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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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Current trends suggest it's Mark Francois, unless he's taking one for the team. He deleted his social media accounts this morning and, wouldn't you know it, he's a 54 year old former minister.

Nice to know that multiple accusations of raping someone isn't grounds for suspension from the Tory Party, however.


Suspension? Lets not blow things out of the water, its not like he voted against the party or something abhorrent like that
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Latest reporting is that Jacob Rees-Mogg knew about the allegations at least a month ago. He supposedly encouraged the woman in question to seek out the police, but obviously sitting on rape allegations for a month and doing nothing is not a good look.


Fortunately, fox is back in the headlines, minus "friend", but  with added Russian jazz. Also 3million worth of untendered corruption. With something silly from gove and one other, the rape may not be back in the headlines this week.

Was about to press post, had a text saying goves wife says she would be OK with dying. Not sure if that means as the designated sacrifice to hastur or just in general to get away from gove.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Updated Brexit guidelines, coming through

QuoteThe Sun has seen the doomsday classified document designed to kickstart ministers into a major planning operation to see off disaster. It reveals:

    One in 20 Town Halls could go bust in a second Covid wave, sparking social care chaos.
    The economic impact of the virus and Brexit could cause public disorder, shortages and price hikes.
    Troops may have to be drafted on to the streets to help the police in the worst-case scenario — 1,500 are already on stand by.
    Social distancing measures and masks will have to continue until 2021 regardless.
    Supplies of food and fuel are all under threat this Christmas if Dover becomes blocked.

Downing Street is pushing hard for a trade deal but is making  contingency plans for an "unruly" exit from the EU transition period at the end of December.

With trade talks looking set to go the wire, there is a risk they collapse — putting up trade barriers overnight on 1 January.

In that scenario planners believe France will force "mandatory controls on UK goods from day one" and between 40 and 70 per cent of hauliers travelling across the Channel may not be ready for this.

That could see flow between Dover and Calais down 45 per cent for three months, triggering long queues of HGVs in Kent.

QuoteIt could lead to shortages of the 30 per cent of our food imported from the EU as well as medicines, chemicals for drinking water purification and fuel supply.

This could trigger water rationing and even power cuts.

Food supply across the country would be hit by panic buying at Christmas, the busiest time of year.

There are also increasing fears in Whitehall that Covid-19 will return with a vengeance in the winter months.

The planners warned that "pandemic influenza, severe flooding, a Covid second wave and an unruly exit from the EU transition period could cause a systemic economic crisis with major impact on ­disposable incomes, unemployment, business activity, international trade and market stability."

It could be combined with likely "coordinated industrial action" as well as shortages risking public disorder and a mental health crisis that will hit the poorest hardest.


It seems to me that this is pretty much the same as the last set, with added plauge protocols. Now consider the recession as a force multiplier and full on riots are surely coming by January.

I don't think I've ever seen a disaster planned to happen quite like this. Either that, or there have been remotely competent people handling it so it didn't escalate so much. The latter is unlikely, while the former indicates a true transition to the horrible times. Because none of this is really new. Its just the stunning lack of progress from anyone, on anything is increasingly difficult to just ignore.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Tony Abbott being touted as trade thing.

I'm betting heavily that raab lost an onion eating contest with him and this was the stake. Either that or he just ate an onion in front of Johnson until he broke down and offered him a job to just go away.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I reckon it's so they can guarantee there won't be a trade deal with Australia, since everyone there fucking hates Tony Abbott. Of course, that might be the overall thinking, "give us a trade deal or we won't recall our negotiator" etc


Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Come on - everyone knows that the Australian option is just a negotiating tactic . . . isn't it???
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber


I mean, if you really wanted an Australian PM for some unknown reason, why not Kevin Rudd? He's fluent in Mandarin, for goodness sake.


So about that "there will probably be enough food" line...

QuoteThousands of British food businesses could be left without the correct labelling required to continue selling to the European Union and Northern Ireland after the UK government missed an industry deadline to advise them on what new rules they will have to follow.

Britain will leave the EU's trading rules at the end of this year, after which the labels that British food and drink businesses use will no longer be legally recognised on the continent.

UK trade associations repeatedly warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government that the end of August was the absolute deadline for issuing guidance that will allow them to produce new labels in time for January 1.

However, with just four months to go, they are still waiting for clarity from the UK government on the labelling rules they will have to follow in 2021.

The Johnny

Quote from: Cain on September 04, 2020, 02:06:58 PM
So about that "there will probably be enough food" line...

QuoteThousands of British food businesses could be left without the correct labelling required to continue selling to the European Union and Northern Ireland after the UK government missed an industry deadline to advise them on what new rules they will have to follow.

Britain will leave the EU's trading rules at the end of this year, after which the labels that British food and drink businesses use will no longer be legally recognised on the continent.

UK trade associations repeatedly warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government that the end of August was the absolute deadline for issuing guidance that will allow them to produce new labels in time for January 1.

However, with just four months to go, they are still waiting for clarity from the UK government on the labelling rules they will have to follow in 2021.

If the government actually wanted to do it, couldnt they sort it out in a week? How impossibly hard can it be if you hired the required experts?

This just seems like payback against Northern Ireland for not submitting to the Brexit, regardless of their own economical and human loses they will suffer.
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner


Quote from: The Johnny on September 04, 2020, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: Cain on September 04, 2020, 02:06:58 PM
So about that "there will probably be enough food" line...

QuoteThousands of British food businesses could be left without the correct labelling required to continue selling to the European Union and Northern Ireland after the UK government missed an industry deadline to advise them on what new rules they will have to follow.

Britain will leave the EU's trading rules at the end of this year, after which the labels that British food and drink businesses use will no longer be legally recognised on the continent.

UK trade associations repeatedly warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government that the end of August was the absolute deadline for issuing guidance that will allow them to produce new labels in time for January 1.

However, with just four months to go, they are still waiting for clarity from the UK government on the labelling rules they will have to follow in 2021.

If the government actually wanted to do it, couldnt they sort it out in a week? How impossibly hard can it be if you hired the required experts?

This just seems like payback against Northern Ireland for not submitting to the Brexit, regardless of their own economical and human loses they will suffer.
Even in the best case scenario of a deal being signed it no longer solves the customs issues (the UK is leaving the common market Jan 1st even if it had the most intimate of free trade agreements).

About 6 months back the UK gov kind of handwaved away the need and said any introduction to customs checks will be gradual as the infrastructure wont be in place and will take time.
France responded saying full checks will be there day 1.
Ireland is currently chartering every ship we can as we wont be able to send trucks across the UK, which puts us in the shit position of competing with the UK for shipping availability: If things get bad the UK will try to mitigate the issues by hiring more ships and increasing traffic at the ports, but they are finite and have limited availability.
Sleepless nights at the chateau