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A challenge for all Bush-Haters

Started by Anonymous, January 20, 2005, 12:33:58 AM

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Demonica, Oracle of Doom

That was Brilliant LMNO!!!

Let's not forget the nicknames our illustrious presidential hijacker
uses.  This is from CNN:

He has called Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, "Pootie-Poot."


The should nix the inauguration  and send the money to the hurricane
victims relief.  Florida still hasn't received the funds promised.
I mean WTF he's already the dictator, why have an inauguration?

I don't hate Bush.................. I want to kill him.

"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."


Demonica, Oracle of Doom


When I see him on t.v.
I want to chop his hands off.......

I's just a thought

"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."


Perhaps we'd all be better off with a gnome for president.

Humans seem to have a bad track record in politics, and it dosen't seem to me like the chimpanzee we're trying right now is faring any better.

I suppose if the gnome dosen't work out, we might just be better off voting for Cthulhu.

Just saying.
This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make.... Yep.


gnimbley, the looney anti-american gnome, gives his take on Bush's
speech. As if anybody cares.

It was sirring rhetoric. Wonderfully dramatic. Full of all the right
sentiments. Filled with all the words we were taught in civics class
to admire. Liberty. Freedom. Peace. Dignity.

What it lacks is specifics. It promises all the right things. It also
reads like a civics paper, or a newspaper editorial just before going to
war. We will be a beacon of freedom. I see a thousand points of light.

I don't see anything that can not be interpreted a million different ways.
Every American politician says this stuff. It's generic. Means whatever
you want it to mean. Designed so you hear what you want to hear.

Quote from: BushAmerica's vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one.
This line jumps out at me. Isn't Bush's deepest belief Christianity? Is he
saying that the church and the state are one now?

Quote from: BushFrom the day of our founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights and dignity and matchless value because they bear the image of the maker of heaven and earth.
And is he saying here that we have some kind of divine imperative? That
it is God's will that we do what we do?

Quote from: BushSo it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.
Okay. So this is a specific. Sort of. But hasn't this been the stated "goal"
of every ideology and every movement since the dawn of time? The
Communists were going to free everyone from tyranny, too.

Quote from: BushThis is not primarily the task of arms, though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary.
Of course, "when necessary" and who our "friends" are is subject to
vast re-interpretation at any time. South Asia is our ally and has always
been our ally.

Quote from: BushAmerica will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal, instead, is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way.
I think this is in serious dispute. What is the definition of unwilling?
Combine this statement with the next quote...

Quote from: BushWe will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation, the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right.
...and we have a situation where we can define every "oppressed"
country as being full of people who are "willing" for us to liberate them.
Instead of this being a qualification upon our use of arms, a restriction
as it were, this is instead a blank check to go anywhere and do anything.
They are "always wrong" and we are "eternally right." You are either
with us or against us.

Quote from: BushAmerica will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains...
Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing for the next half hour.

Quote from: BushAll who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know the United States will not ignore your oppression or excuse your oppressors.
Ah. All you "oppressed" who are "willing" for us to free you, we are
coming. Is this not what he is saying? We "will not ignore your oppression
or excuse your oppressors." And how do we do that? By wimpy
sanctions, or by war?

The speech from this point out becomes a war speech. Stirring up
the people in readiness for going to war. It sounds to me like he
really is planning to expand the war. Up to now I have joked
about it, but I didn't really believe they were going to do it.

Today I do.


Quote from: BushMake the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself, and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.
This rhetoric reminds me of the stirring speeches from the Communists
and the Fascists. The State is more important than the individual. Yes,
Kennedy ask what can you do for your country. But he didn't ask you
to submerge your identity into the identity of the State.

Quote from: BushIn America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. This is the broader definition of liberty that motivated the Homestead Act, the Social Security Act and the GI Bill of Rights.
And now we shift gears to equate privitazation of part of Social Security
with freedom and the higher ideals of this country. God, you have to be
unAmerican to disagree with this guy. There is no room open for honest
disagreement and dissent.

Quote from: BushThat edifice of character is built in families, supported by communities with standards, and sustained in our nation life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people.
And once again the argument that religion is the foundation of the State.

Quote from: BushWe have known divisions, which must be healed to move forward in great purposes. And I will strive in good faith to heal them. Yet those divisions do not define America.
What is he saying when he says "those divisions do not define America?"
Does he mean that only one side is right?

Quote from: BushWe go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom, not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation; God moves and chooses as he wills."
A jab at the Marxists, and then a denial of our status as a "chosen
nation." I believe this is what is euphemistically referred to as
"plausible deniability." Bush didn't say he was divine. See! Look here.
Just because he is right and has God on his side doesn't have anything
to do with it.

Quote from: BushMay God bless you, and may he watch over the United States of America.
Because, as the old joke goes, nobody else is going to do it.

(BTW, gnomes make lousy presidents. Hell, I'd invade England if there
were cookies in it for me! Just saying.)


Heh.  My analysis was pwned (if that is the right 1337 term) by the gnomes.  Nice job, gnimbley.

What I liked was:

Quote from: gnimbley
Quote from: BushMake the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself, and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.
This rhetoric reminds me of the stirring speeches from the Communists
and the Fascists. The State is more important than the individual. Yes,
Kennedy ask what can you do for your country. But he didn't ask you
to submerge your identity into the identity of the State.

He sounds like he's pusing for the power of the state, for the people to be subservient to the state, but then he turns around & all but yells, "And now the State won't do shit for you when you get in trouble!"

Voice of Truth

Quote"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!"

Who said I was gone for good.  I prefer to think of this like Bush not going to the NAACP.  Why waste my time debating the issues with people who obviously don't have much respect for dissenting opinions and who, for the most part, simply use hateful trash to debate instead of valid points.  I mean, that one fucker said "I want to kill him".  Boy, that's nice.  I have better things to do than DEBATE politics with people who feel this way.  Again, there are a few of you who actually have some valid points, even if I don't agree, but they are few and far between.

And the joke about the gnome have a three cheeked ass for a face was good stuff.  And yes, I post from work.  I never said I was a goody two shoes, and to those of you who called me "rich boy", that was all too funny.  I drive a '93 Corsica and scrape to pay my bills so I can get educated and move up in life, but I'm far from there.  You guys don't even know what you are talking about.  And the best part is the next time I check this site there will two more pages of wonderfully nice insults lobbed at me because I happen to have a different outlook on life that you arrogant assholes.  For some people who think Bush is some kind of bigot and the Conservatives are only out for the rich, you guys sure are some really "accepting" people. :roll:   Cheerio!!
Such pain I feel for not being a Discordian...


Who ever said that Discordians are tolerant and accepting people?
When was this said?


Here's some common misconceptions I'd like to adress concerning Bush and the Republicans.
1- I am getting sick and tired about hearing that Bush has a "mandate" giving by the people. 51% (plus or minus 3-4 % margin of error)of the population is not a fuckin mandate.
2-This is not a 'Christian country". The First Amendment of the Constitution forbids it. This is a country that has a large christian population.
3-This country was not founded on "Christian values" unless you consider stealing Native American Land,enslaving africans,genocide,treaty breaking, Jim Crow Laws,lynching,segregation of the races,exploitive capitalism,and culturecide to be Christian Values"(which is apparently the case).
4-The culture wars that the social repubicans are fighting includes the very freedoms that we erisians hold so dear.The xtian right would love nothing better then to turn this country into a christian theocracy with their leaders as the Christian Taliban.
5-Bush and the Rest of the republicans have absolutely nothing in common with most  of the country.The republican party is composed primarily of white anglo-saxon protestant males.
6-Minorities are only tolerated in the Republican Party if the know their place. Powell,Rice, and Thomas are considers to be nothing more then 'House niggers from the Moteesa tribe"( for those who don't speak black Moteesa comes from black butlers asking their masters if they want "More Tea,Sir) by a good portion of my people. I am a field nigga and proud of it.
Vincent Sebastian Verthaine, K.S.C.
Omni-Belevolent Poly- Father of Hedonism In Black of The Erisian Holy City of the Discordian Parish of New Orleans.

Goddess-Son of Sssbela,Prophetess of Doom

Pastor of the Church of Eris,New Orleans

agent compassion

Quotewe might just be better off voting for Cthulhu.

Yeeah! At last, an HONEST politician, Cthulhu is!


QuoteWho ever said that Discordians are tolerant and accepting people?
When was this said?

 >:D  >:D  >:D

QuoteI drive a '93 Corsica and scrape to pay my bills

And MY car is a bus pass. So fucking what? You still support the screwing of the American people without lube...

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon


Quote from: Voice of Truth"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!"

Who said I was gone for good.  I prefer to think of this like Bush not going to the NAACP.  Why waste my time debating the issues with people who obviously don't have much respect for dissenting opinions and who, for the most part, simply use hateful trash to debate instead of valid points.  I mean, that one fucker said "I want to kill him".  Boy, that's nice.  I have better things to do than DEBATE politics with people who feel this way.  Again, there are a few of you who actually have some valid points, even if I don't agree, but they are few and far between.

And the joke about the gnome have a three cheeked ass for a face was good stuff.  And yes, I post from work.  I never said I was a goody two shoes, and to those of you who called me "rich boy", that was all too funny.  I drive a '93 Corsica and scrape to pay my bills so I can get educated and move up in life, but I'm far from there.  You guys don't even know what you are talking about.  And the best part is the next time I check this site there will two more pages of wonderfully nice insults lobbed at me because I happen to have a different outlook on life that you arrogant assholes.  For some people who think Bush is some kind of bigot and the Conservatives are only out for the rich, you guys sure are some really "accepting" people. :roll:   Cheerio!!

Yeah, martyr up all you want to, if that helps you sleep.  You brought your shit here and now you're pissed that a bunch of people you've continually insulted and talked down to don't want anything to do with your Truth?  Quelle surprise.  Christ-onna-bun, more than half the people here don't even BELIEVE in Truth!  Give it up, Sisyphus.  If you really want to debate certain members of the forum and can't stand anyone else butting in, well, that's why we have private messages.  Otherwise, yes, don't let the screen-door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
His Right Most Honorable Super Hella Reverend Llama Wishfart Rinpoche of the Church of Ed Gein (Deceased),
Temple of Cleveland

Voice of Truth

"You brought your shit here and now you're pissed that a bunch of people you've continually insulted and talked down to don't want anything to do with your Truth?"

I continually insulted?  Man, that's rich. :roll:   Every time I make one post I get 25 responses about how "brain-washed" I am and the latest comments about me being a "rich boy", apparently because I think capitalism is a good thing.  That's the biggest load of bs.  You'll be scooping up that load of shit for years to come, Wishyouhadintelligence.
Such pain I feel for not being a Discordian...


Quote from: Voice of Truth

I continually insulted?  
You'll be scooping up that load of shit for years to come, Wishyouhadintelligence.

And you say you're not a Discordian!?
His Right Most Honorable Super Hella Reverend Llama Wishfart Rinpoche of the Church of Ed Gein (Deceased),
Temple of Cleveland


Quote from: Voice of TruthIf there's one thing I can't stand, it's those who will only listen to their own point of view.



Quote from: Voice of TruthFor some people who think Bush is some kind of bigot and the Conservatives are only out for the rich, you guys sure are some really "accepting" people. :roll:   Cheerio!!