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Antinatalism is the hammer of Eris

Started by Saint K1000, August 07, 2023, 09:25:35 PM

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Saint K1000

Eris had a lot of children yes, but it was all part of Her big plot.

When I mention antinatalism in any online discussion, people start getting angry big time. Could it be that Eris populated the earth with the goal of causing Chaos, and for her followers to be able to disrupt the machine that kills all?
Still very much a newbie, please be nice.


I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.

Saint K1000

Still very much a newbie, please be nice.

Q. G. Pennyworth

Not wanting to have kids is fine.

Not wanting people to feel pressured to have kids is fine.

Being shitty to people for having kids is cabbage behavior.

Saint K1000

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on August 09, 2023, 05:26:29 PM
Not wanting to have kids is fine.

Not wanting people to feel pressured to have kids is fine.

Being shitty to people for having kids is cabbage behavior.

who said anything about being shitty? The seeds of chaos don't need force to be planted, only time to grow.
Still very much a newbie, please be nice.

Doktor Howl

Dude, nobody gives a fuck about your cause.
Molon Lube

Saint K1000

Still very much a newbie, please be nice.


Antinatalism is a byproduct of the machine.
The average age for people to move out is 25.
Those who do go into 3rd level education tend to need to do at least 5 years, masters expectancy.
Most emerge from college with some kind of debt that even if nothing else will hinder them from getting a mortgage or delay them in getting a home.
The optimal age for a woman to have a child is 20-25. The percentage chance is in steady decline from that point on. 35 is what's called a geriatric pregnancy.

People aren't having less kids as a fuck you to the machine, "we will depopulation you", they are having less kids because they don't have a choice.
Sleepless nights at the chateau