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frenchbread pizza x4

Started by Menger, Avatar of New Chaos, October 05, 2024, 10:31:35 AM

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Menger, Avatar of New Chaos

motherfucking ingredients:

-$1 loaf of french bread from walmart
-brick of mozzeralla cheese (NOT preshredded)
-can crushed tomato sauce
-crushed garlic
-can of tomato paste
-pepperoni stick

first you uhhhh preheat your oven to 500 degrees
then you crush ur garlic with a knife and dice some onions. and then you put the crush tomoato sauce into a pan and add tomatopaste (authors note: i used a BEEG can of crushed tomatos so i made like......... 50x the amount i needed  :lulz:  :lulz: oops! so use small measurements)
and then i add heat and mixed them the onion, garlic, basil, and salt and pepper. i then cut my mozzarella into little cubes and dice my roni stick to make pepperroni cubes
and then you cut both ends of the flatbeard off, then cut the big piece in half hamburger style and cut those two pieces hotdog style to have 4 seperate bases. and then you add the sauce, the cheese cubes, and then the ronis. i then put the flatbeard (i cook 1-2 at a time) on a basic baking sheet and put it in the oven for like 5-6 minutes for 1 and 6-7 minutes for 2. and then take it out and it's as easy as that. waaaaaaaaaay better than kneading dough in my opinion  :fap:
i dont know the measurments btw i just winged everything. it tasted good though....
no beginning and no end. boneless wings