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Local 73rd Hermits Cabal

Started by Tinfoilment, January 24, 2023, 06:23:37 AM

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Year 23 Imperitivae

A few years back I wanted (and failed) to write a grimoire with Discordian ideas.  This developed into a side path , so I categorize it as a Cabal.  Here I will lay this egg (thinking of the arcade game Joust).  It is meant for people who like Discordianism and grimoiric magick, but are kind of bored with the Principia after a while, and don't actually like that traditional grimoires are always Christian and Jewish.  So this thread will detail some of my ideas.


This side path is entirely about the 73 day seasons.  Instead of looking at seasons as seasons, view seasons more like years with repeating holidays.  The enduser creates holidays that repeat in a much easier time frame than 365.  This develops into a time magic that is sort of like astrological magic, except within a 73 day loop. 

Design the holidays to be something changing every season, for a sense of non-permenance , for a sense of changeableness.  The enduser creating the details of holidays, looping, and linked to specific homemade rituals, the details of which change every season.


From Agrippa talking about ancient Rome, three types of holidays:  Stativae, Conceptivae, Imperitivae

Stativae are holidays fixed at a certain date every time, the 5th, the 50th.   Holidays on the same day every year are Stativae.  These become boring in time, and removed and new ones created.

Conceptivae are moving holidays, for example Christian Easter was a Conceptivae.  Moving holidays connect easily to chaos.  Moving holidays can be determined with dice, divination tools, "second monday of the month", etc.

Imperitivae were holidays declared by the Emperor, suddenly and possibly one-time only.  Within this side-path, declare Imperitivae holidays for sudden seemingly impoertant reasons.  For example, I declare Year 23 Imperitivae, from new years 2023 until new years 2024. 

This connects to astrology.  Stativae are Fixed Stars, Conceptivae are Planets, Imperitivae are Comets.   
Also the Zodiac.  Conceptivae are Mutable, Stativae are Fixed, Imperitivae are Cardinal. 

Use of these ancient style holidays within the 73 day Order pattern is intended to create an easy sense of changable control for the solitary enduser.


Use of the 12-sided dice for divination and numerical randomness.  Ancient Pythagoras worshipped the 12-sided dice, called the Dodecahedron.  The Principia says Pythagoras is Archangle Pythagoras.  This implys Arcangle Pythagoras as an Order entity, and really Discordianism seems to have a sympathy for drug mathematicians.   

The Dodecahedron is useful to obtain 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.  Used alongside simply choosing something from a group, the default "whatever the dice says" is similar to "whatever the establishment says".  The binary of 2 can be used to determine forward or backwards, and from top or from bottom of lists.  In numbers like 10, the extra two become reroll or simply choose something.  When a person simply choses a thing, they are always biased, though the outcome is more pleasant.  Dice rolling produces unwanted outcomes.  This is useful for artistry, to makes choices without conscious control.


The holiday Dodecahedron Conceptivae.   This is a moving holiday to determine the names of the hours.  The idea of lazy magical hours is from grimoires Ars Paulina and Greater Key of Solomon, and also rumors of Saudi Arabian everyday life.

Roll 12-sided dice to choose day from 73-day season.  Numericize season as follows: 12 12 12 1 12 12 12
Disregard day 37.  Roll for 6, to choose set of 12.   Then roll for 2 to determine forward or backwards.  Then roll for 12.

The days have six hours.  These are each 4 normal people hours.  Hour 1 is 6am-10am, Hour 2 is 10am-2pm, Hour 3 is 2pm-6pm, Hour 4 is 6pm-10pm, Hour 5 is 10pm-2am, Hour 6 is 2am-6am.   The day begins at 6am because the sun rises around then.

At the beginning of each season, roll to determine the day of Dodecahedron Conceptivae.  Rename the hours each Dodecahedron Conceptivae.

