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Breaking Point

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, July 06, 2023, 02:30:10 PM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

There are few things that loom larger in our cultural consciousness than the idea of a breaking point: that someday it will all just be Too Much and something will SNAP and suddenly it will be RADICALLY DIFFERENT than the day before. There will be riots, there will be fires, there will be government officials dragged out of their offices, there will be something Shiny and New and we will celebrate and topple statues and cheer. America, especially, dreams of breaking points.

When I was a kid the term we used was "going postal," as the most well known office shooting at the time was located in a post office. This was before Columbine, before schools were *the* destination for seemingly spontaneous mass murders. At the security company where I work now, there are calls every few months from companies that have let someone go and want someone to keep an eye out for them coming back armed.

You don't often find people connecting these threads.

Accelerationism is a political philosophy that espouses the idea that things are bad, but not yet bad enough for people to act towards necessary change. The idea that society is hesitating at the cliff's edge and just needs a little push before it tries to flap its little wings. Maybe, if we just make conditions intolerable *enough* it will be enough for change.

There's math people don't know that they're doing in their head all the time. It's economic theory kind of math, but it doesn't have much to do with money. The question being posed is always the same: is Doing Something worse than Doing Nothing?

There are, as you might expect, lots of moving parts here. What is the benefit of doing the thing? Is there a future on the other end that seems possible, and better than current conditions? How much does it cost? In lives, in money, in time and effort? What are the chances we will succeed? What are the costs of failure? And how bad, really, how bad is it now?

Accellerationists try to move the needle by making "how bad is it now" even worse. If you're just doing math, it makes a kind of sense. If you don't like the idea of people dying because of something you did, it's kinda less appealing.

There are trolley car arguments, of course. There are always trolley car arguments. The real villains are the ones who tied all these people up on the tracks in the first place, the ones who deregulated the trolley construction which led to the failing breaks. We've all heard it. I'm not going to try to convince you one way or the other on this.

What I do want you to chew on is the idea of that breaking point. That moment where conditions are so intolerable that literally any action is better than doing nothing and continuing as you are. That's the core conceit, isn't it? If we just get enough people there, revolution will spontaneously arise.

Now, back to the second point. Do you see where we're going here? We have an abundance of people who are already at the point where conditions are so personally intolerable that they are willing to end their lives ending the lives of others for no more reward than simply not dragging themselves through another day like this. Add to that number the "deaths of despair," the people who are numbing themselves by any means necessary to get away from the conditions they cannot tolerate. How big of an army do you really think you need to run the guillotines?

And there's the thing: they're not an army. Even the ones who think that their death is going to be The Spark that convinces everyone to finally get off the couch and start organizing, they're just dead bodies.

We consume a lot of revolutionary media. In that media there are really only two common paths from Intolerable Conditions to Outright Revolution: a charismatic lone individual inspires others to spontaneously rise up with no prior organization or coordination, and a charismatic lone individual is exploited by an existing organization to swell their ranks to a functional number. When that's all people see, it's no wonder that they think of revolution as something they can do on their own, or at least start doing on their own, but the evidence is right in front of our faces: if you act alone, you will not have any meaningful impact. The Machine is designed to absorb aberrant individuals.

Acquiring accomplices is hard. It's probably the hardest part of getting anything done. Building trust is not easy in a society that raised us on Stranger Danger, building community is hard in tract housing and car-centered design, every ounce of effort put into organizing is effort not being spent on the tasks of keeping yourself alive in a world that is ever more expensive just to breathe in.

But if you are pushing people, or yourself, to the breaking point, without laying down the groundwork? That's not the Revolution. That's just getting people miserable and dead. Stop doing The Machine's work for it.


There's a speech I've always loved which I feel has been a bit misused around this idea.

Quote from: Mario SavioWe were told the following: If President Kerr actually tried to get something more liberal out of the regents in his telephone conversation, why didn't he make some public statement to that effect? And the answer we received, from a well-meaning liberal, was the following: He said, 'Would you ever imagine the manager of a firm making a statement publicly in opposition to his board of directors?' That's the answer!

    Well, I ask you to consider: If this is a firm, and if the board of regents are the board of directors; and if President Kerr in fact is the manager; then I'll tell you something. The faculty are a bunch of employees, and we're the raw material! But we're a bunch of raw materials that don't mean to beā€”have any process upon us. Don't mean to be made into any product. Don't mean ... Don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the University, be they the government, be they industry, be they organized labor, be they anyone! We're human beings!

    There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!

I've heard a lot of folks centre the 'you' in this, ignoring the fact that Mario was clearly talking about collective action.

Yes, he's saying that 'you' need to do it, but the key here is that he was talking in a context of massive protests.

It was the threat of collective action that made him a menace. He was an organiser. He spoke a good game but he backed it up with his community. And that's why the FBI surveilled him for more than a decade. That's why they worked against him.

Mario centred the human in his activism. He contrasted who we are against the systems we are forced to operate in. He wanted more humanity, and he knew that the only way to disrupt The Machine was by encouraging that humanity in others; seeing it, fostering it, and refusing to be 'processed' by The Machine. Forcing it to recognise and acknowledge us as humans. Not raw materials.

And breaking it if it can't do that.

It's a romantic vision. He obviously didn't succeed. But he tried, and he did good, and whilst there will always be a price paid in blood to rebalance power in the world... there's no reason to make it any greater than it has to be. If you forget that, you're not seeing your fellow people as people any more.

You're seeing them as materials to be processed for the product of 'revolution'.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.


Brief sidenote, Scribbly! You have just answered something I've been trying to find the answer to for ages: who The Paper Chase was sampling on When (And If) The Big One Hits... I'll Just Meet You There. John Congleton is so fucking cool.

