News: Better than a xylophone made out of live kittens that you play with a tazer.

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Introductions, Part VI: Welcome to Our PD Party

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, February 22, 2017, 02:51:48 AM

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Quote from: robinj on June 10, 2020, 03:26:35 PM
Quote from: Cain on June 10, 2020, 03:15:04 PM
Neither am I, but it was the pithiest example I can think of.

No no NO, you're supposed to double down and rant about how no-one has a sense of humour these days and if you say anything un-PC you'll be arrested and thrown in jail

Reeee stop denying my right to free expression you campus radical Corbynista.


Never thought i'd make a 2nd one of these, but then i also never thought i would ever feel any semblance of happiness in my life.

Time is weird. The past ten years have been, a wild ride of sorts. They left me bitter for a while, left me with scars that will never go away. I have seen shit, done shit. And most of all, i was trying to figure out what the fuck i was doing, and who the fuck i was. Looking back, i can see all the signs - but i didn't know what to look for back then. It was time well spent, but also time lost. For i was never myself, could never be.

So two years ago i just came out - to myself, to the world - and i was dropped like a hot potato by friends and family alike.

But i have no regrets. The years of zen & discordia, and being exposed to the best and worst of humanity; it all had given me the tools to survive frankentran mode for the first couple months. When i learnt the health care system doesn't really care much and would have me wait another year or two, i went to biohack this body on my own. My body my rules right? Things became clear once the brain soup was *right* - at last.

And after a while, i finally felt free, and like i was arriving somewhere. Just had to relearn everything. The hate didn't stop though. it got worse the more i began to think i can just live my life. But i refuse to play nice and just hide away.

Society tells you to "just be yourself" but then turns on a dime with a "oh but not like that" when you do it in a way that it doesn't approve of... fucking regressives everywhere. In hindsight, i should have known. But some things one never knows until one has experienced it.

2020? This fucking year... where to even start?
I guess i became (at least for now) some sort of lefty zenarchist trans-more-or-les-bian and most of my time i wonder how i can deconstruct heteronormative bullshit and create a safer world for the generation to come - or i desperately try to find some cute female clothes which are not fitted for perfectly slim and petite fuckdolls.

Whatever is going to happen - for once i feel like, at least it is gonna be *me* dealing with all of it. And so i figured, i might as well come back here, where the journey to self began a long time ago...

/taking it, one day at a time


and how did TGGR always put it? "or kill me"

Elder Iptuous

Hello, everybody.
My name is Iptuous, and this seems like a good year to pop in.
Hope everyone is healthy.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Elder Iptuous on June 12, 2020, 11:27:52 PM
Hello, everybody.
My name is Iptuous, and this seems like a good year to pop in.
Hope everyone is healthy.

Where the fuck have YOU been?
Molon Lube

Elder Iptuous

Still in Texas.
Doing life. Got divorced. Raising two boys. Getting married. Having a baby girl.
Growing another fantastic moustache.
Gaping at this world, laughing and weeping!


Elder Iptuous

Good to see you're still kicking around too.
And I'm glad that we are still concerned about the cat's penis after all these years.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Elder Iptuous on June 13, 2020, 09:39:30 PM
Good to see you're still kicking around too.
And I'm glad that we are still concerned about the cat's penis after all these years.

Hey.  It was a traumatic experience.
Molon Lube


*stares vacantly as spatula presses hard into burning burger on BBQ*




Ciao Ip, been keeping it clean for ya here, these guys are a mess.


I'm still really torn up about that cat's penis

Squid's cat has actually been dead for a few years now, but the penis went first and that's what concerns me so


Polter-pussy-pricks are the worst. Be careful.


Quote from: Cramulus on June 15, 2020, 02:36:04 PM
I'm still really torn up about that cat's penis

Squid's cat has actually been dead for a few years now, but the penis went first and that's what concerns me so

Maybe if it had its penis it would have lived longer.