
Discordianism:  It is some kind of a communist sect.

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Jesus Died for YOU

Started by HeDiedForYou, October 24, 2003, 11:36:46 PM

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Quote from: Slartibartfastmemes are fascinating. trollax have you read "the electric meme" by some author? i doesn't actually talk about memes much, it spends the whole book trying to logically decide if they actuallly DO EXIST or not (since all other books just assume they do). kind of interesting read.

nope... I got a book on proto-memetics (it predates 'the selfish gene' in other words) that I haven't gotten around to reading. My room is full of books, and I've yet to read most of them... but one of these days...


i need to buy some more books to read. i was thinking of buying a CD collection called Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything- just 9 hours of RAW talking about stuff.


Quote from: Slartibartfasti need to buy some more books to read. i was thinking of buying a CD collection called Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything- just 9 hours of RAW talking about stuff.

I want the foamy DVD, and that's about it :D



Quote from: SlartibartfastFOAMY HAS A DVD??????

the first 40 episodes (no lnger available from the vault) for only $16.99 US plus p & h.

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: Slartibartfasti need to buy some more books to read. i was thinking of buying a CD collection called Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything- just 9 hours of RAW talking about stuff.

read the wheel of time. such a good series. i'd tell mreo about it, but i don't want to give anythign away.
Hell is other people.

Rupert Giles

Read 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' by Bill Bryson.


Quote from: null-n-voidAlright, one more time I will say that
Quote from: II can never understand why people who are aware of the brainwashing remain Christian. I used to be Christian, but soon I realized that the only reason I was Christian was because I had been brainwashed since I was born. God had never 'spoken' to me. I had never felt the Holy Spirit. The argument that the Bible was auto-true didn't make sense: other religions have their own 'divinely inspired' scriptures. The only reason I was Christian was because I was born in a Christian family. If I had been born in a Muslim family, I'd be a Muslim. If I had been born in a Shintoist family, I'd be Shintoist.
was NOT about you. Don't get angry, it's OK. I just felt like talking. Which doesn't seem that strange to me, considering the purpose of this place.

The only thing in my post that was directed to you was the question, which I stated twice.
yes you did say it twice once at the begining and once at the end of the post... any wonder why I thought all the stuff in the middle was to me as well...

your reasons for all the stuff maybe valid... but please forgive me for thinking that it was directed to me rather then just being random comment.
Quote from: null-n-void
If you do not wish to answer, that's fine. I was just curious, didn't mean to make you all grumpy.
you didn't make me grumpy... I just refused to answer. I didn't realize that when people didn't get what they wanted that means I'm grumpy... this is going to be a hard one for me to deal with but I will make it through.

Now I guess I'll respond to individual parts of what you said. I don't have anything better to do.

Quote from: null-n-void
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisso why did you bring up the family raising someone as a basis for MY choice of religion?!?!?I mean considering you said it your self that you were raised in it but are no longer one.
Again, that was just a misunderstanding. I did not mean to imply that you were only Christian because you were born into a Christian family. I was just commenting on why I was originally Christian.
I get that... and now I also understand how it happened the stuff in the middle wasn't directed at me.
Quote from: null-n-void
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisI am unsure as to why you included this in your statment as I have never told you that... and I don't believe that there are any others around here that subscribe to the believes that you are addressing... ( know your audience)and I am a little confused by someone that is on a discordian forum page getting all hung up over reason... but that is your right.
Again, I thought talking to no specific person was acceptable on a forum (how else would new topics be started?).
you are right but again I thought the question at the begining and the question at the end was directed at me... how foolish I was to believe the middle portion was as well

Quote from: null-n-void
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisI don't remember asking to be persecuted in the first place... and remember that is your word for it not mine... you appearently will persecute me regardless of my fealings on the matter. and I'm pretty much ok with that I'm pretty used to knee jerk spiritual bashing.
I intended that remark with sarcasm. I did not, by any means, intend to spiritually bash you.
thats ok it happens.

Quote from: null-n-void
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisso what?!?!? there's no need for any of the post you just made... but you did it... oh well.
Sorry. I was just saying that there was no need for the animosity, it was only a misunderstanding. As for the 'no need for my post', I will again question the purpose of this forum. What is it for, in your opinion? I see it is not acceptable for me to record my thoughts here.
the explanation shows intense emotion... I hadn't realized till I read you post right here that you thought it meant animosity... none was intended. I don't understand why you are questioning the purpose of this forum... but that is your right. I don't understand why my opinion as to why it is here is important as well. I don't know why you don't think it is acceptable for you to post here but it shouldn't have anything to do with my comment that there is no need for your post comment. because frankly there is no need for me to post... and there is no need for me to use "excessive" explanation points, but I still use them!!!!!

[edit]I see you say you thought the conversation was funny. If you weren't really getting grumpy and I just misinterpreted your response, I apologize. I really didn't want to fight with you.[/edit]

thats ok it happens

blessed be
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: SMFabal
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferishhhmmmm... you know I really don't feel comfortable talking this one over with you and frankly this is something that I feel is only important between me my creator and my saviour in the blood the lord Jesus Christ...
Why didn't you say so in the first palce? :mrgreen:

I say, good on ya.

Me, I've personally experienced only the Goddess Voice, but that's me.
I use the word god as I use the word actor... in the sense of not being associated with gender just the role.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: St. Trollax, ODDA woman was interviewing various religious leaders on the creation/evolution debate in schools went to talk to a buddhist priest. She asked him if he believed that creation or evolution should be taught in schools. to which he replied.
"I am watering the grass because it is dying"

*pisses on Null-n-void and Chaosgraves*

I am watering you because you are going gray.
like an earl.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Das Raddiche

pokes the jesus in the eye.


"The revolution will not be televised"   --Gil Scott Heron


Quote from: Malignus The Malignantpokes the jesus in the eye.

dude you missed the other four eyes... what are you thinking.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferislike an earl.

Like an earl?



POEE Pre-Chaplain Neon Irwin of the Bahumbug Pre-Cabal, CG, UE, KoBaSN