
He was a pretty good teacher, but he's also batshit insane and smells like ferret pee.

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Richter and Me, a Prohibition Tale (in installments)

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, February 05, 2016, 04:32:25 PM

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I was freebasing a hit of First Nation Privilege in the speakeasy booth over bad gin and a few musty lagers when it hit me.

"Fuck.  FUCK...."

"You finally hit too much of that crap?" Roger offhandedly mentioned.

"They cut our shi..." was about all I got out.  No good.  We got burned, and I has been hitting off a bag padded out with cultural appropriation.

"I need feathers."  My eyes were wide.  Stock straight, and trying to immitate a nickel I'd seen once.

"OK.  You're not new to this, ride it out.  And you sound like a tool."

"Some braids.  I don't care, I've ripped enough Irish through my nose, I'm the next best thing to Blackfoot..."  I was removng my trousers and improvising a breechclout from my shirt.  I was eyeing the barkeep's toupe for a scalp to hang from my belt.

"Cut teh crap.  Fast.  We've got work to do and I need you at least passing for professional"

"Don't make me pull a fucking rain dance!  I'm thunderbird material right now.  I need to use every part of a whole hobo to buckskin some..."

About then Roger kaiboshed my misbegotten high with a barstool.  I woke up in the trunk a few hours later a boot of the ford.
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on May 22, 2015, 03:00:53 AM
Anyone ever think about how Richter inhabits the same reality as you and just scream and scream and scream, but in a good way?   :lulz:

Friendly Neighborhood Mentat

The Good Reverend Roger

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on May 11, 2018, 12:58:24 PM
It certainly is still relevant.

Oh, yeah.

And I have some time coming up.  I'm still working the AI story, but I need to get my asshole demons on, too.
Molon Lube