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hello everypony i am a big dumb idiot and know nothing. i have discovered a guy

Started by mx krabs the bepronouned, February 04, 2024, 02:10:52 PM

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mx krabs the bepronouned

wasn't sure where to put this exactly, here seemed to fit ish. found what seems like an entirely geniune conspiracy theorist grifter type guy who talks about RAW sometimes (seems like he's a fan). as established i know nothing about anything, is there like a precedent for this happening. also his banner on facebook is really good (might have to search for RAW posts, they aren't particularly frequent)

kinda seems like way too much of a dick for this whole situation to be as funny as it could be (he's mostly just mad about immigration, queer people, 'globalists', you know the drill)

one quote was:

"Having a terrifying paranormal experience is a spontaneous shamanic-type initiation through a traumatic shakedown. This is what Robert Anton Wilson called "Chapel Perilous." It balances your faith at the edge of disaster. We don't just think we have seen a dark shadow near our bed - we know it. Chapel Perilous is defined as "an occult term referring to a psychological state in which an individual cannot be certain if they have been aided or hindered by some force outside the realm of the natural world, or if what appeared to be supernatural interference was a product of their imagination." We need to recognize the deeper forces informing our hidden history and haunting our present days. If we don't help each other, we may begin to hear the laughing in the ether -- and it is not God"
"Boy howdy, that chapel sure can perilous!"

seems like OM and the internet were not an ideal combination huh


Jordan Peterson is the archetypal Greyface. Tiamat is Eris' boss form. The Lobster is Aneristic and the Crab Eristic only insofar as Entropy is concerned-- GET CARCINISED!

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: mx krabs the bepronouned on February 04, 2024, 02:10:52 PMwasn't sure where to put this exactly, here seemed to fit ish. found what seems like an entirely geniune conspiracy theorist grifter type guy who talks about RAW sometimes (seems like he's a fan). as established i know nothing about anything, is there like a precedent for this happening. also his banner on facebook is really good

As conspiracy theories are a fundamental facet of Discordianism, I follow them religiously. So, thanks for the link, and welcome to the forum.

mx krabs the bepronouned

oh i knew about that, it just seemed unusual for a discordian(?) or adjecant to either geniunely and fully believe in em, or at least try to get other people to do that with a goal thats less:

'this is an alternative grid, maybe if you realise that you could be pursuaded to adopt it you'll realise that your own original grid isn't the Correct one either'

and more:

'if i get you to fully, absolutely believe in this, you might watch my youtube videos and buy my merch'

its specifically nudging people towards paranoia rather than panagnosticism and all that (paranoia is more profitable etc). once again i dont know everything, hell i found out about the guy specifically because im interested in conspiracy theories too, ive been following the account for a while entirely for my own amusement-- it just seems vaguely unusual for a discount alex jones type to be into this stuff, and especially to then outright say that they are to their own audience (although there is clearly a link)

hope this didnt come across as too argumentative, i am a small scared man who does not want people to be mad at her
"Boy howdy, that chapel sure can perilous!"

seems like OM and the internet were not an ideal combination huh


Jordan Peterson is the archetypal Greyface. Tiamat is Eris' boss form. The Lobster is Aneristic and the Crab Eristic only insofar as Entropy is concerned-- GET CARCINISED!

Abbot Mythos

Well, I believe Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence. And, by extension, I believe we should not buy into conspiracy theories. Instead, we should make fun of conspiracy theories when we recognized them, and have even more fun doing it.

For what it's worth, I think that, in general, people want every effect to have an easily explainable cause. (To me, it's like when a child continually asks "why," when questioning an adult about something the child doesn't understand.) Further, I think many people aren't willing to put too much thought into figuring out the causes of many of the effects they observe. So, those same people will quickly latch onto any readily available explanation. And, unfortunately, there are always opportunistic people out there wanting to exploit, and to profit from gullible people. Organized religions mastered this type of exploitation, not to mention profit harvesting, millennia ago.

mx krabs the bepronouned

Quote from: Brother Mythos on February 05, 2024, 12:11:20 AMWell, I believe Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence. And, by extension, I believe we should not buy into conspiracy theories. Instead, we should make fun of conspiracy theories when we recognized them, and have even more fun doing it.

yeah thats an approach i can definitely get behind, laughing at this stuff is fun, easy and free (i recommend the podcasts knowledge fight and qanon anonymous if you don't already know about em). there's just the occasional moment where the actual consequences of the shit these guys willingly do can hit you, and it can make it hard to find it funny for a while— no reason anyone else shouldn't and all that.
also i like your thoughts . your thoughts are very cool and in addition to this good in my opinion
"Boy howdy, that chapel sure can perilous!"

seems like OM and the internet were not an ideal combination huh


Jordan Peterson is the archetypal Greyface. Tiamat is Eris' boss form. The Lobster is Aneristic and the Crab Eristic only insofar as Entropy is concerned-- GET CARCINISED!