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The World Finally Catching Up (new old shit)

Started by LHX, May 06, 2018, 10:46:44 PM

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Peace Fams -

Was digging thru the digital crates when I stumbled across this gem:

Occurred to me that back in the day, we had a lot of cool insights like this floating around and giving insight to the innate flaws and flexibilities of language -

Something that I recollect waxing philosophically and having a blast with y'all about over the years -

We made our own garbage headlines and spread them out - lots of yuks to be had -

Thing now is: kinda get the feeling that this is getting to be more prevalent in media in general, perhaps from the 'more fun than you really wanted' angle -

I know there is a high level of general media skepticism in these parts (this may come across as preaching to the choir), but it feels more and more like most news outlets (at least of the political inclination) are just mailing it in these days -

Not to get all nostalgic about the past, but I feel like at least they tried to make the scandals and conspiracies seem legitimate back in the day -

Maybe it's an artifact of having the Internet around this long -

Who knows -

Maybe what I'm feeling is that fake news is more fun when it's not blatantly coming from the actual news -


(PS - I dont know how to input images in a forum post anymore - bear with me if that dont work)

(PS pt II - yea - I cant figure it out - there is a link instead)
neat hell

Doktor Howl

None of this may apply if you're the president, no matter how hard you try.  :sadbanana:

Also, "more fun than you really wanted" falls into the "too much is always better than not enough", even if it's really too much.

Personally, I am LAUGHING UNTIL MY GUTS BLEED.  I may in fact eject an organ or two.  What's going on right now is an obvious JOKE, and it's up to us to UNDERSTAND THE PUNCHLINE.  This entire decade is basically one of those memes with the guy riding the bike, poking a stick in the spokes, and then blaming something totally unrelated, except now it applies to EVERYBODY.  Or even better yet, that meme were the dude shoots the guy on the couch, and then says "Why would <insert unrelated group> do that?"

Leaving aside the obvious hilarity with the forces of reaction and their mango Mussolini, the biggest laughs to be had are the "opposition" which are basically acting like Scotland.  Here come the bad guys, we'd best discredit everyone on our side AND WHY WOULD THE CONSERVATIVES DO SUCH A THING?  I mean, I could point at what happened to Al Franken, but that's just the most famous case.  We can't fight the bad guys, because NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO BE GOOD and we are better than people, so we won't allow non-good people to be on our side.  And then it's off to the Premium Mediocrity™ races, where nobody actually does anything and the bad guys win.

So this wasn't brought to us by the Russians or the Christian Right, this wasn't brought to us by the media, this was brought to us BECAUSE WE SCREAMED FOR IT AND WOULDN'T TAKE "NO" for an answer.

So bring on the ridiculous scandals.
Molon Lube


"put on the gasoline boots

walk thru hell!"

starting to get the feeling that maybe its time to get to work formulating a garbage clean-up strategy for when the party is over -
neat hell


Hey cousin LHX!  Long time no see.  You should know that even all this time later, your piece Toxicity still rings some bells with me--anything could be toxic in the right amount! Story of my life :P

Anyway -- yeah, it's funny to see some of our old ideas unfolding apart from us. I was reflecting on the Adam Weishaupt Society the other day.. we were playing at making fake news for the sake of fake news. We saw how easy it was, you just have to base articles on the principle of attention instead of information. Years later, that seems not so much like just a fun game, but something fundamentally wrong with the media engine, and it would be uncouth to accelerate it further.


Maybe I give us too much credit, but I feel like we were prepping for it, and now we're somewhat inoculated to the bullshit media absurdity being thrown around.


See I kinda feel the opposite.  I think the news has been fairly fake forever but they are just getting worse at it now, which is generally a good thing.  More and more people are starting to realize that you can't trust the news, this has always been true, maybe slightly less true back then, but which would you prefer, someone who lies to you all the time or someone who usually tells the truth, except when he really wants to pull one over on you?

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Pergamos on May 08, 2018, 06:08:42 PM
See I kinda feel the opposite.  I think the news has been fairly fake forever but they are just getting worse at it now, which is generally a good thing.  More and more people are starting to realize that you can't trust the news, this has always been true, maybe slightly less true back then, but which would you prefer, someone who lies to you all the time or someone who usually tells the truth, except when he really wants to pull one over on you?

Who has an interest in us not being able to trust anything?
Molon Lube


I'm not sure, but we never really have been able to trust anything, it's just that now they don't seem to be trying as hard to make it seem like we should.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Pergamos on May 10, 2018, 02:55:41 AM
I'm not sure, but we never really have been able to trust anything, it's just that now they don't seem to be trying as hard to make it seem like we should.

