
Several times a month, I will be in a store aisle reaching for something and feel a hand going up the inside of my thigh. When I turn around to find myself alone with a woman, and ask her if she would prefer me to hold still so she can get a better feel for the situation, oftentimes she will act "shocked" claiming nothing had happened, it must be somebody else...

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A challenge for all Bush-Haters

Started by Anonymous, January 20, 2005, 12:33:58 AM

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"As President of these United States, I'd like to mispronunciate several things.  I'd like to thank Jesus Christ on a stick, and my own bad-ass daddy.  I'd like to thank Saddam, but Dick tells me to shut the Hell up about that.  See, like right now he's wavin' like a Wetback that's just got across the border and flippin' me off!  Hey, Dick!

Lots of people think I'm not their President.  How wrong they are!  I couldn't BE more Presidential!  We have an old saying in Texas: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but you can't put your Dick in. . . fool me. . .won't get fooled again!  

I'll conclude by saying that So-damn Insane better watch his ass, because we're comin for him!  What?  No, that ain't Saddam at Gitmo, that's Arab Santa Claus, shut up Dick.  Saddam, watch it!  Don't mess with Texas!"

There, now nobody needs to watch it.
His Right Most Honorable Super Hella Reverend Llama Wishfart Rinpoche of the Church of Ed Gein (Deceased),
Temple of Cleveland


Quote from: Voice of TruthWell to those who won't watch it, feel free to never use the "close-minded" label on me ever again. :wink:

I dunno.  I think I'd rather be labelled "close-minded to the lies of a proven opportunistic, genocidal assbag like Bush" than be labelled "so freakin gullible I'll believe whatever he says at a $40mil bash where everyone is doing their level best to keep him from looking like the assbag the rest of the country already knows he is."
Elves suck.
Yeah, I said it, I went there.  Whatcha gonna do?


You may want to watch it for  this alone.


The first post of this thead, seems to assume that all "Bush-haters" supported the Democratic Party, or John Kerry. This assumption would be inaccurate. Many people only supported Kerry out of general fear and loathing of Bush, and some abstained or voted third party because they found that selecting between the major candidates would be a "lesser of the two evils", etc.

It also assumes that all, or at least most "Bush-haters" do not attempt to be informed about the positions and values of politicians they disagree with. This again would be inaccurate.

Personally, I know where Bush stands... I have kept track of his decisions, speeches, and related news. And being that I know where he stands, I will not, and did not support him. Niether would I have supported Kerry, because I had also kept track of him, and did not entirely trust him, even though I am a so-called "liberal".   I have issues and values that I care about, and I can't trust any of the major candidates to represent them.

People can be a lot more complicated than political propaganda make them seem....
This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make.... Yep.

Lord Trout

Quote from: Voice of Truth"he is a dirty fuckbag liar who is seriously undermining everything America stands for".

Always with the propaganda?
Interesting that it's "Propaganda" if one of us say it, but the "Gods' Honest Truth" if one of you neocons say it. What you see above is an opinion, voiced openly and clearly. That is not propaganda. If you want to see honest-to-god propaganda, it is really easy to find. Tune in to Fox News.

Quote from: ScribeYou may want to watch it for  this alone.
I'd be surprised if that made it to the screen. Maybe on CBS (or the Internet), but I doubt any other network would broadcast those images.
Well, shit.


Quote from: EraPassing
Quote from: Voice of TruthWell to those who won't watch it, feel free to never use the "close-minded" label on me ever again. :wink:

I dunno.  I think I'd rather be labelled "close-minded to the lies of a proven opportunistic, genocidal assbag like Bush" than be labelled "so freakin gullible I'll believe whatever he says at a $40mil bash where everyone is doing their level best to keep him from looking like the assbag the rest of the country already knows he is."

Well fecking put.

Quote from: wishfarple"As President of these United States, I'd like to mispronunciate several things. I'd like to thank Jesus Christ on a stick, and my own bad-ass daddy. I'd like to thank Saddam, but Dick tells me to shut the Hell up about that. See, like right now he's wavin' like a Wetback that's just got across the border and flippin' me off! Hey, Dick!

Lots of people think I'm not their President. How wrong they are! I couldn't BE more Presidential! We have an old saying in Texas: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but you can't put your Dick in. . . fool me. . .won't get fooled again!

I'll conclude by saying that So-damn Insane better watch his ass, because we're comin for him! What? No, that ain't Saddam at Gitmo, that's Arab Santa Claus, shut up Dick. Saddam, watch it! Don't mess with Texas!"

There, now nobody needs to watch it.

