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Quadrennial Bias Check

Started by LMNO, November 06, 2015, 01:22:56 PM

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So, I do this every four years or so.  I find myself appalled by one team's candidates, and the other side is bad, but has some redeeming qualities.  It occurs to be that this is too easy, too simple.  So I play a game.

Is there a Republican candidate for president that has at least one good idea that might be a benefit for the country?

And.... Go.


Kaisch, perhaps unsurprisingly, has at least a couple of decent ideas:

Quoten December 2014, following the fatal police shootings of John Crawford III and Tamir Rice in Ohio, Kasich created the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board "to address what he described as frustration and distrust among some Ohioans toward their police departments, particularly among the black community."[87][88] The 23-member task force (with 18 members appointed by Kasich) was appointed in January 2015[89] and issued its 629-page final report and recommendations in April 2015.[90][91] The report recommended greater accountability and oversight for police agencies and officers, further community education and involvement in policing, and new use-of-force and recruitment, hiring, and training standards for police agencies.[90][91]

In April 2015, Kasich created the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board, a twelve-member board tasked (in conjunction with the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services and the Ohio Department of Public Safety) with developing statewide standards for the recruiting, hiring and screening of police officers, and for the use of force (including deadly force) by police.[87][92] The advisory board, the first of its kind in Ohio, was also tasked by Kasich with developing "model policies and best practice recommendations to promote better interaction and communication between law enforcement departments and their home communities."[87][93] In August 2015, the board issued its recommendations, which placed "an emphasis on the preservation of human life and restrict officers to defending themselves or others from death or serious injury."[94]

In August 2015, Kasich said that he was open to the idea of requiring police officers to wear body cameras.

QuoteKasich supports various criminal justice reform efforts; according to conservative Washington Post columnist George Will, Kasich "favors fewer mandatory minimum sentences and has instituted prison policies that prepare inmates for re-integration into communities."[99] In 2011, Kasich signed sentencing reform legislation which allowed judges to sentence defendants convicted of non-violent fourth- and fifth-degree felonies to "community-based halfway house facilities" instead of prison; expanded the earned credit system to allow inmates to reduce their sentences; and allowed felons who have already served 80 percent or more of their sentenced to be immediately released.[100]

In 2015, Kasich proposed a state budget including $61.7 million for addiction treatment services for prisoners.[101] In 2012, Kasich signed into law a bill, sponsored by Cleveland Democratic Senator Shirley Smith and Cincinnati Republican Senator Bill Seitz, easing the collateral consequences of criminal conviction.[102]

In September 2014, Kasich touted the Ohio's prison system's recidivism rate, which is one of the lowest in the nation.[103] U.S. Senator Rob Portman, a Republican, attributed a drop in Ohio's recidivism rate "to the bipartisan work of the state legislature, Governor Kasich, Ohio's reentry leaders and the success of programs made possible at the federal level by the Second Chance Act" (which Portman sponsored).


Rand has also talked alot about criminal justice reform.
"It is the dull man who is always sure, and the sure man who is always dull."
--H. L. Mencken