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Bad Neighbors

Started by Abbot Mythos, October 20, 2018, 03:28:00 AM

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Abbot Mythos

Tennessee Man Attacked Son With Chainsaw, Lost leg When son ran him Over With Lawnmower: Police

As per the article:

"A Tennessee man attacked by his chainsaw wielding father ran over the older man's leg with a lawnmower while defending himself, police said.

Officers were called to a home in Bristol, Tennessee, on June 28, and found Douglas Ferguson, 76, with head and leg injuries, according to a press release from the Sullivan County Sheriff's Office cited by the Bristol Herald Courier.

After investigating the incident, police believe that Ferguson attempted to attack his son with a running chainsaw while he was mowing the lawn."

Here's a link:

This happened a while back, but I only read about it the other day.

And here I thought some of my neighbors were cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. The crazy lady across the street, who was recently evicted for constantly fighting with her husband and her boyfriend, has nothing on this family!