
Testimonial: "It's just honestly sad that a place like this exists"

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Local 73rd Hermits Cabal

Started by Tinfoilment, January 24, 2023, 06:23:37 AM

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Discordian Teufenbrief

Teufenbrief is a religious idea from grimoire "Pow-Wow: the long-lost friend".  It implies a cursed chain-letter.  The blessing counterpart is called Himmelsbrief.

I use this word entirely wrong.  Because Eris and devil are different things.  And its not a chain letter , but rather sacred cryptography for the 50th day.

My teufenbriefs require index cards, pens and markers, rubber stamps, runic scripts, and language books.  The end result is usually impressive. 

The reason for doing this is because the fun part of Halloween, Christmas, and Easter is decorating a tree, coloring eggs, and carving pumpkins.  I am against Discordianism devolving into family friendly, so "drug mathematician" idea.  Cryptography for Discoflux.

Rubber stamps and index cards are mentioned in the Principia. 


Discordian Teufenbrief

Firstly, choose three books or papers.  From each, choose randomly a page with eyes closed, and point to a sentence.  Or dice roll to select page and sentence.  These three sentences are the basic structure of the text. I arrange six words per lindex card ine.  This is for space reasons.  Also, choose five index cards.  Each season make 5 teufens on the 50th day. 

Secondly, roll Docecahedron obtain a number.  Choose this many words as additives.  I prefer occult words.  Place these words into the text where they seem to belong. 

Third, affect the text with a variety of alterations.   I use the following:  reverse words, upside down words,  words written as randomly chosen runic script, words translated into randomly selected language, words eliminated as a blacked-out censorship block, words stretched to fit the entire index card line, words encypted as Zirup code, words kept normal and written in a different ink color.

Fourth, roll dice to choose a line on the index card to begin from.  I use three inks, one for the runic script, one for normal words, and one for everything else.  I use a black marker for the censorship blocks.  When this is complete, use a rubber stamper to stamp each censorship block.   After this, select one letter from a runic script.  Write this letter in a different color marker, very large, over the entire paragraph.

Fifth, flip the card to the back.  Here write the current season and year.  CHS23  ,  also write the current hour.   Then write the name of the current holiday using five letters from a randomly selected runic script.  This completes the material aspect of the teufenbrief.

Sixth, hold the teufenbrief using the left hand.  Make circles with the teufenbrief around a golden apple.  Do this 23 times.  Each time recite an epithet of Eris from memory.  This gives the teufenbrief a spirit aspect.  The teufenbrief can later be used as a ritual item, for burning or rubbing or hiding.

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 02, 2023, 08:56:04 AM
I haven't worked in a factory sector,.
Whereof you do not know, thereof you should not speak.

Also, gerrymandering carpetbaggers playing as Nosferatu clan in the cities.
Sentence fragment.

I apologize for what might appear as forum illiteracy.  I am typing on touchscreen keyboard and have many computer problems.
I'm posting from an ice dimension via 300 baud modem.  altered writes on demonskin parchment using illithid blood and molten tungsten for ink.  Her pen is the screams of a thousand dying suns.

You can hardly ascribe the quality of your posts to the method of entry.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


In my experience (as an American), most people (including Anarchists) aren't going to be working in the factory sector. They send that shit overseas where the workers can't unionize or demand rights.

The closest thing to a "factory setting" I've been in was a short stint in a Grocery Store (some warehouse shit). Some of my required "training" before starting was watching anti-union propaganda. They fucking hate that shit.
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious


The factory sector is more common than you'd think in the US. A lot of raw material gets produced here -- when I buy steel rods or pipes or angles, it usually comes from Florida or NJ. PVC pipe is largely a US product too -- that's what the vinyl chloride that spilled in Ohio was going to end up as, most likely. Most machine tools in the US are made in the US. We still do manufacture cars here, believe it or not. There are boatloads of arms and ammunition manufacturers. We just don't produce finished mass-market products that aren't automobiles anymore.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Couple of quick google searches have the estimated US working population at around 158m and the manufacturing sector at around 13m people, so about 8.2% of the population.

Obviously those are only going to be rough figures but that's still a pretty significant chunk of the population even if manufacturing has overall been in decline.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.


