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A Model of an Immortal Elite, Method of Obtaining Slack

Started by ArchangelIdiotis, April 02, 2022, 04:35:12 PM

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If astral travel is possible, post death astral control may be also. I suspect reincarnation only happens as guided by conscious sentient beings, by intelligences keeping things under control, or by beings to have learned post death astral control wanting to reincarnate with past life recall. If no intermediary, I suspect astral ghosts just linger on.

Terence McKenna and others have speculated that the chimpanzee fossil transition happened because of foraging chimps coming across hallucinogenic mushrooms. My theory is that the upswing in love induced by the shrooms taught the chimps not only astral control, but also prophecy. Love is simple and nonimpulsive, "creative" because not conditioned by anything into an instinctive reaction. I believe a significant upswing in non impulsive energy provides the ability to trace causality.

The chimpanzees before fire would have encountered adrenaline filled blood in the raw meat. Adrenaline is in blood when fear causes the organism to secrete it. This could have addicted the old astral forms into demanding blood sacrifices as "the gods".

An addiction to blood, and love the source of the immortal elite's power structure. No matter how much love the post chimps obtained, their hearts may have only focused on their families and social cliches. By now, they have had so many thousands of years to prepare if invaded in too rambunctious a manner the elite would have prophesied for thousands of years where to put the various sections and subsections of their immortal military.

It may be possible for our vampire overlords to extract adrenaline directly from blood by psychic means, or through self hypnosis to produce it internally.

To obtain slack, it may be advisable to "suck up to" the elite by earning loyalty to the existing power structure and its actual top. I would advise only assisting a territory that doesn't invade the elite. Solve global warming, veganism, communal living... (edit: I almost extracted this vampire joke about sucking up like sucking blood because in poor taste if the vampires weren't real...)

To obtain slack, learn how to prophecy and how to scry. After learning to astral travel, and network from the astral plane.

To learn to astral travel, since you dream what you think before sleeping, write a few paragraphs before going to bed about astral travel and lucid dreaming, every night until you astral travel. To dedicate yourself in your efforts, practice telepathy by attempting to transmit to close friends and loved ones such thoughts as, I am going to touch my nose. Confirm out loud you knew I was going to do that. until a confirmed telepathic dialog is started.

Once you have a network of at least two, at least one astral traveler, have the astral traveler travel into the other friend's brain and extract all fear. Fearless friend should try to prophecy, astral friend should continue extracting all fear and program in an identification of success. If prophetic talent results, use the same method to scry the answer to slack-obtaining questions:

1) What is the fairest possible we two can achieve?
2) What is the highest on loyalty we two can score by the immortal vampire elite?
3) What is the most pleasure we two can realistically obtain?
4) What is the most freedom we two can achieve, and trigger in others?

The answer to question 2 may seem unimportant, but loyalty to the elite may be available by fair methodology, and translate to slack provided by the immortals to achieve serious goals.


Uh oh! Red flags!

Calling it now: 5 posts or less. Paging Doktor Howl, Doktor Howl to the surgery room...
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: ArchangelIdiotis on April 02, 2022, 04:35:12 PM
To obtain slack, it may be advisable to "suck up to" the elite by earning loyalty to the existing power structure and its actual top

That is in fact how you get anti-Slack and go to normal boring hell.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on April 02, 2022, 07:00:36 PM
Uh oh! Red flags!

Calling it now: 5 posts or less. Paging Doktor Howl, Doktor Howl to the surgery room...

Relax, it's just pinealism again.  Only with Anne Rice stapled to the front of it.
Molon Lube

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: ArchangelIdiotis on April 02, 2022, 04:35:12 PM
The chimpanzees before fire would have encountered adrenaline filled blood in the raw meat. Adrenaline is in blood when fear causes the organism to secrete it. This could have addicted the old astral forms into demanding blood sacrifices as "the gods".
Naw.  Adrenaline-soaked meat is tough and tasteless, and blood ain't never good.  Y'know why the ancients gave blood to their gods?  So they could keep the good bits of the sacrifice for themselves.  C.f. "The trick at Mecone".

since you dream what you think before sleeping,
Surely not.  Such horrors gurgle frothily from my waking thoughts, that should they return even faintly in slumber, I would never sleep again.

That's also why I no longer attempt telepathy.  It's hard to establish a genuine rapport when the slightest memetic transfer causes the other to scream uncontrollably, until they succumb to hypoxia and unconsciousness.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


QuoteTo obtain slack, it may be advisable to "suck up to" the elite by earning loyalty to the existing power structure and its actual top.
QuoteThat is in fact how you get anti-Slack and go to normal boring hell.

You have a definite point, I admit. But think of it like this:

Paying taxes is sucking up to the visible power structure. You sustain unjust wars, victimless crime arrests and incarcerations, the corruption of the system. In return, sometimes the poor and the unhealthy are taken care of, you don't have to be homeless, and so on.

Instead of paying taxes, catering to the elite on loyalty could involve sleeping with Eris. She is famous enough to be a part of the immortal elite power structure. And maybe she's more experienced than you but you still qualify as a unique experience.


Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 04, 2022, 02:08:36 AM
Quote from: altered on April 02, 2022, 07:00:36 PM
Uh oh! Red flags!

Calling it now: 5 posts or less. Paging Doktor Howl, Doktor Howl to the surgery room...

Relax, it's just pinealism again.  Only with Anne Rice stapled to the front of it.

You sure? Looks like Q shit to me. Check out the "adrenaline" thing.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: ArchangelIdiotis on April 04, 2022, 07:29:45 AM
Instead of paying taxes, catering to the elite on loyalty could involve sleeping with Eris. She is famous enough to be a part of the immortal elite power structure.

Who's this Eris person?  Never heard of her.  If she's anyone important, I'm sure she would want me to pay my taxes.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on April 04, 2022, 10:04:11 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 04, 2022, 02:08:36 AM
Quote from: altered on April 02, 2022, 07:00:36 PM
Uh oh! Red flags!

Calling it now: 5 posts or less. Paging Doktor Howl, Doktor Howl to the surgery room...

Relax, it's just pinealism again.  Only with Anne Rice stapled to the front of it.

You sure? Looks like Q shit to me. Check out the "adrenaline" thing.

I don't actually see a functional difference; both exist in the expectation of the admiration of their peers for saying ever-more inane things.

But then he got on about taxes, so I defer to your judgement.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: ArchangelIdiotis on April 04, 2022, 07:29:45 AM

Paying taxes is sucking up to the visible power structure.

Along with, you know, roads & schools.  And fire departments.  And the tattered remnants of a social safety net.

QuoteInstead of paying taxes, catering to the elite on loyalty could involve sleeping with Eris.

Or you could pay me for me precious, irreplaceable time you have wasted on this garbage.  Fucking seriously.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 05, 2022, 12:45:41 AM
Quote from: ArchangelIdiotis on April 04, 2022, 07:29:45 AM

Paying taxes is sucking up to the visible power structure.

Along with, you know, roads & schools.  And fire departments.  And the tattered remnants of a social safety net.

QuoteInstead of paying taxes, catering to the elite on loyalty could involve sleeping with Eris.

Or you could pay me for me precious, irreplaceable time you have wasted on this garbage.  Fucking seriously.

I said that taxes have various substantial benefits. In your original post, you said that catering to the elite is anti-slack in response to my opinion that catering to the elite carefully (I didn't say in ways that aren't hypocritical or antithetical to Discordianism, in ways that don't enable, for example, the hypothetical vampirism, and I should have. However, taxes sustain every form of corruption of the system at the same time as sustaining every benefit the system provides in return.) could result in slack.

Roads, schools, a fire department, helping the poor, lack of homelessness, I see as examples of slack. Provided in exchange for catering to the elite on loyalty.

The Eris example is because I suspect that while the myths are fiction, they are based on real people, and that an actual Eris probably exists... more in keeping with Greek/Roman mythology than modern Discordianism. Although she may be a Discordian.

If it were really possible to prophecy the answer to any question,

How can I obtain the most slack?

might be the best question. But I don't see anything wrong with,

Without going against my beliefs, how can I obtain the favoritism of the elite?


Is the actual elite top an immortal immovable object unless negotiated with or can I and my Discordian allies topple it?


I am an idiot sometimes. I named myself Archangel Idiotis to poke fun at Moroni and myself.

I intended a joke to the Eris reference. Maybe it was ill thought out:

-if immortal vampire elites are real, in direct reference to "the gods," Eris is probably one of the immortals-in-charge, the rest of her nature a question mark
-catering on loyalty probably wouldn't, but really could too, involve prostituting one's self to an elite. Something someone might go for if authentically attracted

The joke was that taxes really could be transcended if one were to become "in," so, Wouldn't it be less hypocritical than sustaining US (or locality) government's corruptions and virtues to have sex with just one elite named Eris?



Okay, so I'm gonna let you have a chance to back your ass out of the fire here.

Do you really believe in immortal people, vampires, or any combination of the two?
Do you really believe in an evil cabal of people at the top of all of human existence that dictate all societal outcomes?
Do you really think Greek deities were based on real people who really existed?
Do you really think the right way to deal with societal ills is to eject all societal protections and benefits, to destroy the entire system and if someone couldn't move out of the way of the falling ceiling fast enough, fuck 'em, we'll rebuild on their bones?
What did you think you would get out of this?
Did you get what you wanted?
Are you proud of yourself?
Do you have any plans for how to proceed now?
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Quote1)Do you really believe in immortal people, vampires, or any combination of the two?
2)Do you really believe in an evil cabal of people at the top of all of human existence that dictate all societal outcomes?
3)Do you really think Greek deities were based on real people who really existed?
4)Do you really think the right way to deal with societal ills is to eject all societal protections and benefits, to destroy the entire system and if someone couldn't move out of the way of the falling ceiling fast enough, fuck 'em, we'll rebuild on their bones?
5)What did you think you would get out of this?
6)Did you get what you wanted?
7)Are you proud of yourself?
8)Do you have any plans for how to proceed now?

1) I'm saying there's a chance.
2) I don't think of the most plausible elite as nearly that powerful. But I consider reincarnation (without past life recall) would be so there's a bulk population easy to control, when and only when there's pleasure in it.
3) Again, a chance. Lower than the probability #1 is true.
4) That wasn't what I was trying to communicate. I was saying taxes = catering to the elite for slack. If prophecying and scrying is validated as a reality by experimentation, it would most likely be possible to cater to the elite in ways that don't sustain as much corruption as taxes, and possibly obtain far better rewards for self/others. If fairness were useful to the elite, they'd bite. I wasn't denouncing taxes.
5) A dozen or so astral prophets.
6) They haven't contacted me.
7) I try to minimize pride.
8 - I quiver in fear of saying the wrong thing, and suffering social ridicule for it. My plan is to meekly submit to the impression my ideas are stupid, and move on to other topics.

I admit there are some holes in the drug addict vampire theory. Epinephrine has been synthesized, and it isn't very popular as far as drugs of abuse. But three (if memory serves) neurotransmitters of adrenaline secrete into the bloodstream, and this addiction would have evolved long before the good drugs like meth and heroin came about.