
I hate both of you because your conversation is both navel-gazing and puerile

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Hard Lessons to be Learned Before the Next Election

Started by Abbot Mythos, November 07, 2024, 04:56:43 PM

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Abbot Mythos

1. 'Merica is not the shining city on the hill. It's the trailer park between Beer Belly's Bar and Ridgerunner's Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop.

Abbot Mythos

2. Macho 'Merican men want their womenfolk barefoot, pregnant, 'n' in the kitchen. They don't want no uppity, pantsuit wearin' women tryin' ta run no gubernment.

Mandelbrot Slapper

She ran that campaign like a one legged dog. She gave the same exact speech at every rally she attended. She had a parade of millionaire celebrities with military trained armed security details telling people who don't know if they will pay next month's rent or the leccy bill & whose kids are doing active shooter drills in Grade school that their interests are the same. No they are not.

They called Latino men misogynists and told African American men they were obliged to vote Democrat. They spoke of and to the working class of every race like they were cretins and told Pro Palestine Dems they were terrorist sympathisers.

Then she went down to South Carolina and Florida and told hurricane victims still searching for the bodies of their families that there was no money to help them out but they only had themselves to blame really, since very few of them seemed to have saved anything at all for a rainy day - or a series of devastating flash floods as the case may be.

Name one progressive policy initiative she hawked that doesn't have to do with abortion. Tell me at what point they ever acknowledged that a great many African American voters and just as many Latino voters, in line with their very traditional religious beliefs, are vehemently opposed to abortion.
Now me, I am all for abortion on demand. Tbh with you, there's a damn fine case to be made for it being compulsory for a lot of folk. But that was just terrible strategy.

She offered nothing. She has been in the party over a decade and in power for 4 years at the heart of the administration and they've done nothing but fund wars and prop up dodgy financial institutions. Tell me one idea she came out with which would have a real and lasting impact, which was focussed on improving the lives of anyone who is hurting in the US right now. You cannot.

They skipped the Primaries completely which in itself is a subversion of the democratic process. They installed a candidate who was popular with the Party apparatchiks but deeply unpopular in the electorate. She consistently polled lower than Biden in approval yet they bumped him and replaced him with her. it was madness.

If they'd gone for AOC they might have had a chance and she'd have towed the line as well as Harris but no. They are so disconnected from the voters that it never occured to them she'd be rejected. Why would she be rejected they thought. She ticked all the boxes. A woman of mixed race who is relatively young. What did it matter that she's an incompetent hack with a voice like an air raid siren and a fake laugh you could grate rocks on. She put on the accent on whatever group she was talking to at the time. Very badly.

And I swear the bitch was drunk more often than she was sober.

Now everyone's shocked she lost.
Tell him I'm fucking busy. Or vice versa.

Abbot Mythos

3. 'Macho man image' means everything to macho 'Merican men.

And, as Laurence J. Peter wrote, "An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on November 08, 2024, 07:20:55 AMShe ran that campaign like a one legged dog.

You misspelled "14.5 democratic voters couldn't shift their arses to vote."

The rest of your post is just Tucker Carlson talking points, so I'm just going to put you down as the enemy.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on November 08, 2024, 07:20:55 AMAnd I swear the bitch was drunk more often than she was sober.

Except this part.  I'm not going to ignore this, I'm going to laugh at your incel ass.

Like this ---> :lulz:
Molon Lube


 :lol: at the end of a totally shit-sodden and utterly devastating week you actually made me laugh out loud you old bugger! Thanks for that
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber

Doktor Howl

Quote from: MMIX on November 08, 2024, 04:45:13 PM:lol: at the end of a totally shit-sodden and utterly devastating week you actually made me laugh out loud you old bugger! Thanks for that

No worries.

I have a little too much venom backed up, and I've been praying some dumbass would come along and screech.

And what do you know?  My prayers were answered.

Molon Lube

Abbot Mythos

4. Know your constituency. A successful political campaign must appeal to "the lowest common denominator."

And, don't ever forget, in 'Merica "the lowest common denominator" is exceptionally low.


Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on November 08, 2024, 07:20:55 AMShe ran that campaign like a one legged dog. She gave the same exact speech at every rally she attended. She had a parade of millionaire celebrities with military trained armed security details telling people who don't know if they will pay next month's rent or the leccy bill & whose kids are doing active shooter drills in Grade school that their interests are the same. No they are not.

They called Latino men misogynists and told African American men they were obliged to vote Democrat. They spoke of and to the working class of every race like they were cretins and told Pro Palestine Dems they were terrorist sympathisers.

Then she went down to South Carolina and Florida and told hurricane victims still searching for the bodies of their families that there was no money to help them out but they only had themselves to blame really, since very few of them seemed to have saved anything at all for a rainy day - or a series of devastating flash floods as the case may be.

Name one progressive policy initiative she hawked that doesn't have to do with abortion. Tell me at what point they ever acknowledged that a great many African American voters and just as many Latino voters, in line with their very traditional religious beliefs, are vehemently opposed to abortion.
Now me, I am all for abortion on demand. Tbh with you, there's a damn fine case to be made for it being compulsory for a lot of folk. But that was just terrible strategy.

She offered nothing. She has been in the party over a decade and in power for 4 years at the heart of the administration and they've done nothing but fund wars and prop up dodgy financial institutions. Tell me one idea she came out with which would have a real and lasting impact, which was focussed on improving the lives of anyone who is hurting in the US right now. You cannot.

They skipped the Primaries completely which in itself is a subversion of the democratic process. They installed a candidate who was popular with the Party apparatchiks but deeply unpopular in the electorate. She consistently polled lower than Biden in approval yet they bumped him and replaced him with her. it was madness.

If they'd gone for AOC they might have had a chance and she'd have towed the line as well as Harris but no. They are so disconnected from the voters that it never occured to them she'd be rejected. Why would she be rejected they thought. She ticked all the boxes. A woman of mixed race who is relatively young. What did it matter that she's an incompetent hack with a voice like an air raid siren and a fake laugh you could grate rocks on. She put on the accent on whatever group she was talking to at the time. Very badly.

And I swear the bitch was drunk more often than she was sober.

Now everyone's shocked she lost.

These would all be reasonable points if she wasn't up against a syphilitic mess, who paid off a child he raped on epstien Island, who previously installed his buddies to rob the country blind.

If she had been running against
Even RKJ

You'd have a point.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on November 08, 2024, 08:06:00 PMThese would all be reasonable points if she wasn't up against a syphilitic mess, who paid off a child he raped on epstien Island, who previously installed his buddies to rob the country blind.

If she had been running against
Even RKJ

You'd have a point.

Dumbass is either a Trumper or one of those progressives.  You know what I mean.  Accelerationists.
Molon Lube


Accelerationists always argue they are pushing towards some kind of collapse, they never seem to be aware of the fact that things can reach a nice stable level of shit and stay there without any collapse, it can often hang at that level of tedious,for centuries.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on November 08, 2024, 08:29:01 PMAccelerationists always argue they are pushing towards some kind of collapse, they never seem to be aware of the fact that things can reach a nice stable level of shit and stay there without any collapse, it can often hang at that level of tedious,for centuries.

Well, yeah.  Britain from 536 CE to 1600 CE is a good example.  Got rid of those nasty Romans, spend a thousand years living in mud with even worse bosses.

Nobody ever accused them of being smart.

Molon Lube

Abbot Mythos

5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

Mandelbrot Slapper

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 08, 2024, 04:25:06 PM
Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on November 08, 2024, 07:20:55 AMAnd I swear the bitch was drunk more often than she was sober.

Except this part.  I'm not going to ignore this, I'm going to laugh at your incel ass.

Like this ---> :lulz:

Yes I must be a fella because I didn't check my intellect at the door as soon as a warmongering cunt with a cunt was running for President.

How very discordian of you to lick at the establishment Democrat shit chute.
Tell him I'm fucking busy. Or vice versa.