
"We don't make the apocalypse, we make the apocalypse better."

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Started by Junkenstein, July 09, 2020, 06:38:37 PM

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Doktor Howl

I'm sorry to hear that, Altered.

Things aren't going well out this direction, either, but for very different reasons.  I was deeply unhappy.  Now I don't feel much at all.  I am once again in that glass hallway, and everything is QUIET.
Molon Lube


Time's basically up. I've been trying, but I hit a wall and tonight I realized I was woefully optimistic. Hilariously optimistic.

I have a week to go and nowhere to jump to next.

I'll just copy-paste my retrospective on the life I have lived from elsewhere. This world doesn't deserve more effort from me.

Copy-paste begins below.

It's done. I'd say it's been good, but this life has been miserable for me. Everything I ever interacted with went to shit before my very eyes. I was forced to struggle for barebones animal survival from adulthood to death. I will be dead at half the age someone like me should. I saw a lot of things, fell in love with ideas and people, and watched everyone i care about suffer and wither away. And now I get to watch the precious few I have left mourn me before I'm even gone. The world is in shambles and has been in freefall since as early as I remember. I had joy, only to have it repeatedly stolen from me. I got partners, and they all left or died or ended up being pieces of shit (not my most recent ex, but a much earlier one). I got HRT and then lost healthcare after just long enough to see the start of the changes. I went through police violence and sexual assault. I have experienced so much medical suffering. I had more smear campaigns launched against me than anyone with my kind of profile ever should.

People have asked me for years now why I'm so bitter, angry, why I lash out, why I hate so much of this world and why I can't just shut the fuck up.

Look at the legacy of my life: an endless parade of trauma, abandonment, disappointment and suffering, capped by one last hurrah for unrewarded sacrifice, ableism and The Free Fucking Market.

If you can say you wouldn't be mad, I wish you the worst.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Another crosspost. Shit changes, and even when it seems better, it's not. Crosspost begins below.

QuoteI've been struggling to have energy to even keep my closest people up to date on my life in addition to trying to pack through starvation. Here is a... belated update.

I have housing. It's not pretty, it's not roomy, it's not perfect, but it will keep me alive. Packing is happening now. Slowly, with a lot of difficulty.

I still completely stand by that last post I made, by the way. It was said under the duress of feeling the end looming overhead, but even now, out from under that particular shadow, yeah. The words are true and I would say them now if anyone asked the right question. I will gladly sign that letter from both sides of the spiral into abyss. It's truth, unfiltered. There are like, oh, two changes I'd make -- factual errors based in reasonable but false assumptions -- but they're irrelevant to the overall message there. Good post, me. NOTE: Previous applies to the paragraph copy-pasted into my last post in thread.

The only reason I'm posting that above part here is to close out the posts I made here previously.

In other, more on-topic news...

My cognitive abilities are in sharp, sharp decline. I am basically forced to be done with things like Mafia and most of my creative work, in addition to just never working again. COVID has ruined my body and my mind.

Hallucinations are common for me right now. Complex hallucinations: I hallucinated a sheet of paper had gotten into my laundry and I threw it out. Ten minutes later when I realized I didn't try to see if there was writing on it, the trash can was devoid of paper, but otherwise exactly like the last time I looked in it to throw the "paper" out. I saw it, felt it, heard it hit the trash bag, and it didn't exist. This is just the most recent example of a recurring theme: unusual but plausible objects I move out of my way that, it turns out later, do not exist.

On top of that, my ability to understand speech is so bad that common words are gibberish in my ears without a lot of effort. My memory is worse than it's ever been, and I already had a memory bad enough that things like early-onset dementia were in the conversation -- like two years ago. I have caught myself having (thankfully well-controlled) delusions of being conspired against in impossible or improbable ways by people in my life. I'm very, very, very grateful for the self-work I did that makes me always ask about agendas when my brain tries to assign blame or fault, that subconscious stop sign is probably the only reason I haven't fully fallen into one of those pits.

Bodily, I've been having MCAS-like symptoms when doing literally just any amount of work. I should note that I did not have MCAS-like symptoms at any point in my life before this. I will also note that these are a known symptom of long-COVID. And when I say "MCAS-like", I'm being extremely generous in how much variance there can possibly be. See, I can get things done in the morning, when my sleep-aid antihistamines are still active, but by mid-day I have to go to sleep or find a daytime antihistamine, or I will have regrets. The burning and itching and horrible nausea from such onerous tasks as "taking a shower" or "lifting a 5 pound box" at the wrong time is unreal. This in addition to severe though intermittent muscle weakness, various signs that seem uncannily EXACTLY like peripheral nerve damage in all limbs (something I'm directly familiar with, though previously only in one thumb, a few fingers and one knee/shin), nigh-permanent dehydration and malnutrition regardless of frequency of hydration and diet, and more, and more, and more.

