
Discordianism:  It is some kind of a communist sect.

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The Privilege of Individuality

Started by QuestionsTheSoil, April 19, 2023, 03:50:07 PM

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Since coming out, I've noticed something which was only exacerbated by the Covenant School shooting:
I lost the right to be an individual.

I'm held accountable for the actions of complete strangers.
We were treated like we all had blood on our hands because we shared one common trait (in my case, more than one) with a single shooter.
I'm trans first, a person later.
At it's worse, I was suicidal, and thought that maybe offing myself wouldn't be bad because some trans autist dying would make people happy after one of them killed a bunch of kids.

I know this has happened to other groups throughout history, I know I'm not the first, but fuck.
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious

Anna Mae Bollocks

Live. Live to spite the motherfuckers.
Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division

Doktor Howl

Spite makes Eris smile.  It's not a healthy smile, but it still counts.

Fuck the humans.  Nobody likes those guys.
Molon Lube


Is this because of the school shooting thing?
I'd argue (not that there is any point arguing with the people that will use that as an excuse), that the country with almost daily school shootings, will due to averages have shooters represented from every group, age, ethnicity, sex, just based on the sheer quantity of them.

It's a very inclusive activity, we are likely less then a year away from someone's 90 year old grandmother shooting up a school to complete the bell curve.
That bell curve however still sits in the centre with disgruntled white boys.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


It is exhausting, I totally understand that.

Just try to remember that the only thing worse than being hated by these monsters would be their approval. They are scum, and deserve nothing but your contempt.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.


Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on April 19, 2023, 03:50:07 PM
Since coming out, I've noticed something which was only exacerbated by the Covenant School shooting:
I lost the right to be an individual.

I'm held accountable for the actions of complete strangers.
We were treated like we all had blood on our hands because we shared one common trait (in my case, more than one) with a single shooter.
I'm trans first, a person later.
At it's worse, I was suicidal, and thought that maybe offing myself wouldn't be bad because some trans autist dying would make people happy after one of them killed a bunch of kids.

I know this has happened to other groups throughout history, I know I'm not the first, but fuck.

First time?

Born in 1980, discovered I was bi-sexual while Thatcher's section 28 was in full effect. Raised a catholic in the fucking heart of East Anglia (birthplace of Cromwell and protestant central) got beat up at school after the Warrington bombings. Blah, blah blah my life story isn't the point.

The point, my take away from experiencing prejudice and the realities of human nature? Are we actualy worth saving?

Seriously, we figure out slavery is wrong back in 1830 and jump into colonialism. We figure out colonialism is wrong and jump into hating the fascists and then the commies and fuck up countries like Iran and Afghanistan to prove a point. We figure out hating gays is wrong and jump into hating transgender.

Wait till we get into transhumanism and people replace body parts with replacements better than the original, that will be a sexy little shit storm. Whether your genitals match your birth certificate will be so yesterday after that.

The fact is, we love to hate and we love to fight. If you are in the crosshairs, all you can do is ride it out before society finds it's next target and it will.
Engage the enemy more closely


Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on April 27, 2023, 01:04:23 AM
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.

Maybe he just likes fascists.   :lulz:
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Getting some real Wolfpoet vibes tbh.

ETA: It's not impossible that there's two ex-Catholic Norse Pagan Bisexuals who hold right wing views, share that story about prostitute hygiene that comes up when you google his username, and hold an interest in Discordian forums.

But it would be a strange coincidence.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.


Quote from: altered on April 27, 2023, 01:04:23 AM
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.

That's nice dear
Engage the enemy more closely

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Scribbly on April 27, 2023, 04:14:28 AM
Getting some real Wolfpoet vibes tbh.

ETA: It's not impossible that there's two ex-Catholic Norse Pagan Bisexuals who hold right wing views, share that story about prostitute hygiene that comes up when you google his username, and hold an interest in Discordian forums.

But it would be a strange coincidence.

There is no end to that sort, no matter how many condoms you sell.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Fallenkezef on April 27, 2023, 06:11:18 PM
Quote from: altered on April 27, 2023, 01:04:23 AM
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.

That's nice dear

Well, aren't you just a condescending cunt?
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 29, 2023, 03:34:20 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on April 27, 2023, 06:11:18 PM
Quote from: altered on April 27, 2023, 01:04:23 AM
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.

That's nice dear

Well, aren't you just a condescending cunt?

To be honest I did miss the fascist stuff until altered called it out because I didn't read much past 'first time?'

I'd written him off as a condescending cunt after the first paragraph.

To come into a thread like this with some edgelord "Are we worth saving? Imagine how much worse it's going to get when we get to transhumanity!" take I mean, fuck.

I'm surprised he can type a post with his head so far up his own ass. It'd be impressive if it wasn't still caked in shit.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.


Engage the enemy more closely