You can trust lots of things.  It's just that none of those things benefit you or I.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Cramulus on May 07, 2018, 03:42:06 PM
Hey cousin LHX!  Long time no see.  You should know that even all this time later, your piece Toxicity still rings some bells with me--anything could be toxic in the right amount! Story of my life :P

Anyway -- yeah, it's funny to see some of our old ideas unfolding apart from us. I was reflecting on the Adam Weishaupt Society the other day.. we were playing at making fake news for the sake of fake news. We saw how easy it was, you just have to base articles on the principle of attention instead of information. Years later, that seems not so much like just a fun game, but something fundamentally wrong with the media engine, and it would be uncouth to accelerate it further.

yoooooooo what up Cramulus!!!

great to see your keystrokes

Quote from: LMNO on May 08, 2018, 02:26:50 PM
Maybe I give us too much credit, but I feel like we were prepping for it, and now we're somewhat inoculated to the bullshit media absurdity being thrown around.

yes - i agree - almost reminds me a bit of that movie with Rowdy Roddy Piper when he started seeing shit that other people didnt see -

thinking about this more, i reckon a big reason for the prevalence of this being visible now has entirely to do with the Internet and the phenomenon of just being inundated with information -

the elusive relationship between 'language' and 'things that actually happen' is a surprisingly large sandbox to play in / get lost in -

seems to be the sandbox that drove Wittgenstein crazy ("if there is no elephant in the room, then what elephant am i talking about?!")
same sandbox that Derrida seems to have tried to coax people into to drive them crazy (and seems to have built his entire career off of)

its hard to see 'news' as anything other than some sort of variety show featuring people reporting things that may or may not have happened in a serious tone of voice
neat hell

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LHX on May 10, 2018, 10:26:36 PM

yes - i agree - almost reminds me a bit of that movie with Rowdy Roddy Piper when he started seeing shit that other people didnt see -

Only he didn't fap to it, because he wasn't serious about havin' a good time.
Molon Lube


~Rev. Jesus "H" Christ

HMGMA #D-1-10535-13
Episkopos, Flying Squirrels on Fire Cabal []
Ordained Minister, Church of the Latter-Day Dude
Minister, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Reverend, United Church of Bacon
Minister, Universal Life Church
Clergy, Spiritual Humanist Church
Reverend, Open Ministry
Legionnaire, SORPOEE
Legionnaire, Cabal of Cabbage(tm)
Member, Satanic Temple
Member, Secular Student Alliance
Citizen, Aerican Empire

Answer our survey for a chance* to win one free miracle of your choice!


I think that the fundamental problem of our new era is discovering how, in a world of mass communication, to get someone, or many ones, to shut the fuck up.

Back in the day, you could, in fact, fight ideas with bullets. In fact, this was very easy, because ideas would inevitably sprout in one area, then take a good decade or so to spread as people slowly walked from place to place and spread it. You could, conceivably, strangle an idea in its cradle with sheer manpower. But suddenly, once trains happened and people could discreetly be halfway across the country in a week, this became very hard, because someone could stir up trouble in one place, disappear, then suddenly pop up somewhere else to cause even more trouble. And then you have a movement, and that movement can move fast. As of the last decade, you don't even have to get out of your thinkin' chair. Post your hot opinion on Tumblr and half the world will see it in short order.

It was around this time that liberalism and the virtues of debate started to get popular, in part because anti-liberals suddenly found themselves unable to make the liberals shut the fuck up. The liberals, with dubious logic and usually citing no sources whatsoever, claimed that, to make someone shut the fuck up, you have to convince them that they're wrong. This, clearly, was a ruse, because people have been arguing about everything for the entire history of mankind, and that's basically never worked. But, with circular logic, they convinced everyone that they must have a point, because nobody can get them to shut the fuck up.

It took the last century for people to get that you can't beat an idea out of existence, and, look at the n00b playing prophet here, it will take this century for people to get that you can't argue it out of existence, either.

So, if you can't use brute force, and you can't debate about it, us folk of today are faced with a question:
How do you get someone to shut the fuck up?

Doktor Howl

Quote from: bpseudopod on May 25, 2018, 08:28:21 PM
I think that the fundamental problem of our new era is discovering how, in a world of mass communication, to get someone, or many ones, to shut the fuck up.

Back in the day, you could, in fact, fight ideas with bullets. In fact, this was very easy, because ideas would inevitably sprout in one area, then take a good decade or so to spread as people slowly walked from place to place and spread it. You could, conceivably, strangle an idea in its cradle with sheer manpower. But suddenly, once trains happened and people could discreetly be halfway across the country in a week, this became very hard, because someone could stir up trouble in one place, disappear, then suddenly pop up somewhere else to cause even more trouble. And then you have a movement, and that movement can move fast. As of the last decade, you don't even have to get out of your thinkin' chair. Post your hot opinion on Tumblr and half the world will see it in short order.

It was around this time that liberalism and the virtues of debate started to get popular, in part because anti-liberals suddenly found themselves unable to make the liberals shut the fuck up. The liberals, with dubious logic and usually citing no sources whatsoever, claimed that, to make someone shut the fuck up, you have to convince them that they're wrong. This, clearly, was a ruse, because people have been arguing about everything for the entire history of mankind, and that's basically never worked. But, with circular logic, they convinced everyone that they must have a point, because nobody can get them to shut the fuck up.

It took the last century for people to get that you can't beat an idea out of existence, and, look at the n00b playing prophet here, it will take this century for people to get that you can't argue it out of existence, either.

So, if you can't use brute force, and you can't debate about it, us folk of today are faced with a question:
How do you get someone to shut the fuck up?

Oh, that's easy.  You just fucking KILL ME! :rogpipe:
Molon Lube