But on-topic: this is an IMPORTANT piece of writing you've got here, QGP. The way it gets out ahead of all the directions your brain could shoot off in and kindly guides you back onto the path is brilliant.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Often, people are unable to "snap", unable to break.
And when we don't break, we bend. We get bent out of shape, into something sadder, something worse.
The machine is good at "bending" any and all hope out of the products inside of it.
Lunatic Zoomer Garbage and Unholy Androgyne
I have questions that can be answered with bottles of teeth
I sift through the broken ideas of the anomalous subconscious


The massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives. Since the 70's we have been subtly and not so subtly been bombarded with propaganda and a slow tightening of the leash in the area of surveillance and what can be done to us legally.

We are little more than slaves, albeit our chains are financial, those behind bars are literally forced into chattel slavery. It's a damning take on 1984, at least in the US. Anti-union propaganda have been so effective that most will either vote against their best interest or be too afraid of repercussions to act.

Still, I see the need for community movement that you espouse, maybe some sort of anti-capitalist armed movement would be enough to bring about some change. Getting the momentum to get something like that off the ground though...maybe in socialist, anarchist, and communist circles it could be done. The stark demonization of those ideas will cause the average person some pause to add to it, however.
DLU/DBOB Tma/p C- S+:++ a-- Comp+ P++(+++, SEX) E- F@ R+ tv@ b++ OM8@ CON1 SF7 PHI8>$ RAW? DC+(DC) e h! r-(--->) ys--> K

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.
DLU/DBOB Tma/p C- S+:++ a-- Comp+ P++(+++, SEX) E- F@ R+ tv@ b++ OM8@ CON1 SF7 PHI8>$ RAW? DC+(DC) e h! r-(--->) ys--> K

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 10:00:03 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.

Dude, the CIA is not spying on you.  They don't even know you exist.  They have no interest in your "subversive" ideas. 

Your phone IS spying on you, but it's for Amazon and Meta and Blackrock.  They DO have an interest, because they would like to sell you things with your subversive ideas printed on them.

You're paranoid, but you're not paranoid enough.  You worry about all the wrong things, and you are frustrated because The Man is supposedly in the way of you doing things that were largely ineffective way the hell back in the 1960s when the best they could do was listen in on your home phone.

Now you can't drive to the drugstore without being tracked by half a dozen OLRs, and ANYONE can track you with the phone you increasingly can't live without.

They - Amazon, Meta, the 4 remaining owners of all the major grocery stores, whatever - own the ball AND the ball park.  You can do "collective action" all day long, and nobody will care.  Unless you go overboard, in which case you can work for above said megacorps for $0.50/hour in a prison call center so you accumulate good time towards release.

The chance to overturn The Man came and went in 1960.  And, sadly, you can't lure your crush into bed by hollering about the revolution like you could in the good old days.

Eris never promised you freedom.

Eris never promised you good choices.

Eris only pointed out that you can still have a good time, that is, if you're serious about havin' a good time.

Or you can worry about shit you can't change.

That brings up a question:  Who are you trying to save? You can't save the rubes, because they LIKE this shit.  You can't save the poor, because you yourself lack the resources to do so.  You can't even save yourself, because you are part of the system you are bitching about.

Collective action.   :lulz:   You're already doing it.  Just not the way you imagined.

Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 11:41:03 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 10:00:03 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.

Dude, the CIA is not spying on you.  They don't even know you exist.  They have no interest in your "subversive" ideas. 

Your phone IS spying on you, but it's for Amazon and Meta and Blackrock.  They DO have an interest, because they would like to sell you things with your subversive ideas printed on them.

You're paranoid, but you're not paranoid enough.  You worry about all the wrong things, and you are frustrated because The Man is supposedly in the way of you doing things that were largely ineffective way the hell back in the 1960s when the best they could do was listen in on your home phone.

Now you can't drive to the drugstore without being tracked by half a dozen OLRs, and ANYONE can track you with the phone you increasingly can't live without.

They - Amazon, Meta, the 4 remaining owners of all the major grocery stores, whatever - own the ball AND the ball park.  You can do "collective action" all day long, and nobody will care.  Unless you go overboard, in which case you can work for above said megacorps for $0.50/hour in a prison call center so you accumulate good time towards release.

The chance to overturn The Man came and went in 1960.  And, sadly, you can't lure your crush into bed by hollering about the revolution like you could in the good old days.

Eris never promised you freedom.

Eris never promised you good choices.

Eris only pointed out that you can still have a good time, that is, if you're serious about havin' a good time.

Or you can worry about shit you can't change.

That brings up a question:  Who are you trying to save? You can't save the rubes, because they LIKE this shit.  You can't save the poor, because you yourself lack the resources to do so.  You can't even save yourself, because you are part of the system you are bitching about.

Collective action.  :lulz:  You're already doing it.  Just not the way you imagined.

Then I was right the first time with my thread below, nothing doing to change Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, we were born here and we will die here. I'll get back to doing my shit and ignoring the rules that I think I can get away with ignoring. No sense playing by the established rules if those who set them aren't, I just have to keep my head down when I flip them off.

Sometimes I fall prey to the delusion that things could change, it's comfortable enough, gives me hope enough at times when I need some. The rest of the time I'm busy dancing the dance of Grandfather Nurgle and enjoying the entropy as we all sink on the ship we built together. The slow procession of decay is, at times, too slow for my liking. Still, such is the whim of the Grandfather and Eris herself, though she strikes me as one who is far more in line with Slaanesh. I make a point to only follow the mad gods, as the world itself is mad.
DLU/DBOB Tma/p C- S+:++ a-- Comp+ P++(+++, SEX) E- F@ R+ tv@ b++ OM8@ CON1 SF7 PHI8>$ RAW? DC+(DC) e h! r-(--->) ys--> K