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baking with horab

Started by Horab Fibslager, March 28, 2005, 05:36:05 AM

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Horab Fibslager

sisters, brothers, edible pets, and inteligent wildlife,

i am confused.

i know, i know, this comes as no surpise to you, the heathen faithful.

but i ahve a question, what exactly is the cookies and pei you are referign to?

and what has cookies and/or pie ever done to you?

i mean, cookies tend to be, soem sort of flour and possibly egg based hard small cake deal thing, roundish, soemtimes with cohcalate chips, i spose it depends on you really, pies a sort of crust filled with delicious fruit filling, or whatever comes tomind, such as blackbirds or small children, and covered in a softer crust, or the same crust, i never really worked that one out myself.

or, what, she's talkign to me again, thank ya eris, hell yeah!

she's told me cookies and pie are the non serious discussion that take place on any given message board ont eh interent.

such as word games, or rambling, meanderign discussions, that travel over the hills and under the valleys, sitting on trees that anotehr threadmay have pissed on, and laughing alot.

well what exactly is wrong with that?

are we sposed to go around and discuss not funny things and try to be not funny or lighthearted? andbe very serious and grumpy an d say "hey this world sucks, let's blow it up! or soemthign to that effect?

i'm nto really sure. and she keeps distracting me with tickles and giggles and hey you don't touch me there when i'm typing please. thanks.

because you see, it's all fine and stuff to want toinitiate and carry through with a change, but then the last two world wars were helluva a change and many though tthey'd seen the end of war.

but boy were tehy wrong. there's still racists in germany, an d in adition, there's alot of really kinky shit there too, which would make the most promiscuous vampire sadomasochists in north america red with embarrasment. i spsoe that's nto really what teh allies had intended, btu it's popular these days. sex on tv and the like, wage slavery and image, andallt eh at stuff. in fact, in many ways you coudl say we've taken a step or few back from world war two, and from one, or not. i'm not really sure, you see it's all backwards and sideways from then, but scertainyl there has been a lot of positive change or ot.

who can say?

oh, she says i'm going off topic here. ouch!

ahh where was i cookeis and pie?

well i don't really get it. i'm nto so sure if it's so much a discordian thing, as msot of the places i've been to, uh forums i mean, on this internet deal thing, were largely uh silly games and meanderign discussions ebtween peopel who were by all appearances freinds. soemof these message baord forum things even had uh seriosu sections. now these uh serious sectosn really scare me, they're home to people who are imppassioned, peopel, who have a cause or who care. and most of all tehse people are idiots. seriously. tehse places fill up with htread s with names like"do you think george dubya bush is jsutified in invading iraq" which is followed by a psot telling you wetheror not he was, and why, and often with the worst of reason. often these sorts of threads degrade into soem sort of general anti or pro americanism, or anti and pro whateverism. or jsut anti whateverism, or pro whateverism.

ladies and gentlebeigs of the jury i present exhibit a (which after a glance looks alot milder than when i was there, posting icnredibly obnoxiosu things, includin- in a thread discussing the validity of homosexuality, "if i were gay, i'd shove a shotgun up my ass and pull the trigger", however, i didn;t lookat the religious section, which was at many times, a haven for anti religion atheists to chasitze and poor soul who wandered in)

of course, if you go to exhibit b you may notice quite  aidfference int eh attitude and atmosphere, tho it's all cookie's and pie.

these may eb bad examples. i stay away fromt eh place. i pissed off pretty much all the decent posters with my obnoxiousness, btu hey it is a video game forum, adn that is what they're there for.

of coruse by that same token, i was a troll, in the purest sense, me and soem kingdom mates woudl go on down whiel chattign on irc and give awesoem advice to n00bs, and flame idiots who gave terribel wrong advice, we'd maek fun of them by giving baltantly bad advice, adnworse have them agree with teh bad stuff, game related, we'd go and join serious discussions and give retarded arguments, often int eh fom stated above near ex. b. my kd mates, were a cross section of the world americans, candians europeans, we all got a great kick out of it, and enlightened absolutely nobody. well maybe one or two folks, but we got our kicks, any way, and temp banned quite often.

but then it wasn;t my backyard, iw as trollign someone' else's community, where it was someone else beign retarded, close minded, open minded with no one soprtign, or drivign as it were, adn the like.

and so it comes down to the thign that killed 23ae. was it really a database crash? or was it soem guy who argued passionately that everyone tehre was a bleeding hear tliberal? was it the other guy who posted werid ass ad peppered posts? was ti the fella who posted photoshoped pens art collages?

i dunjno man, but ti certainyl wasn't cthulu, or cookies, or pie.

nto that i'm worried abotu this baord dying. this baord will eb alive and well long after i no longer have the interent for soem reason or ayother, long after the interent explodes from too many blogs, and too little pr0n.
verily, will many thigns come to pass.

Quote from: eriswhat the fuck are you on about horab?

i dunno man, i'm pretty confused.
Hell is other people.

Bob the Mediocre

I'm confused too. Sometimes discord brings new stuff, sometimes its just annoying. But I know most people here rally around a good trolling, and so I present exibit c. Not much fluff that I noticed there. Anywy, sleep is need ed by me, I assume.,
"we are building a religion
we are making a brand
we're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand
take a bite of this apple
mister corporate events
take a walk through the jungle
of cardboard shanties and tents
some people drink pepsi
some people drink coke
the wacky morning dj says democracy's a joke
he says now do you believe in the one big song
he is now accepting callers who would like to sing along"


Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Nice.  Thank you for explaining the cookies and pie.  I think in your confusion, your rambling and mumbling, you have made us all think about what it means.  You should get a college degree, write a textbook, then torture freshman with it.  Write it just like you always do.  That would be the R0X0RS!!!!11111!!!!!!  Seriously.  Freshman are too uptight and afraid anyway.   :twisted:


Horab, if you weren't before, you're now in my pantheon of heroes.

For now.  

Better watch your step.

Horab Fibslager

/me shrugs.

if i watched my step i'd probaly never go anywhere, say anything or think anything.

i am what i am, and i am only human.

it's days liek tehse i consider disposing of my silly internet fictions.
Hell is other people.


i prefer carrot cake
to cookies and pie
just saying

Horab Fibslager

yeah carrot cake is totally awesome.

carrot cake twinkies = pu|23 3vi1
Hell is other people.


Quote from: horab fibslageryeah carrot cake is totally awesome.

carrot cake twinkies = pu|23 3vi1

there's carrot cake twinkies???? <shudders> mean to tell me that people at Hostess have actually seen a vegetable?

this is worrying news indeed.
What makes it so? Making it so is what makes it so.

Doktor Howl

Just a reminder that once there was a stain named Horab.
Molon Lube


god damn it Roger, I read the whole thing and now I have dementia

stop waking up the ghosts on this haunted-ass forum

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cramulus on August 17, 2020, 09:31:29 PM
god damn it Roger, I read the whole thing and now I have dementia

stop waking up the ghosts on this haunted-ass forum

I knew it was wrong.  And I did it anyway.  I'm a criminal.  :(
Molon Lube

The Wizard Joseph

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 17, 2020, 10:02:32 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on August 17, 2020, 09:31:29 PM
god damn it Roger, I read the whole thing and now I have dementia

stop waking up the ghosts on this haunted-ass forum

I knew it was wrong.  And I did it anyway.  I'm a criminal.  :(
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl