
It's not laughter if you're just going through the muscle movements you remember from the times you actually gave a fuck.

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No, It's Not an Article On "The Onion."

Started by Abbot Mythos, January 14, 2024, 02:21:34 PM

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Abbot Mythos

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and state that I don't believe the USCEO did this as an homage to Peter Sellers' performance in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

Right-Wing Extremists Are Abuzz Over Musk's Straight-Arm Salute

And, if the USCEO is actually afflicted with alien hand syndrome (AHS), I think someone would have noticed by now.

Abbot Mythos

Trump proposes 'getting rid of FEMA' while touring disaster areas

I don't think TTSS wants to get rid of FEMA because, based upon their track records, many of the redneck states have always handled their numerous, predictable disasters so very well all by themselves. Florida and Louisiana immediately come to mind for me as examples of this. And, I find it interesting that I have yet to be informed of any objections from any of the MAGAt politicians in those two particular states to TTSS's proposal.

Abbot Mythos

I found this on a UK news website:

Pennsylvania flood museum temporarily closed due to flooding

Well ... Johnstown, Pennsylvania is famous for its deadly flood of 1889. Or, at least it's famous for that particular flood in my state. And, the town has been hit with other notable floods since the 19th century. But still, when is enough, enough?

Abbot Mythos

I learned a new word this morning.

'It's horrible': Hooters plots British 'breastaurant' expansion via Newcastle

Having never heard the word before, out of curiosity, I googled "breastaurant" to see if it was a documented and recognized part of the 'Merican vocabulary. Now, I did not find any dictionary entries, but I did find one on Wikipedia. My biggest surprise, however, was seeing a map appear as part of my search results that clearly marked five (5) "breastaurants" within a few minutes drive of my house.

I really did need a good laugh this morning.

Abbot Mythos

No, DFW Airport Is Not Sending Dan Patrick Photos of Your Genitals

Posters detailing an Electronic Genital Verification pilot program were spotted at DFW Airport over the weekend.

As per this article:

"Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick does not want to see your genitals, despite the claims made on a sticker noticed by a jet-setting Redditor who made a pit stop in a Dallas Fort Worth International Airport bathroom stall over the weekend.

(Actually, we didn't send an inquiry to the lieutenant governor's office, since those people never talk to us, so maybe he does want to see your genitals. Probably not, but we can't say for certain.)"

It's worth looking at this article and clicking on its embedded sticker noticed by a jet-setting Redditor link. This is truly impressive Expert Level Trolling.