Zirup Code

This is a scramble code from the comments in the llewellyn varsion of Agrippas Three Books, called "Rational Tziruph".   It looks similar to KMFDM and Enigma machine code.  It is easy to memorize.  I dont unscramble code, but I assume its easy.  Firstly split alphabet into two.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Use dice for odd and even.  Select top or bottom row.  Then select begin from right or left.  Roll from there to determine starting letter.  After this determine left or right direction of letters.  Then determine whether it bends or continues.  End result looks like this:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
d c b a z y x w v u t s r

n o p q r s t u v w x y z
e f g h i j k l m n o p q

In teufenbriefs I just apply this to words that already have five letters.  Examples from this post: 
looks sfftj  ,  kmfdm tryar  ,  split jgsvk  ,  begin czxve  ,  there kwziz  ,  right ivxwk  ,  bends czeaj

Also capitalize all letters as per military tradition.


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on March 02, 2023, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 02, 2023, 08:56:04 AM
I haven't worked in a factory sector,.
Whereof you do not know, thereof you should not speak.

I will address this "im ok, youre not ok" statement.  First of all, I am a Discordian and this is a Discordian forum.  "Discordians should not talk about things they dont know much about."   The Principia Discordia is full of nonsense the authors didn't know much about, for example the mention of Solomonic magick with a wand guy pic.  I'm a wand guy talking about wand guy stuff.  Does it matter?  The Principia honors Emperor Norton, a man who was an illegitimate pretender to a throne of thrones.

Also, gerrymandering carpetbaggers playing as Nosferatu clan in the cities.
Sentence fragment.

because shit matters


Also, people with attitudes are one of the reasons to favor a hermit path.  I will use this emoticon to describe myself  :kingmeh:

The reality is, disconnecting from other people , in the context of occultism and chaos religion , allows for certain behaviors and experiences.  Staring into a religious verse until it becomes something else.  Principia Discordia is easier with this than other religions, because it doesnt have rules.  Unlike, for example, the Quran. 

There is a line in the Principia that says "we discordians must stick apart".  I did that.

Behaviors from being too isolated for a long time are like losing the ability to interact normally with people.  Here for example, my forum ability is severely atrophied from what it was years ago on other forums, both in my attitude and in the hardware.  I feel an utter lack of interest in correcting grammar.  The reason im just posting instead of taking the time to write book is because Year 23. 

Occultism is like , other people are always holding you down and telling you what you cannot do.  Removing other people allows for the silence and fear of being alone in haunted place.  Occultism has many rules that are actually wrong, and other people force these wrong rules.  Chaos religions can rewrite old rules.  Chaos religion can easily go past the boundries known by occultism into sketchier studies, without sin and without the loss of afterlife.  Thus other old lost religions open up and their ghosts seek the company of Chaos.

I think when Order becomes excessive and stops making sense, it is still Order but of a different kind.  Principia has a page about "expanded order" , "exploded order" etc.  There is a point where chaos becomes controlled.  Like a fire extinguisher, rerouting a river, riots selling out, freedom fighters turning into the people they are against.  I categorize this under Hung Mung. 

I think of Chaos and Order as mana in a gamer sense.  That is why I am generalizing factories and infrastructure as being creatures of Order. 

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 03, 2023, 11:25:48 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on March 02, 2023, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 02, 2023, 08:56:04 AM
I haven't worked in a factory sector,.
Whereof you do not know, thereof you should not speak.
I will address this "im ok, youre not ok" statement.  First of all, I am a Discordian and this is a Discordian forum.
You think calling yourself a discordian should place you above criticism?  You can spout whatever nonsense you like, and everyone is expected to sit by and nod in silent reverence at your profundity?

"Discordians should not talk about things they dont know much about."   The Principia Discordia is full of nonsense the authors didn't know much about,
Who cares?  The PD may have been appropriate for the sixties, but that style of "enlightenment" doesn't land well today.

Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 03, 2023, 12:09:24 PM
Principia Discordia is easier with this than other religions, because it doesnt have rules.
Wrong.  Discordianism has rules.  I should know, I'm the Pope.

Here for example, my forum ability is severely atrophied from what it was years ago on other forums, both in my attitude and in the hardware.
You're the only person I've ever met who used "atrophied forum ability" as an excuse for being wrong.

I feel an utter lack of interest in correcting grammar.
What if your writing is incoherent to the point of being incomprehensible?  Do you even want to improve your "atrophied forum ability", or is it just an excuse?

Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 03, 2023, 12:09:24 PM
Also, people with attitudes are one of the reasons to favor a hermit path.  I will use this emoticon to describe myself  :kingmeh:

Nobody cares.   :lulz:
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on January 26, 2023, 07:08:30 PM
Not to mention infrastructure.

Any city older than a century has infrastructural chaos on a scale you couldn't imagine if you were shown it. Everything looks nice and neat shown in isolation, but you add a single other datapoint and it's over for your conceived notions of shit making sense.