It's bad. I'm feeling really bad looking at the future I have ahead of me, which seems to be just progressively uglier variations on a theme of "disability". I don't have people who will/can take care of me, and I'm rapidly losing the ability to take care of myself. I was disabled before, but only in relatively mild ways I could deal with pretty consistently. There's no "dealing with" this.

I'm 34 years old, thinking about care-takers, advance directives and end-of-life planning, because one fucker didn't mask when they went to the store my ex worked at. Think about that.

Fuck everyone who says COVID is over, fuck everyone who doesn't mask up.

I might be alive, for now, but I don't know how much that means anymore. I suppose I could get better before the next inevitable turfing-out occurs, whenever that occurs, but I'm no longer able to really have hope for specific good outcomes without specific reasoning behind it. I know I'll probably survive, but that doesn't mean anything because the unspoken second part of that is "right up until I don't." I know lots of people who care, but they're all as powerless as me.

I'm alive. For now. But.


That's all.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


I miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell. 
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious

Doktor Howl

Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell. 

I am sorry people are not living up to your expectations. 

I can't imagine how this happened. 
Molon Lube


Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell.

When did you start sounding like an incel? Or a boomer? Are you a ghoul? Do your eyes turn dark and you start compulsively drooling and giggling when you hear about innocent people suffering? No? Why the FUCK do you sound like one? GET THAT CHECKED OUT, BUD.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


My town went full America yesterday.
Kids were in lockdown till 6pm. One was in the affected school but saw nothing but getting barricaded in math class and is shrugging it off(might have issues later, but for now is all "it was like the drills, I was fine"), the other was on the other side of town and didn't know what the big deal was.

A shooter showed up at daughter's school, got at the front door tried coming in, shot in the air and then the police, or the onsite officer got him.

Shooter was 14. 

Prior to this, his father left family, mom was a a nurse working long hours to make ends meet, but often couldn't so they downsized.  Then mom got cancer. Then they were really broke. She's also not on a good prognosis, and this won't help.

Kid wrote stuff on his site blaming the ills of the world on feminism, not sure which internet pipeline he got into when, but very much used the wording of one.

So, yeah.

Also discovered which neighbors like to lie during a crisis. So that's fun.

Sexy Octopus of the Next Noosphere Horde

There are more nipples in the world than people.


Quote from: altered on May 03, 2024, 04:19:56 AM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell.

When did you start sounding like an incel? Or a boomer? Are you a ghoul? Do your eyes turn dark and you start compulsively drooling and giggling when you hear about innocent people suffering? No? Why the FUCK do you sound like one? GET THAT CHECKED OUT, BUD.
No, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.
It also led to this absolutely gross thing that happens where people will be discussing some horrific tragedy using cutesy language because algo-boost. It should physically fucking hurt to refer to real life death as an "unaliving"
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious


God I really hope that AI hiring thing is yet another bust. I'd like to actually move onto a real career without having to deal with """"""""unbiased"""""""" AI
It is always fucking biased. Every. Goddamn. Time.
When will companies get tired of trying that shit, god.
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious


Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 02, 2024, 10:41:37 PM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell. 

I am sorry people are not living up to your expectations. 

I can't imagine how this happened. 
I guess fucking anything that exists ever will eventually be consumed by the corporate machine, forced to bow to whatever companies have decided is safe for their brandtm

I guess I'm just in a particularly pissy mood about things recently and have to complain about it
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious


Got some advice recently that instead of trying to find "organic" friends, just use the internet and stuff to meet up with people with the same niche interests.
Is that really the only way you can fucking interact with people anymore? I'm really nervous about that thing, and I've been advised against trying to force interests into organic convos.
Or do I have to just reap what I sow and just not talk to people because I'm too weird for them?
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 03, 2024, 09:57:30 PMNo, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.

If you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 04, 2024, 12:10:48 AM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 03, 2024, 09:57:30 PMNo, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.

If you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.
I don't, but I think the trend it set (the hyper-aggressive algorithm) is just something that's everywhere now
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 04, 2024, 12:48:30 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 04, 2024, 12:10:48 AMIf you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.

I don't, but I think the trend it set (the hyper-aggressive algorithm) is just something that's everywhere now

Everywhere?  I hardly see that anywhere.

But I have a preternatural talent for triggering obscure bugs in computer programs (I crashed ChatGPT the first time I tried to use it) so maybe these algorithms are just avoiding me out of fear.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


Extra sad bit on shooter. Had a pellet gun. Pointed it at the officer. The whole bit with telling his friends about school shooters previously and whatnot was to set up a suicide by cop.
Sexy Octopus of the Next Noosphere Horde

There are more nipples in the world than people.