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Frida Kahlo and Cthulhu walk into a bar...

Started by Al Qədic, January 21, 2019, 04:40:21 AM

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Al Qədic

...and then The Great Dreamer takes a few shots of tequila and pulls out his accordion.

Alright, so, some years ago, I happened upon a black and white surrealist photo of an octopus sat atop a barstool, with its tentacles around an accordion, and Frida Kahlo beside him at the bar, watching fondly. For no reason other than Eris wanting to fuck with my head (I presume, that kinky bitch), I remember that this image even exists. But alas, I saved it on and old phone, and no longer have the picture.

So I do some googling; I find the picture. But now, there's no Frida. Just Cthulhu with his accordion, and a blurry bartender behind the greyscaled bar. I find who made the original, sans-Frida image, and now I feel dumb for thinking she was part of the original picture in the first place. Duh.  :lulz:

But now I have to wonder...where's Frida? This image isn't super popular, so I'd think that any results of it would pull up one instance of Frida at the bar with the Great Old One. But no. Nothing. I'm not good at searching for things extensively, but this is fucking weird.

Anyone able to find Frida? This simply feels like an absurd wrong that must be righted. Here's the original image, in all its octopodal glory. Thanks, all. Share a pint with your local eight-armed aquatic friend when you're able. I'm sure Frida misses hers.
There is no reason to,
Be ashamed of poetry. It,
Is natural. But you should,
Still do it in private,
And wash your hands afterward.


Couldn't find a copy that included Frida, and I did a pretty deep scrape...

Al Qədic

Quote from: Cramulus on January 21, 2019, 03:32:20 PM
Couldn't find a copy that included Frida, and I did a pretty deep scrape...
Drat. Well, thanks kindly for the attempt, Cram. Much appreciated. Frida will be missed. I know I'm not misremembering this, though...I blame Greyface. Damn him and his nonsense revisionism. :argh!:
There is no reason to,
Be ashamed of poetry. It,
Is natural. But you should,
Still do it in private,
And wash your hands afterward.