This is why we call Altered "The Chairman of the Board."
Molon Lube


I ate the Board and replaced them with cardboard cutouts of 1980s horror movie villains. Daryl Revok always has the best ideas but never fucking talks. Why can't you just talk, Revok!? Tell me your evil plans you motherfucker, I need them!
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Permutation Circle

requires four language books
This ritual is a response to Golden Dawn's Lesser Banishing Rituals.  Except it is based on falseness and Principia's random language quotes.  I am not convinced that lbrp banishes, but rather invites weird spirits.  The permutation circle invites weirder spirits.

The contents of the ritual change on the 14th day of the season.   Or lazily betwixt 10th and 20th.   

To formulate ritual contents, first choose an item from a game having two words.  "Lamp of Darkness" for example.  Then select by dodecahedron four language books.  For this example I selected Telugu, Farsi, and Balinesian twice.

Next, take the first and last letters of each word, thus LPDS.  Roll to assign each letter to a language book.  Then search that language book in for a word of the selected letter.  Search for a word on the theme of the item, or a neutral word connecting to Erisian lore.  For this example I chose "lampu" (lamp bali), "pratiyuuSa" (daybreak telugu), "durughi" (false farsi), sandikala (dusk bali).  These are the entire contents.

The ritual of the Permutation Circle is as follows:  Sit and face towards an idol of focusing.  Say quickly "Lamp of Darkness".  Incant slowly "lampu, pratiyuuSa, lampu, durughi, lampu, sandikala".  Face towards the left, slowly incant: "pratiyuuSa , lampu, pratiyuuSa, durughi, pratiyuuSa, sandikala".  Use an entire breath for each word.  Face towards the back, slowly incant: "durughi, lampu, durughi, pratiyuuSa, durughi, sandikala".  Face towards the right, slowly incant: "sandikala, lampu, sandikala, pratiyuuSa, sandikala, durughi".  Face forewards again, stare upon focus idol, quickly say "Lamp of Darkness".

This ritual has a temporary, atheist, and ancient feeling.  Because it changes every season, uses obscure languages recklessly, and uses names of game items that would otherwise merely collect dust.


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on March 03, 2023, 02:34:54 PM
Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 03, 2023, 11:25:48 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on March 02, 2023, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 02, 2023, 08:56:04 AM
I haven't worked in a factory sector,.
Whereof you do not know, thereof you should not speak.
I will address this "im ok, youre not ok" statement
You think calling yourself a discordian should place you above criticism?  You can spout whatever nonsense you like, and everyone is expected to sit by and nod in silent reverence at your profundity?

Yes.  I think Discordianism is Theocratic Anarchy.  Spouting nonsense is our entire game.  I am merely dropping some scrolls for the Year 23 holiday season.  How reactionary onlookers choose to be is their own decision.  That you see scrolls as "shithead" activity is projection.  Realize that Discordianism is the era of Bramayuga.  Chaos religion creates religion from nothing, Brahma holds zines and creates religion from nothing.

About profundity.  Would you describe Ars Paulina as a profound religious document?

"Discordians should not talk about things they dont know much about."   The Principia Discordia is full of nonsense the authors didn't know much about,
Who cares?  The PD may have been appropriate for the sixties, but that style of "enlightenment" doesn't land well today.

:kingmeh:   You are rejecting something "old" in its own house, for being too old.  You are also rejecting a new religion mod for being too new.  Also you think the Principia was "enlightened".  The Principia is a chainsaw ripping apart organized religion.  This is an era of Christian Crusade and Islamic Jihad.  In many places blasphemy carries the death penalty, and Discordianism is one of the most blasphemous religions in human history.

Therefore, yes, Discordians are infallable.  Live stoned and die by stones.

Quote from: Tinfoilment on March 03, 2023, 12:09:24 PM
Principia Discordia is easier with this than other religions, because it doesnt have rules.
Wrong.  Discordianism has rules.  I should know, I'm the Pope.

Here for example, my forum ability is severely atrophied from what it was years ago on other forums, both in my attitude and in the hardware.
You're the only person I've ever met who used "atrophied forum ability" as an excuse for being wrong.

I feel an utter lack of interest in correcting grammar.
What if your writing is incoherent to the point of being incomprehensible?  Do you even want to improve your "atrophied forum ability", or is it just an excuse?

Not really.  I may buy a new computer merely to continue this troll argument properly.  But i genuinely hate the British Empires leftover customs, and also i have a head full of ancient books that always talk in broken fragments.
