
Don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate the fact that you're at least putting effort into sincerely arguing your points. It's an argument I've enjoyed having. It's just that your points are wrong and your reasons for thinking they're right are stupid.

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Started by chaotic neutral observer, May 18, 2019, 02:28:32 PM

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Doktor Howl

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 20, 2019, 05:28:45 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 18, 2019, 06:25:37 PM
Respondent is also having a bit of a laugh at all the suckers lining up to welcome her toxic ass back.  Humans are stupid and never learn.

It has been my observation that when long-term members of a forum return after an extended hiatus, to be widely welcomed back by other long-termers, they almost invariably don't stay long.  Once the first flush of nostalgia wears off, they discover that the reasons they originally left that forum are still in full effect.

I am merely trying to get the bullshit formalities out of the way.

I'm community minded.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Fujikoma on May 20, 2019, 04:36:27 AM
No, nothing to see here, we're certainly not talking about you.

Full disclosure.  We are.   :lulz:

And by "we" of course I mean "me".  Unlike certain manipulative sociopaths that could be mentioned, I am more than happy to speak for myself and only for myself.  And of course by that I mean "Nigel".

I won't even drag someone like Chelagoras for cheap laughs and some weird personal need to harm people when they are at low point in their lives.

I leave that to the professional abusive types.  I'll just stay in my lane over here and heave bricks.
Molon Lube


Shush squirel-boy. Also, Howl, stop picking on Nigel, I'm trying to get into that honeypot.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 20, 2019, 05:28:45 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 18, 2019, 06:25:37 PM
Respondent is also having a bit of a laugh at all the suckers lining up to welcome her toxic ass back.  Humans are stupid and never learn.

It has been my observation that when long-term members of a forum return after an extended hiatus, to be widely welcomed back by other long-termers, they almost invariably don't stay long.  Once the first flush of nostalgia wears off, they discover that the reasons they originally left that forum are still in full effect.

Yeah, pretty much. I was feeling super lonely and nostalgic, and maybe kinda wanting to recall happier days, so I came here. But of course, you can never really go back again.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Fujikoma on May 20, 2019, 05:58:27 AM
Shush squirel-boy. Also, Howl, stop picking on Nigel, I'm trying to get into that honeypot.

Just wait a little while.  There will be a thread inviting civil discussion about a sensitive topic.  Upon walking in the door, she'll shit all over you, and then explain why colonizing an uninhabited planet is morally the same as the Westward expansion of the USA and the resulting genocide that entailed.  Because sand on Mars matters as much as 10 million+ murders.

Then she'll ask for a thread split titled in such a way as to make you look like something you would scrape off your shoe.  When that doesn't go her way, mean old authoritarian Howl will of course be the next Tamerlane.  I am more than okay with that.

You know, a year or so after the fact, I went back and looked at the last 18 months of posts that went back and forth, just to see if I was being unreasonable.  There is a clear pattern...When you are feeling very good or very bad, you get slapped by Nigel. 

She is basically the crunchie version of a drunken Kentucky abuser.  You get slapped enough to make you want to modify your behavior to avoid the slap, even though you know it's coming anyway.

I used to wonder how people got into the condition where they would bail out the spouse that beat them.  This has all been very instructive.  Illuminating, even.
Molon Lube

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Fujikoma on May 20, 2019, 05:58:27 AM
Shush squirel-boy. Also, Howl, stop picking on Nigel, I'm trying to get into that honeypot.

I honestly keep trying to figure out what you could possibly mean using the word "honeypot" in reference to me here, and drawing a blank. Why would you try to get INTO one?
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on May 20, 2019, 06:14:30 AM
Quote from: Fujikoma on May 20, 2019, 05:58:27 AM
Shush squirel-boy. Also, Howl, stop picking on Nigel, I'm trying to get into that honeypot.

I honestly keep trying to figure out what you could possibly mean using the word "honeypot" in reference to me here, and drawing a blank. Why would you try to get INTO one?

Yeah, that service is once again provided, right?
Molon Lube


I see. Ok, it's been, years? Can't we forgive and play nice? Wait. I threatened to crawl into Nigel's honeypot. What the fuck ever.


The forum has only recently started showing the seeds of new life and has had some interesting discussions of late, but it is still relatively quiet around here.
A big row is likely to pour water over that. If you are going to have at it, just be aware of that that is the likely outcome.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

The Johnny

Quote from: Faust on May 20, 2019, 09:02:57 AM
The forum has only recently started showing the seeds of new life and has had some interesting discussions of late, but it is still relatively quiet around here.
A big row is likely to pour water over that. If you are going to have at it, just be aware of that that is the likely outcome.

But can you have a barbeque without a fire? PD without an ongoing meltdown or an unlimited rivalry thread just isnt PD at all!
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner


True, like when your favorite bar gets rid of the sawdust on the floor and doesn't smell of the blue stuff from the Urinals it's just not the same
Sleepless nights at the chateau


The recipe for activity is just people shitposting, tbh. You show them that, hey, somebody actually cares enough to shitpost, and they'll be like, "Well, shitposting isn't my thing, but I will post a few things and join in on discussion". Nobody wants to post to a dead forum, so let's get some life flowing through this motherfucker. Thread necro some dumb shit with some random chaotic shit. That'll end up in somebody's inbox and they'll be like, "Wait, wtf?!"

People get upset in a number of communities because I just, relentlessly shitpost, but honestly, if I turn my back and walk away? Nobody's going to say shit, and it's going to wither and die. I don't want that. Somebody has to take the hit though, and it may as well be me. I hate to sound like I'm taking credit for shit I don't really deserve, but I've seen this enough to know that this is how it works. Activity is created by, actually doing shit... so you post some crap you KNOW people are going to love to shit on, sure you look like an idiot for doing so, but you got people talking. Sure, people shit on you, but you can just, not let it get to you and keep on doing it. Eventually they'll maybe realize what you're doing. Maybe they, too, will embrace the art of the shitpost. Or maybe you'll just get banned because some short-sighted fuck has no clue what actually works. That has happened, with predictable results.

You simply cannot take yourself seriously. You facilitate other people actually posting better crap than you could by shoving some cringe-worthy shit out there, people need some cringe, it's like, a vitamin or some shit. All that said, you folks actually rock, and  I don't want to see you fighting eachother. I don't care that some of you are horrible fuckwads, that's just your charm. Now, can we please show the OP the respect it deserves and not take our lame slap-fighting competition here? I like the spirit of the original post. You ate all the really bad folks, there's not a lot left to rage at.

EDIT: There's actually a really fun game on Steam, it's called, "Drunken Wrestlers 2", and it is just, terribad, hillariously bad. It's redeeming factor is that it relies on ragdoll physics and hilarious shit like randomly punching people so hard their torso falls off.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Fujikoma on May 20, 2019, 08:46:07 AM
I see. Ok, it's been, years? Can't we forgive and play nice? Wait. I threatened to crawl into Nigel's honeypot. What the fuck ever.

Years?   :lulz:  You are thinking on the wrong scale.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on May 20, 2019, 09:02:57 AM
The forum has only recently started showing the seeds of new life and has had some interesting discussions of late, but it is still relatively quiet around here.
A big row is likely to pour water over that. If you are going to have at it, just be aware of that that is the likely outcome.

The big row has always been a part of PD, not because of tradition but because of the various types of people that come to PD.

That's just a bald statement of fact, and I challenge anyone to dispute it.

Molon Lube


Quote from: LMNO on May 19, 2019, 09:14:40 PM
Dok, I know you don't change easy; but still, way harsh.

Actually in full agreement with Dok this time.
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