
All you can say in this site's defence is that it, rather than reality, occupies the warped minds of some of the planet's most twisted people; gods know what they would get up to if it wasn't here.  In these arguably insane times, any lessening or attenuation of madness is maybe something to be thankful for.

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So about these riots...

Started by altered, May 28, 2020, 07:55:19 AM

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Quote from: Faust on September 07, 2020, 03:04:04 PM
Apart from the fact that they are modifying their uniforms with the symbol of a militia... Don't Disney own the copyright on that image, would love to see a legal case kick off over that

militia?  isn't that just the "Punisher" skull??  did not get a memo or something?
"a real smart feller, he felt smart"

The Johnny

Quote from: rong on September 07, 2020, 04:42:26 PM
Quote from: Faust on September 07, 2020, 03:04:04 PM
Apart from the fact that they are modifying their uniforms with the symbol of a militia... Don't Disney own the copyright on that image, would love to see a legal case kick off over that

militia?  isn't that just the "Punisher" skull??  did not get a memo or something?

PunisherTM is about lone wolf vigilantism and lawless revenge, im pretty certain
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner


Quote from: rong on September 07, 2020, 04:42:26 PM
Quote from: Faust on September 07, 2020, 03:04:04 PM
Apart from the fact that they are modifying their uniforms with the symbol of a militia... Don't Disney own the copyright on that image, would love to see a legal case kick off over that

militia?  isn't that just the "Punisher" skull??  did not get a memo or something?
I was referring to the thin blue line flag.
I'm not familiar with US law on police uniforms but modifying your uniform to change the insignia is illegal in a lot of countries. There are some countries that if you were to wear a flag other than your own it could get you whipped or killed.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: The Johnny on September 07, 2020, 05:16:10 PM
Quote from: rong on September 07, 2020, 04:42:26 PM
Quote from: Faust on September 07, 2020, 03:04:04 PM
Apart from the fact that they are modifying their uniforms with the symbol of a militia... Don't Disney own the copyright on that image, would love to see a legal case kick off over that

militia?  isn't that just the "Punisher" skull??  did not get a memo or something?

PunisherTM is about lone wolf vigilantism and lawless revenge, im pretty certain

I work alone, I am a man on the edge, whos likeness and image were purchased in a distress deal in 2009 by the largest media company, and franchised out to netflix
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 04, 2020, 05:18:38 PM
Quote from: altered on September 04, 2020, 05:05:59 AM
You win the bet, Howl. The man gave an interview with Vice, and was gunned down by cops like an hour or so later.

In that video interview, he confessed, apparently. I wasn't able to confirm (my phone isn't playing videos anywhere right now annoyingly enough) but I'm conceding regardless.

You aren't getting the extra half page and furious WOMP though, as I don't have a computer for a WOMP and you made no claim for your bonus prize. Four pages, and not a line break more! And they're Google Docs pages, because I have no other word processor to use and no printer, and none of us can have nice things these days.

Federal cops.  For a state level murder.

Granted, they had the excuse that the marshals needed to be involved because he had a federal warrant out for him, but this was never going to end well.

Also, you can just post the hate letter in Apple Talk.
Dude got shot by the LEOs and, mysteriously, there's no body cam footage. He admitted to it but I don't believe a damn thing about their claims (that he pulled a gun) unless there's other footage. Not because I don't believe he probably wasn't armed but bc the cops lie about everything.
"I dispose of obsolete meat machines.  Not because I hate them (I do) and not because they deserve it (they do), but because they are in the way and those older ones don't meet emissions codes.  They emit too much.  You don't like them and I don't like them, so spare me the hysteria."


Zero trust for any cop wearing a Punisher skull


Quote from: Cramulus on September 08, 2020, 04:33:13 PM
Zero trust for any cop wearing a Punisher skull

Zero trust for any of them.
"I dispose of obsolete meat machines.  Not because I hate them (I do) and not because they deserve it (they do), but because they are in the way and those older ones don't meet emissions codes.  They emit too much.  You don't like them and I don't like them, so spare me the hysteria."

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Well, that's great. Want to arrest some public officials? Go have the Feds cause a mess in a city for a month, wait until people protest against it, and if those officials say something in support...lock em up.

That definitely wouldn't be abused, oh no.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 17, 2020, 07:17:43 PM
Well, that's great. Want to arrest some public officials? Go have the Feds cause a mess in a city for a month, wait until people protest against it, and if those officials say something in support...lock em up.

That definitely wouldn't be abused, oh no.

Also, they are trying to use the federal government to arrest officials for things that do not violate federal law.

It's basically just more goose-stepping.
Molon Lube


I mean, I have kinda come to expect that, in general. Kinda a culmination of where things have been heading since 9/11, really.

The implicit threat of sending in Feds and if the states have the temerity to complain about it, they'll be'd think that would get a certain kind of person up in arms, if the past 20 years hadn't already shown they have absolutely no consistent political positions or principles whatsoever.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 18, 2020, 11:11:41 AM
I mean, I have kinda come to expect that, in general. Kinda a culmination of where things have been heading since 9/11, really.

The implicit threat of sending in Feds and if the states have the temerity to complain about it, they'll be'd think that would get a certain kind of person up in arms, if the past 20 years hadn't already shown they have absolutely no consistent political positions or principles whatsoever.

And RBG just died.  So Tom Cotton will be a SCOTUS justice on a 6/3 court.  So here we go.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


A riot is going to kick off, and its a justifiably response to that insult.
That was their opportunity to try and make it right and they squandered it
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on September 23, 2020, 09:25:58 PM
A riot is going to kick off, and its a justifiably response to that insult.
That was their opportunity to try and make it right and they squandered it

It was deliberate.  It's the new American politics.  "We did this because we can.  Do something about it."

Molon Lube