With time deemphasize one of the hours to be just a number, and emphasize the most remembered hour with too many adjectives.  These are customized magical hours determines by the enduser.  They can be quoted when afraid or to make people laugh.  I like to name hours after intoxicants, after enemies, and after obscure occult spirit names. 

examples of too many adjectives:  "the hour of the fucking ripped chili cheese dog"
"the hour of the hovering uplifting and slowly rotating diced onion cube belt"

also "the hour of heroin", "the hour of tequila", etc


Epithets of Eris.  An epithet is a second name used as a descriptor.  This is very useful for occult purposes, and are easy to remember.  I think Discordian epithets should be in English instead of Greek.  Other religions use epithets, Vishnu has 1000 names, Muslims use 99 names.  I don't think Eris should be limited to 23 names, even though that would make sense.

some names i use:

Eris Discordia
Eris the Archon of Eryx
Eris of Order and Chaos
Eris the Hippie
Eris of the Tin-Foil Hat
Eris the Arms Dealer
Eris Antilogia
Eris Order Discorder
Eris the Goddess of Confusion
Eris of the Aftermath
Eris Antares
Eris of the Produce Aisle
Eris and/or Ares
Eris of DIY Religion
Eris of Ancient War Gods Aftermath



An interpretation of Sri Syadastis name, in reference to written scripts.

"true in some sense" are glyphs currently in everyday use by modern languages.  Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Georgian, etc.

"false in some sense" are language glyphs that are fictional or numerical or corporate symbols.   Daedric

"meaningless in some sense" means scripts that are ancient or religious.  Cuneiform  Sanskrit

Examples of "true and false and meaningless" would be Hebrew or Armenian.  Ancient religious use, numerical side funtion, and everyday spoken language use.
Example of "false and meaningless" would be Mayan numerals, because ancient and numbers.
"true and meaningless" would be Chinese, because everyday use and ancient.
"true and false", would be Klingon, when people actually use it.   I support Otherkin.

I think people of chaos religions should collect language scripts in a notebook.  Memorize a few, use them together and wrongly, etc.
The combination of everyday use, fictional things, and ancient ghosts.


Also, I think it is good for people of chaos religions to hoard foreign language dictionaries.  The Principia Discordia has random foreign language sayings.  The downside of this is that this can be expensive.  Language dictionaries are a form of treasure, timeless, easily develop into side quests, a source of random foreign words.

I think of this as seperate from language scripts, but I use same idea of "true false and meaningless" with language dictionaries.  Dictionaries of the "true" sort are more common than "false" sort and  "meaningless" sort.

Honoring "false" in this context is about gamer things, Otherkin things, Atheist things, postal symbols, corporate symbols, Order things, artifacts, numerical things that have a life of their own.  I support sentient robots.

"true" in this context brings ordinary things into focus.  The boring names of towns, countries, flags, the borders of states, and occupied states.   Animals that exist in the everyday.

"Meaningless" of things being everything ancient and legendary, cryptids, things that were everyday but are no longer part of real life, spirit worlds, ancient places mentioned in religious documents, ancient things brought back into everyday use, religious things.

Applied to locations, this becomes ordinary place names "true", fictional location names "false", and spirit world names "meaningless".


About fictional things

I think of a person's fictional input as forming an individual ideology different from other people. The games, books, and movies that the enduser thinks about later.  Taking these fictional ideas, finding aspects that port easily into real life, and becoming weirder.  For example, Crowley talking about Alice in Wonderland, reading into it, weaving religious ideas with fiction.  Here the boundry between real life and fiction becomes something to pass through. The ancient Greek myths might have been entertainment tales that became religious temples.  DIY Religion draws upon fiction and creates deities from nothing.  The loss of knowledge, history, and worship returns deities to nothing.  A lesson of Discordianism is that humans really exist in the everyday world and have the power to create and destroy Gods.


