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Rant 94: Non Serviam

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, July 23, 2005, 11:50:40 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 94
Non Serviam

"You're talking like a medieval surf, asking the first agnostic whether he worships God or the Devil."
-Hagbard Celine (Robert Anton Wilson)

Let the Socialists and the Capitalists eat each others' asses since neither of them realize that both ideologies justify the other's existence. The same thing with the Conservative and the Liberal dupes. The same thing with the promoters of Disorder and the promoters of Order. They simply want to rally around a flag, no matter what flag, as you should well know. None of them seem to be able to handle the rigors of free thought and free existence and none of them can handle Eris and Her Children; those who establish their own freedom and the ones who dare to validate their own existences without recourse to tepid whinings of ideologies, philosophy or religions controlled by vast media bureaucracies and priest-hoods who style themselves the intellectual classes.

None of these "people" (really cabbages, we'll have you know) are really interested in the liberation of any individual human being. They will use laws, beliefs, and economics to keep others in line with their tepid visions. Failing that, they will resort to any despicable acts of violence or harm to get their agendas across. They are--no matter how right thinking, or moral, or centrist, or politically correct, or holy, or submissive to god they say they are-the true enemies of freedom. They hate the fact that life doesn't fit into their schemas and they will kill all that lives which will not fit. Those of you calling yourselves Discordians or Erisians, sit up and take notice. And do not serve those idiots. We, of the Discordian Society will have you know that We Are Not Afraid.

The Fear is the most potent weapon that authoritarians and their freelance terrorist cousins will wield in their endless machinations to keep or to gain control over not only your bodies but of your minds. (To the Islamic Jihadists who want everyone to submit to their medieval God; to the Christian Crusaders who want to spread the cult of Televangelist Jesus around the world; to the radical militants who either want to impose the State or smash the State; we say Your Days Are Over. No matter how many times you blow up your stinkers or try to convert the masses, and no matter how much you try to interfere with human evolution, You Have Already Lost. In case any of you are reading this (paranthetically).) All of their violence and all of their beliefs are simply masochism, and they have refused to get the fact that they are really idiots who pose as wise or pose as servants of the wise. We have left them aboard their ship of illusions as it breaks apart on the rocks of chaos. As they swim along trying to find solid ground to regain their bearings, we will illuminate their continued opposition to freedom simply because it amuses us to no end.

None of us will serve any of their slave-gods, their slave-ideologies, nor their slave-beliefs. We absolutely and resolutely laugh upon and dance over the graves of their putrid religions and ideologies. Their angered responses only gives us more and more of a rise and the end can only be tears for them. Laughter for us. Their attempts to make us afraid only makes us better sowers of the seeds of Discordia. Without their weapon of Fear, they have nothing over us. And since none of us are really afraid of any of them (though we might pretend to be from time to time depending on our perverted entertainment needs), they have nothing. Too bad they can't see that all they need to live freely is their own link to the Prettiest One. (Their own pineal gland; They don't want to accept this because theirs are lopsided; and for a limited time only, they can contact any one of us for correction of the problem.) Every one of their doctrines, beliefs, rituals, ideas, and laws are Ours for the taking in our great Mindfucking endeavor to blow all the bullshit from our and their minds in ways that entertains us and celebrates our Lady of Chaos. (We also do it for kicks, but that topic's for another rant.)

We Are Free and we mean to illuminate all opposition and subvert all obstacles. All of those people who disagree with and fight against individual human liberty are still merely pawns of Our Lady of Discord anyway. And since their actions get more reprehensible and childish as time goes on, we want them to know that they can repent now and they'd only have to be spanked with wet socks for restitution...otherwise they can keep killing one another in efforts to prove who is the prettiest one, all the while forgetting the joke. Discordians, Erisians, friends, and free people, lend them your golden apples.

July 14th, 2005

[Refer to the sermon/rant about the "Rats" for elucidation of this theme.]

-Irreverend Hugh, KSC; and Illuminatus Impersonator
"Get With the JAMs!"
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"