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Chernobyl Entrepreneurship

Started by Abbot Mythos, August 11, 2019, 09:47:43 PM

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Abbot Mythos

Chernobyl Vodka Made from Contaminated Grain Around Nuclear Disaster Area Goes on Sale

As per the article:

'A team of scientists have unveiled a vodka which has been produced using grains and water from the Chernobyl exclusion zone, which they claim is completely safe to drink.

Professor Jim Smith, from the University of Portsmouth in South England, assured that the ATOMIK drink is no more dangerous than any other alcoholic drink.

The drink is the first consumer product to have come out of the forbidden zone in the Ukraine since the nuclear catastrophe occurred in Ukraine in 1986.

Smith went as far as to say he believes the team has produced the "most important bottle of spirit in the world" as they plan to give 75 percent of the profits back to communities who are still affected by the Chernobyl disaster after more than 33 years.'

Here's the link:

Doktor Howl

This is the best idea since drinking raw water.   :lulz:
Molon Lube