
Also, i dont think discordia attracts any more sociopaths than say, atheism or satanism.

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'Tis Once Again the Season of Confusion

Started by Brother Mythos, May 27, 2024, 01:05:32 AM

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Brother Mythos

'Tis the beginning of the season of Confusion in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190.

'Tis once again the season when we of our faithlessness are to be reminded, "Forasmuch as it was Active, the Force of Discord entered the State of Confusion, wherein It copulated with the Queen and begat ERIS, Our Lady of Discord and Gross Manifestation of the Nonexistent Chao." And, thus this doctrinal Discordian dogma, from The Book of Uterus of The Honest Book of Truth, is duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

ein Gefrorener Würfel

So true. Truer words have never been issueded. The truthiness is supreme. But just a question, springing from the depth of my confused, mostly caused by the few shots of Jaegermeister, you should drink it at room temperature to get experince all the flavours, mind - this is not an endorsement to drink alkohol, which is proven to cause cancer, and I'm quite sure my fathers cancer was caused by it, but rather just an excuse for my confusement, what is the reason, and I'm not intending to critique anyone here, that you, again no criticisim, are using, this is an interesting word, it is both an everyday word to indicate an action, but also a way to describe the superiority or exploitative Actions of someone. Just saying.

Brother Mythos

Quote from: ein Gefrorener Würfel on May 27, 2024, 11:09:09 PMSo true. Truer words have never been issueded. The truthiness is supreme. But just a question, springing from the depth of my confused, mostly caused by the few shots of Jaegermeister, you should drink it at room temperature to get experince all the flavours, mind - this is not an endorsement to drink alkohol, which is proven to cause cancer, and I'm quite sure my fathers cancer was caused by it, but rather just an excuse for my confusement, what is the reason, and I'm not intending to critique anyone here, that you, again no criticisim, are using, this is an interesting word, it is both an everyday word to indicate an action, but also a way to describe the superiority or exploitative Actions of someone. Just saying.

Well ... now I'm confused too, as I don't understand your question. And, this is only the beginning of the second day of the aptly named Season of Confusion. Even worse, I'm still completely sober on this, our Memorial Day Holiday.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!