Some natural things of Order and Chaos for contemplation

cloud patterns, chaos
space nebula, chaos
cellular biology, chaos
forests that grow in the edges of parking lots, chaos

circuit boards, order
factory machinery, order
infrastructure, order

I think simple machines (lever pulley wedge screw incline) are easily accessable examples of Order that can be ported into everyday life. 
I think Chaos as an element is best described with clouds, therefore humidifiers. 

To the gaming industry.  The wizards described in games are basically Chemists.  Pepper spray is a fire spell of chemistry.  Ars Goetia does not produce any valid pyrotechnics that can be put to military use.  Describing sorcerers as chemists is unfair.  The military purpose of sorcerers is cryptography.  If games sold the ideas honestly, it would be like: "Level 7 Black Mage produces document that nobody every figures out until several hundred years later!  Ha ha!  Demonic spirit Barbados is actually the island of Barbados!"  "Wyvern slays Black Mage easily but never figures out the scribbled document."

Also, I think if the gaming industry connected sorcerers to the perfume industry, it would sort of make more sense.  I have not developed this idea much, except that most religions use some varieties of perfume.  Perfumes and essential oils are really a weird thing beyond the basic idea.  Hindu religion uses a lot of perfume, occult fumigations use weird perfume ingredients.  The technology for perfume gaming doesn't exist yet, but may exist soon. 


Sweet taste ,  Boom hearing , Pungent smell , Prickle-Prickle touch, Setting Orange sight
These are Atheist elements based on factual human experience. 

If the Principia Discordia seen as a puzzle document, prickle-prickle and setting orange have two words, while the seasons Discord and Confusion both have two apostles. 

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Tinfoilment on January 26, 2023, 10:17:12 AM
Some natural things of Order and Chaos for contemplation
circuit boards, order

Circuit boards are the very personification of chaos.

Thermal noise, phase noise, power supply switching noise, mechanical noise, interference, crosstalk, microreflections, microphonics, parasitic inductance, coupling, return loss, timing skew, clock jitter, radiated emissions, spurious signals, non-linearities, unclear requirements, cold solder joints, tombstones, pad cratering, bridging, delamination, and they want it all fixed last week.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Tinfoilment on January 26, 2023, 10:17:12 AM

factory machinery, order

I see you have never worked industrial maintenance.
Molon Lube


Not to mention infrastructure.

Any city older than a century has infrastructural chaos on a scale you couldn't imagine if you were shown it. Everything looks nice and neat shown in isolation, but you add a single other datapoint and it's over for your conceived notions of shit making sense. The water mains were laid in before electrification, and in some cases before sewage. None of the three have anything to do with each other, except when they do, and system failures in those areas are spectacular. Transit infrastructure was built wherever the fuck it fit and/or they could buy out black people's property and flatten it. In cities like NYC, there's extra special infrastructure for things like heating skyscrapers without relying on resistive heat, and this was usually built after water, sewage and electrification, but before communications networks. Most cities have at least one area with a lot of maintenance tunnels and these map to almost nothing sensible either. They did when they were BUILT, mind you, but that was in the 1930s and things are different now.

The newer cities are worse, because everything is neat and orderly in one place and eroding into madness in another in a patchwork that maps to pretty much nothing, not even income level. The rich people want to move away from the poor people so they get new construction that isn't laid out in anything resembling a sensible fashion so as to eliminate walkability and thus poor people, the poor people want to live in the city center near their jobs but get priced out by gentrified tenements, you have just a seething fucking foam of alternating horror and sanity.

Infrastructure being considered orderly betrays a hilarious degree of optimism as regards the human species' ability to do a goddamn thing right.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


My resume is the sort that anarchist propagandists would laugh about.  I haven't worked in a factory sector,.

Also, gerrymandering carpetbaggers playing as Nosferatu clan in the cities.  Gerrymandering is something special.  intentional Order is easier when the lines are kept short. 

I apologize for what might appear as forum illiteracy.  I am typing on touchscreen keyboard and have many computer problems.  I have a few more things to write and will slackfully post for the year until its done.