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Lost Mines of Phandelver

Started by Bu🤠ns, March 17, 2018, 05:22:36 AM

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So I've never played a tabletop RPG before -- ever.  But, on a whim began watching Matt Colville's Running the Game series on YT and, later, Critical Role. So now I'm hooked. I got the Starter Set, Lost Mines of Phandelver, for XMAS and we recently began running the campaign for my wife, son and daughter. My son is 13 and daughter is 11.

So I figured I'll share what transpires.
Painted some minis:

  • Son is a duergar fighter with a wiping issue.
  • Daughter plays a half-elf cleric trickster domain (acolyte of Loki). She even uses the Loki Pop Vinyl figure as her holy symbol
  • Wife plays a scourge aasimar paladin with a pet tiger.

Since this is a learning experience for all of us, we have had some incidents...

First session:
Daughter's passive perception is 12 which matched the ability to detect a snare trap. She says, "i step into the trap anyway"

Took 1d6 blugeoning damage for no good reason.

Second Session:
Our heroes enter the Cragmaw Cave (goblin hideout led by a bugbear named Klarg). Immediately upon entering there's a side area that has a window one can look/crawl through to view the "boss" area area. Upon a successful climb, my son, a duergar fighter, says, "I pull down my pantaloons and take it to browntown" I say, okay make an athletics check...THE DAMMED SPAWN ROLLS A NATURAL 20.

His "character's flaw" is that he doesn't wipe properly and so manages to build up enough pressure to chuck the projectile through the window, into the adjacent room NAILING Klarg on the head who just happens to be walking out in front of a smoldering camp fire.

At this point I'm >forced< to determine the damage for a ranged dookie. I just shrugged and went with 2d6 (after all it /was/ a critical hit). Does 9 damage and knocks him into the camp fire doing an additional 1d6 for a grand total of 13 damage.

Don Coyote

Quote from: Bu☆ns on March 17, 2018, 05:22:36 AM

First session:
Daughter's passive perception is 12 which matched the ability to detect a snare trap. She says, "i step into the trap anyway"

Took 1d6 blugeoning damage for no good reason.

Second Session:
Our heroes enter the Cragmaw Cave (goblin hideout led by a bugbear named Klarg). Immediately upon entering there's a side area that has a window one can look/crawl through to view the "boss" area area. Upon a successful climb, my son, a duergar fighter, says, "I pull down my pantaloons and take it to browntown" I say, okay make an athletics check...THE DAMMED SPAWN ROLLS A NATURAL 20.

His "character's flaw" is that he doesn't wipe properly and so manages to build up enough pressure to chuck the projectile through the window, into the adjacent room NAILING Klarg on the head who just happens to be walking out in front of a smoldering camp fire.

At this point I'm >forced< to determine the damage for a ranged dookie. I just shrugged and went with 2d6 (after all it /was/ a critical hit). Does 9 damage and knocks him into the camp fire doing an additional 1d6 for a grand total of 13 damage.

It sounds like your kids are a menace to society, which is in keeping with PCs throughout the ages, and that you are so far doing an excellent job GMing.


Hey man thanks! The most common advice I've been given since I started dming is to make sure that everybody at the table has a good time.

And yes they're absolute Hooligans lol

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