
What the fuck is a homonym?  It's something that sounds gay.

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Emo & Fluffy Bunnies

Started by Zurtok Khan, January 03, 2006, 05:48:59 AM

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Zurtok Khan

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
-Chinese Proverb

What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your mouth.
-Jewish Proverb

So, I'm sitting here trying to write poetry.  That's not working.  So, I'll make you all suffer (as I only very occasionally push my poetry on your eyes).  I have been contemplating the WHY of Emo for the past few minutes, because I have nothing better to do.  Why has it sprung up from the deapths of the dark souls that I can't understand to make me giggle at it's stupidity.  The only answer I can see is that of misperception.  Of course, that is the rather obvious answer.  Which brought me to my next thought, Emo bois and grrls are no different from Fluffy Bunnies.  Their perceptions are both screwed up to the point they don't function without their security blanket they call "beliefs" of one kind or another.

But, that does not address the WHY of the issue of extreme misperception (please to note: I mean to make a difference between misperception and a difference of opinion, there are many people who disagree with me on various issues that don't suffer from extreme misperception).  The WHY, I think, is that both Emo bois and grrls and Fluffy Bunnies have been taught that the world, or humanity, or whatever else is imperfect, that it is missing something essential.  The Emo crowd says, "Fuck, there's nothing we can do, so lets wear black and pretend to slit our wrists."  while the Fluffies say, "Well, then we'll have to THINK! it into existance."  They have been fed static and thus think that there is no decipherable signal because it is not apparent.

Whether the world is perfect or imperfect is up to debate among egos much larger then mine.  We experiance only so small a part of the world, I fail to see how you can extrapolate from that small test sample the true state of the world.  That I think is the problem, hubris.  They are sure they are right, they are proud of their right-ness, and they flaunt it in some form or another; either by wearing pentacles and worshiping the Great Vagina in the sky (and telling everyone who doesn't that they are wrong) or by wearing black clothes and singing about their Misery.

If we tell people enough that they are disenfranchised they will eventually believe it, and in doing so, give up.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain

Fizzwitz Glorypoop

I pretty much believe that there is absolutely no point to anything and we're just kidding ourselves to believe there is. But. I'd rather kid myself and have some measure of happiness or a reasonable facsimile of that then just give up. So I force myself to believe in a future, in love, in beauty, in something other than endless space and a few short years before we rot in the ground, forgotten.

Um. Yeah. Anyway.
Fizzwitz Glorypoop, Baroness of Paradox, Episkopos of the Cabal of Innocent Absurdity

"Snorting ground up crows beak off the broken shards of your bathroom mirror might not get you high, but that doesnt mean its not worth doing." - Z3

Zurtok Khan

Yes, but you sir are NOT a fluffy bunny.

Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain