
Today, for a brief second, I thought of a life without Roger. It was much like my current life, except that this forum was a bit nicer.

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Original Thought - what is it and why do we yearn for it?

Started by ein Gefrorener Würfel, January 07, 2024, 02:53:21 PM

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ein Gefrorener Würfel

I have deciphered (bad handwriting) and transcribed a discordian manuscript for you:

ODD#: iii;א\४/Γ|6Chs31
Original Thought - what is it and why do we yearn for it?

Throughout our day, we consume plenty of ideas, thoughts, phrases, stories, sketches, pictures, always on the lookout for something new. For something "original". Most stuff we have seen before. Retellings of a joke we have heard many times, a cover from a song from our childhood (which was already a cover), well-worn thropes like enemy-to-lover, but now one of them is a werewolf the other a faun and, surprise!, one decends from royalty. We gladly consume these remixes, retellings, reuses, reproductions of what already was.
Until, we reach the point of déjà-vu. The joyous consumption collapses. We know how it will continue, the next plot twist, the punchline, the murderer is obviously the gardener, the chord progression is clear, our thoughts are faster than the speed of consumption, we get restless and bored.
Now we mourn the past where everything was new to us, unheard songs, unread stories, uneaten food, unviewed paintings, unplayed games, unexplored places. The curse of memory, reminding us, that change happens only gradually, that everything builds upon what exists, that "the thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (KJV Ecclesiastes 1:9), everything is a remix.
In this depression we start to yearn for the seemingly unatainable "OG Content". But is it unatainable? Some major religions say so, Discordianism gives no clear answer (as usual). Secondly, do we really need new content or is it enough to have reurgitations of things we don't know? We can't discriminate these two. From a purely subjective persective both are completly new and unheard of. Does it matter?
Let's take a step back and look at Eris. Isn't She gorgeous, encompasing all original, new and unheard things, constanlty birthing new ideas. If we try to glance at Her we might gain such a new idea and if we are sufficently aware and able, we might put it down for others to enjoy. In this process we gain an understanding of Eris, but also of Aneris, since everything new that is introduced to us, stops being a part of Eris and becomes part of Aneris. It is no longer a chaotic idea, instead it gained form and structure.
Should we therefore stop reaching for new Chaos? For it will inevitably cease to be a part of our Goddess Eris. I say: Maybe, but no. Eris is our Goddess, but Aneris is Her sister, somthing like our Goddess-in-Law or whatever. Bringing the Unheard into our world doesn't harm Eris and helps Aneris to flourish. Further, we, on a personal level, gain slivers of understanding about Eris, in this brief time between conception of the thought and it's materialization.
This is what we as Discordians should strive for. Finding the New, the Unheard, the Unseen, the Unthought. It does not matter how small, inconsequential or disregarded this thought will be. It is not about utility for humankind, but the thoughts we had along the way.
Just kidding, we all want fame, money and a good retirement plan.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

And here is the link to the scanned pages:

Brother Mythos

Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence.