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Rant # 10 : Cry of Despair? Hell no!

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, November 03, 2003, 11:12:54 PM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

RANT # 10: Cry of Despair? Hell No!

?¨D?à n?å ce?õl no cainnt sgeilmear
no craobh a?? f¬?s craobhach dealbhach
no bl¬?th caomh a?? chinnidh daonna
no beul gr¬?idh le c?õmhradh beatha
no gilead na gr?àine no leugan na mara
no caoineadh
no sgarrghail rabhaidh
fiosrachadh foghair no samhraidh no earraich
no geamhraidh
dhan an fheadhainn a roghnaich
boidhr?? agus doille??
¬•s a tha ¬•n aghaidh ris a ¬•bhailbhe??Æ

?¨What??s the use of music or polished diction
or tree that grows branching and shapely
or the gentle blossom of humanity
or loving mouth with talk of life
or the sun??s brightness or the sea??s jewels
or keening
or warning cry
knowledge of autumn or summer or spring
or winter
to those who have chosen
deafness and blindness??
and are facing dumbness??Æ

--An tOllamh D?õmhnall Mac Amhlaidh

Finally! I have made it to the Aftermath that follows the crunch of Bureaucracy! Profound chaos, confusion, and discord are mingling in my head all at once for a while before they inevitably split up schizo-like again. My mind is blown like a tower made of cigarette ashes all across the landscape. And do I try to gather the ashes back up and put them back together again? Hell no. Let them scatter!

If I am just a hallucination dreamed up by the White Mouse, so what? It doesn??t bother me, nor should it bother anyone else for that matter. As long as I stay one skip ahead of coherency, no one can begrudge me my aftermath. Show me the sound of one hand clapping, and Eris will slap the crap out of you while I whistle at the Purple Monkey I have just pulled from the hole in my sock. What gives? Hopefully it??s your mind that gives, and not only gives, but gives way at the seams bursting to let all the shit out.

All Hail Discordia! And that goes for you too. I have thrown the monkey wrench into my mind so that all the wing-nuts go flying apart. I have pulled out all the threads that hold the whole thing together. Behold, I have seen the Word and it is a bunch of chicken scratches written by a turkey on crack! I have burned up all the files of my despair and worn down all the treads on my tires of exhaustion. Ewige Eriskraft!
Woe to the idiot whose mind does not blow in the wind! The right winged conservatives jism at the left. The left winged radicals jism at the right. The rest jism at the center. While some of us, myself included, care nothing for that two dimensional political posturing left over from an old planet of the apes nightmare. The fact that most people will allow the shackles of ideology fester in the wounds of their crippled minds will no longer get me down! I will no longer allow the creeping hangovers of emotionally transmitted diseases wear at my energy. A continuously open mind is the indomitable condom that keeps one free of such EDTs. My pineal gland is on rapid auto-fire mode and I won??t stop until all I can see is the smoke of bullshit being burned up to a crisp.

Praise Eris and pass the tequila! Hail Eris and blow your own damned minds! Otherwise some of us may do it for you. Are we going to let the fact that Greyfaces and people of DUMB control our societies and have manufactured a slavery so complex that it masquerades as freedom? No! Hell No! We know what the source of all this really is, even if the majority choose to forget. Don??t get your pineal glands up in a lopsided bunch. Let them explode! Throw the golden apples everywhere you can. They won??t be stopped. There are too damned many. Do you think I am crazy? Then we have more in common than you think. Kallisti!

(Originally written on Aftermath 1st, 3169)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"