Have my kids
Chaplin Sinatra Fonzarelli, G.G.L.F., C.L.F., L.F.L.F., R.M.S.T.A., R.P.C.V., N.C.c., T.R.R.R., W.I.T.C.H., W.P.P., V.P.D.F.Y.S., S.C.U.M., I.G.R.S.A.F.D.S.K.S.K.J.J.J.S.Y.Y.D.F.D.K.D.S.F.K.S.D.K.J.L.K.F.G.K.S.D.G.G.J.R.J.S.T.S and other various divisions of the Maude Senger cabal of the Pantheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric, and President for Life of the Holy Empire of Ayatollah Discordiolla



Quote from: AnonymousI challenge all of you who hate Bush so much and think he is the worst thing since Hitler to listen to his inaugural speech tomorrow.  




agent compassion

Quotehe is trying to spread. Shit...

That's the most accurate thing you've ever said about GWB. You can stop now, there's nowhere to go but down from here.

And I won't be watching the speech because I've got midterms to take.

So there, you close-minded conservative cocksocket. How's that for alliteration?

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

agent compassion

Quote from: SheckyInteresting that it's "Propaganda" if one of us say it, but the "Gods' Honest Truth" if one of you neocons say it.



'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

President Bush

You all should watch my speech tomorrow. It'll be MY BEST ONE YET. I've been working REALLY HARD on it.

"What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position.'' —George W. Bush, as quoted by Molly Ivins, the San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 21, 2000

"God loves you, and I love you. And you can count on both of us as a powerful message that people who wonder about their future can hear."—Los Angeles, Calif., March 3, 2004


I am sorry VoT, but I am not a Bush hater. I am more of a
Bush intense disliker with a dash of malaprop envy mixed in.
Just how does he do that, anyway? I have been trying to invent
new words for stuff all my life and the only one I have come up
with so far is viscifrop. It's that little bit of skin that, well, look
it up sometime.

Anyway, I will be busy at noon slaving away so the American
economy won't be derailed by idlers who leech off hard-working
Americans. Wouldn't want to be accused of being a slacker.
Maybe I can find a bar at noontime where they can put it up
on the TV. Maybe they will have closed caption so I can read
somebody misspell his mispronounciations. Or maybe they
will have the latest WWE Smackdown. About that same, isn't it?

Anyway, good luck with the positive reinforcement of your way
of thinking. I hope you get little inauguration goosebumps all

And no looking at Laura's tits! Naughty VoT. You should be
ashamed of yourself.

(BTW, I love you, man. You are such an inspiration. Don't take
it personally though. gnomes aren't into that kind of sex.
Humans are so greasy. Yuck!)

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Quote from: President BushYou all should watch my speech tomorrow. It'll be MY BEST ONE YET. I've been working REALLY HARD on it.
Like Bush ever wrote anything in any of his speeches.  Clinton may have had trouble keeping his dick in his pants, but he wrote his own speeches and he could even enunciate all the words. :?

Rev Thwack

I kind of stopped worrying about it since Bush and the rest of the US Government don't exist in my reality. I figure that if they do then maby one day I'll care.
My balls itch...

Zurtok Khan

QuoteWell to those who won't watch it, feel free to never use the "close-minded" label on me ever again.

I still think you're a close minded cocksocket (thank you AgComp, I love you more then the gnome).

In my mind anyone who supports Bush must support at least one of these things:

1) Gay Marriage is Evil
2) War is Good
3) No proof = GWB must be right
4) Bigotry
5) The Slaughter of the English Language
6) The Down Fall of the American Education System (you know, the No Child Left Unfucked Act)
7) An even bigger national debt
8) Ruining our protected wildlife reserves (My good hell, Leavitt is the biggest shitfuck.  He was Gov. of Utah for awhile, and really did his best to shit on the Marshlands here, and it was the EPA that stoped him)
9) More oil!
10) More money for GWB and Dick

There are two people I like in Bush's current cabinent.  Colin Powell (who is leaving because Bush fucked with him), and Ms. Rice.  Powell  scoring a big fat 10, and Rice getting a 5 or 6.

On a different note I was watching Bill O'Riely today (I like Bill, he's one of the few news-type people on TV with more then 1 brain cell) and Zell Miller was on.  Zell Miller is a scary scary scary man.  His accent made me want to crawl out of my skin.  Ewww.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain


Quote from: Lord Trout
Quote from: ScribeYou may want to watch it for  this alone.
I'd be surprised if that made it to the screen. Maybe on CBS (or the Internet), but I doubt any other network would broadcast those images.

Ah, I forgot about the wonderously free press of the US.  Over here, its common place to show the screwups of our leaders.  All though that is becoming less and less common place.  Like when they passed the Freedom of Information law, and the ministries started shredding papers en masses before it took effect. Anyway,  I hear Bush will be talking about freedom.  Let the contradictions roll....