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titles can go fuck themselves

Started by Horab Fibslager, April 11, 2005, 02:39:40 AM

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I'll cut & paste from the forums into word, edit it, and then pm you the results.

Horab Fibslager

lol i figured it might be as such, and it explains what you did miss(tho not the single lower case 'i' 2 thirds through.

i did a further edit adn sent it back as well as to the finished bin. thanks, i do appreciate it(because seriously i edited it with word the before and this is much, much better)
Hell is other people.


when i get some free time, I'll do another chapter.

Horab Fibslager

Hell is other people.


Ah well, if LMNO is planning on doing the editing, that saves me the bother.

I take back my offer of help as noted in the Profane Dog. :p
Look, nice dashes, nice.

Horab Fibslager

you are certainkly welcoem to html it up at some point dude.

since it'll be on display at the dog anyway.
and for all those viewers at hom ewho are glued to their tlevision set s in anticipationof another chapter, don't worry, i'll be in with the goods before too long.
Hell is other people.

Horab Fibslager

ch. 9 into the kitchen of darkness

the lightless abysss of teh void shattered into tall stone columns leering into incalculable heights and ringed by flower beds. Forms lay prostrate agaisnt the stone floor barely illuminated by flickering torches set in candelivers in the the tall stone columns were offset by the lovely lavendar drapes which framed an impossible landscape undreamable by th emaddest of minds. each a scene which defied those laws of reality which any mind - man or god would fear to contemplate.
horab regarded his companion with a questioning look which was returned with a confused one.
"had i known you were bringing me here," horab said while starting forward, " i could've brought us to the front door so we coudl knock."
"here? i uh mean, well this is unusual . er well it's suually the void and very... well, different."
"indeed. well let's say hello then eh?"
"they  walke dforward passing corridors which appeared identical to each other, each lined with the figures kneeling protrate as if in worship."
"whoa re they?" LMNO asked?
"who? oh them, uh zombies"
"yeah man, don't worry tho, they belognto teh zombie queen."
"oh well that's reassuring then."
LMNO did not look reassured whatsoever.
they came to a large  oak door banded  with metal work and laquered in a ton ewhich subdued the severity of the drapes.
The door spoke then; "will you give us the word?"
"no, no, and maybe next week"
"then you may not pass"
"fuck you man"
a woman's voice spoke then. a voice which carried a regal authority betrayed by a certain softness, as if it coudl penetrate the most hardened of minds.
"no need to be rude horab, come on in."
as the door swung imposingly outward revealing a mixture of modern homeaking conveniences set against the gothic dungeonesque floor plan , horab whispered to his companaion "theatrics" and gave a quick smile.
Before them stood the tyrantess of ages, She who had bled egypt dry, who had soaked babylon in it's own juices, She who sank atlantis, SssBella Oracle of doom, Queen of teh zombie hordes and keeper of mere annihilation held a tray of cookies.
"hey Sssbella sorry we didn't knock, umm er this guy  who's name i'm not sure of brought us here a bit differently than i'm used to."
L looked mildly pissed wether at the poor introduction or at recieving teh creit for their method of entry., horab could only guess at, and did not care to presently.
"not a problem, you kno wyou're always welcome here. cookie?"
"i'd love one"
Bella proffered.
"you boys must be thirsty after such a long journey. make yoruselves at home"Horab and LMNO did so on the flower patterned furniture whcih adorned teh chamber.
"why do you remember her name and not mine?" L asked
"well why wouldn't i know it? she's almost as unto a god."
"and that may be why you don't recall his horab, hun" beela said as she palced drinks on coasters fashioned from manacles before them.
"you are moving towards godhood, towards as you were for a time before givign up your flesh. the memory of being dead is for the dead alone."
"well, i suppose that would explain thing then. a little confusing but whatever."
"which brings us to why mr NO has brought you here this afternoon".
"yes, please"
"i don't likel what i see."
"with a view liek this who would?"
L quipped.
"i rather like it. it's quite something"
"so do it, but i can see your point"
horab took a drink and mmm'ed satisfactorily producing a small smile from Bella.
"Doom. Great Doom for us all, horab"
"figures," replied horab wrily.
Hell is other people.


This is m0ney Horab. Do you intend to put everyone from the forum in?  :D  :wink:

Also, notice Be-lla's name, its been changed to bella so you might want to figure some way around the weird name changes in place by the forums.

Otherwise, cool, really feeling the atmosphere.

One by one, we break the sheep from their Iron Bar Prisons and expand their imaginations, make them think for themselves. In turn, they break more from their prisons. Eventually, critical mass is reached. Our key word: Resolve. Evangelize with compassion and determination. And realize that there will be few in the beginning. We are hand picking our successors. They are the future of Discordianism. Let us guide our future with intelligence.

     --Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide

6.5 billion Buddhas walking around.

99.xxxxxxx% forgot they are Buddha.

Horab Fibslager

i guess lucky for me i wrote thi sin pen first then to my notepad, then c+p'ed it eh?

btw, the paper draft of this might be up for grabs. not sure how i'm gonna go about that tho.

adn thx :)
Hell is other people.


Oooh cool.

I reckon I'll add "tyrantess of the ages" to my list of titles. :D
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


That's quite an appropriate title, tyrantess.

Horab Fibslager

nobody ever is impressed by the keeping of mere annihilation.


well this episode is a two parter, so stay tuned folks.
Hell is other people.