an incredibly articulate piece of writing that works on many levels. The writer's deepest subconscious tumult is carried across in the rhythmic, yet irregular sporadic bursts of raw emotion!

Too philsophical a response to my 'poetry' methinks.
There were plenty smarter
thank Jean-paul Satre,
And there wasn't anything Nitche
Couldn't teach ye
That I did not learn
in elementary school.

I dare to mock,
John Locke,
and Plato was a fool.

If deCarte were correct,
he would not exist,
and Socrates was a tool.

And Marx?
What a lark(s),
with communistic rule.
"I do not believe you can catch me for I am super freaky." ~Artie the Strongest Man... In the World
"Ignore what my blog says-- Its for normals."


QuoteToo philsophical a response to my 'poetry' methinks.

Glad I can keep fooling people. My ability to write complete utter bullshit about other people's poems got me in the top 5 for my english literature exam :D