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The Republicult™ On Parade

Started by Brother Mythos, June 30, 2023, 10:52:49 AM

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Brother Mythos

It appears that showing poster board size dick pics of Hunter Biden at a House Oversight Committee hearing last year wasn't enough for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's come up with yet another way to attract the attention she craves.

"Greene says Judge Engoron 'should be disrobed'"

As per this article:

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went after New York Judge Arthur Engoron on Thursday, demanding he be "disrobed" for his $355 million business fraud verdict against former President Trump last week.

Engoron ruled that Trump and his company committed business fraud by manipulating the value of assets, including inflating the value of his Florida home, the Mar-a-Lago club."

Well, Tricky Dick Nixon had Spiro T. Agnew, so maybe MAGAt Marge is the appropriate choice for Dishonest Don's next running mate. After all, Marge has a way with words too, just like Agnew, and we can always count on her to stay classy.

Here's the link to this article:      MAGAt Marge Wants Judge Disrobed

Brother Mythos

By the powers invested in me, I hereby recognize Alabama Senator Katie Britt (R) as a Distinguished Demagogue of the Political Order of THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL, as defined in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia (Except for the Distinguished Demagogue (DD) part. I just made that up.). I have been inspired to do so after watching her most recent Official Political Performance Art Piece (OPPAP).

"Katie Britt calls Biden a 'diminished leader' in GOP response to the State of the Union"

As per this particular article:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Sitting at her kitchen table in Alabama, Sen. Katie Britt called President Joe Biden a "dithering and diminished leader" and warned of a bleak American future under his presidency in the Republican rebuttal to his State of the Union address Thursday evening.
The first-term Alabama Republican, the youngest woman in the Senate, delivered a stinging election-year critique of the president. She argued that "the country we know and love seems to be slipping away" and appealed directly to her fellow mothers, who she said are probably "disgusted" with Washington."

This is a short article, and contains only a short video of cuts from Britt's entire performance. I wouldn't force, or even encourage a Discordian to watch her entire act, unless you're an experienced, hardened critic. Seriously, I still find it hard to believe that what she did and said during her act was not intentional political satire. So, you have been warned, and you're welcome.

Here's the link to this particular article:      Katie Britt OPPAP

After watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.

Brother Mythos

I learned a new meme! And, it explains what was going on with Alabama Senator Katie Britt during her SOTU rebuttal last week.

"Ever hear of "Fundie Baby Voice"? If you haven't, you missed what was going on. It gets worse."

As per this article:

"While Senator Katie Britt has gotten a lot of flak for her performance (and it was a performance), something else was going on. People have commented on her presentation — they way she emoted, the way she sounded, 'the woman in the kitchen talking about her kids' context.

Tom Sullivan at Digby's Place picked up on some videos that make her performance even creepier when you understand where she is coming from, and what she is messaging. Sullivan found several videos that contrast the way she speaks normally with the way she spoke that night. This video from Jess Piper explains exactly what kind of dog whistle Britt was blowing — the Fundie Baby Voice:

There's a name for it...fundie baby voice.

— Jess Piper (@piper4missouri) March 8, 2024
Piper plays several video clips from other women beside Britt to show what it sounds like, and then explains what it means to people who recognize it.

"...I was born and raised an evangelical, a fundamentalist. That is called the fundie baby voice. It means you're submissive. It means you're a good woman. It means you're kind and you support your husband. The better you are at the baby voice, the better woman you are.""

This is a long, strange article. But, it did get me thinking about this special religious voice thingy. For instance, if evangelical fundamentalists speak in a special voice on certain occasions, shouldn't Discordian Fundamentalists also consider speaking in a special voice(s) when proselytizing, and possibly on other special occasions?

Here's this article's link:   Fundie Baby Voice

ein Gefrorener Würfel

To #46
Quote from: Brother Mythos on March 11, 2024, 09:07:16 AMAfter watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.

At first I thought these awards would be an easy win for the USA. But after thinking about who would be second I realized, there are a lot of politicians who only and badly perform an act. The UK has some, Australia, .... From a comedy podcast with Indian guests I know India will be a contender in this. Germany and Austria have their Pappenheimer (Rascals (euphemism, mostly Nazis)), but they can't speak English so you won't hear from them.

That's why people who engage in politics are either fanatics of some ideology or frustrated.

Brother Mythos

Quote from: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 14, 2024, 06:43:28 PMTo #46
Quote from: Brother Mythos on March 11, 2024, 09:07:16 AMAfter watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.

At first I thought these awards would be an easy win for the USA. But after thinking about who would be second I realized, there are a lot of politicians who only and badly perform an act. The UK has some, Australia, .... From a comedy podcast with Indian guests I know India will be a contender in this. Germany and Austria have their Pappenheimer (Rascals (euphemism, mostly Nazis)), but they can't speak English so you won't hear from them.

That's why people who engage in politics are either fanatics of some ideology or frustrated.

I admit, I don't pay as much attention to politics and politicians outside the USA as I do inside. But, I have no reason to doubt that the rest of the world has its share of "Official Political Performance Artists."

However, I think there is yet another category of people who choose to enter the political arena. And, I believe our former president is a prime example. I don't believe TFG chose to enter politics late in life for any other reason(s) than power and greed. Other than being fanatically opposed to paying taxes and obeying laws, and frustration because our form of government expects him to do both, the only other motivation I see in him is his massive ego.

ein Gefrorener Würfel

I concur. US politics is special. Your "the winner takes it all"-voting system truly has a lot of undemocratic consequences. The biggest, I think, is the two-party system and the extremely unhinged pre-vote period/year.

Brother Mythos

Quote from: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 20, 2024, 09:38:20 PMI concur. US politics is special. Your "the winner takes it all"-voting system truly has a lot of undemocratic consequences. The biggest, I think, is the two-party system and the extremely unhinged pre-vote period/year.

Yes, our type of republic is different, and problematic. We were taught that our founding fathers didn't chose a parliamentary system because they wanted a clear separation of governmental powers, with an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch, with all three branches acting as checks and balances on each other. And, although far from perfect, our system did work moderately well in the 20th century, before today's hyper-partisan, no compromise era.

And, although it may look like it, our two-party system is not written into our republic's constitution. There are currently four (4) registered political parties in my state. And, Mrs. Mythos and I are both registered to vote in our general elections as "non affiliated." (All that means in our state is that we can't vote in the primary elections of any of the four (4) registered political parties. For the little that it's worth, our not joining a registered political party is a protest, as our state's primary elections are held so late in the year that all of the party candidates for president and vice-president have already been chosen by voters in the other states that held their primary elections much earlier.)


Tennessee is trying to ban chemtrails.

It is going well, so far.

ETA: Fuck, if this passes, I'm starting a flyer campaign to get people to call every representative who voted for it every time they see an airplane.
Formerly something else...

Brother Mythos

Quote from: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 02:28:36 PMTennessee is trying to ban chemtrails.

It is going well, so far.

ETA: Fuck, if this passes, I'm starting a flyer campaign to get people to call every representative who voted for it every time they see an airplane.

I love it! The Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory is one of my favorites!


I think the more obsessed they are with things that aren't real and don't exist, the less time and resources they'll have to infringe on the civil rights of people who are real and do exist. Also, they'll get increasingly frustrated with their reps who are totally ineffective at stopping the thing that isn't happening.
Formerly something else...

Brother Mythos

Quote from: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 04:37:02 PMI think the more obsessed they are with things that aren't real and don't exist, the less time and resources they'll have to infringe on the civil rights of people who are real and do exist. Also, they'll get increasingly frustrated with their reps who are totally ineffective at stopping the thing that isn't happening.

It never occurred to me that a prank could have real world, positive results. But, I agree, encouraging members of the Republicult™ to waste their time really does reduce the time they have available to do real harm.

Brother Mythos

I'm beginning to suspect that, at least, some of the high-ranking Republicult™ comrades in Tennessee are a skittish lot.

"Tennessee Republican Warns America: Cannibals Are Coming!"

As per this article:

"Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett told Steve Bannon that murdering cannibals are poised to migrate to the US."

<sigh> And, I thought Tennessee was such a nice, normal place the last time I was there.

Here's the link to this article:      Tennessee Republicult™ Comrade's Cannibal Warning!

It appears that Congressman Burchett doesn't believe Mark Knopfler either:   Mark Knopfler - Cannibals (Official Video)

Brother Mythos

Tennessee was only the beginning! The Republicult's™ Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory has spread like a virus to Pennsylvania!

"Mastriano proposes bill to combat 'chemtrails' rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science"

"Pennsylvania requires those seeking to modify the weather to get a license, but no one has ever applied"

As per this article:

"A state senator who was the 2022 GOP nominee for Pennsylvania governor has proposed legislation to outlaw experimental weather modification techniques falsely associated with the "chemtrail" conspiracy theory.

The false belief that condensation trails left by high flying aircraft are actually trails of chemicals released by the government for nefarious reasons has become conflated with techniques being explored to reduce the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere.

In a memo seeking support for his bill, Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin) said new technology and a proliferation of weather modification patents "owned by a combination of Federal Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and large multinational corporations" have brought forward the need to update Pennsylvania's law."

So, how long will it be before the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory becomes a "plank" in the Republicult's™ party platform? Oh, wait ... the Republicult™ doesn't have an actual platform. Silly me.

Here's the link to this article:      Bill Proposed to Combat Chemtrails in PA

Brother Mythos

Uh-oh, it looks like there's trouble in paradise.

"Republican blame game heats up as their majority thins"

As per this article:

"The internal blame game has highlighted both the deep divisions dogging the House GOP — where conservative agitators are bashing moderates as apostates, and moderates are bashing the hard-liners as obstructionists — and the minuscule majority that's made it all but impossible for Republican leaders to unite the warring camps for the sake of passing the party's policy priorities."

And, further along in this article:

""Every time a Mike Gallagher or a Ken Buck leaves early, that brings our numbers down and brings us dangerously closer to being in the minority," Greene said Tuesday in an interview with Real America's Voice, a conservative cable channel.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has largely downplayed the departures, noting that both parties are losing a number of veteran lawmakers next year to retirement or bids for higher office — a natural trend that accompanies virtually every election cycle.

"When I last checked, we're about on par with other Congresses," he told reporters after Buck's announcement. "It just — it always feels like that when you're in the midst of one."

Yet the number of resignations, as opposed to retirements, has been more pronounced this cycle. And some of the departing lawmakers are citing an extraordinary reason behind their decision: The environment on Capitol Hill has become so toxic, they say, that they simply can't bear to stick around."

I guess some members of the Republicult™ don't want to drink their Kool-Aid. And worse, I just may run out of popcorn before this act of their show is even over.

Here's the link to this article:      Trouble in the Republicult™


Congratulations, Tennessee. You did it.

You made chemtrails illegal.
Formerly something else...