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Writing Exercise

Started by deet, May 14, 2006, 03:09:57 AM

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Count to ten with me.


brief pause, to relax your face.


forget about five.


Ignore all distractions.


pause. relax. remember to breathe.



You made it. Look around you. What do you see?

Concentrate on a single point. Choose it carefully, and observe every detail. Remember it clearly.

Still with me? You've made it this far, now a little more

Describe it to yourself, with as much clarity as your mind will allow.

Post the description, beginning with your first thought.
All walls have two sides.

Triple Zero

computer. mess. desk. headphones.
yellow squares, sennheiser. little cable.

i could tell you a lot more about my
headphones, but this is what i observed
according to your exercise.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Shibboleet The Annihilator

It's all a bunch of labels made by monkeys that figured out how to slap their tongues and lips together to make lots of funny sounds. Seriously.


Clutter. Fucking lots of clutter. Cups, CDs, a light, a few books, speakers, and a telephone.

There's a pop can beside the cup, I haven't done dishes in a while so I'm drinking Pepsi until I get around to it.

Piles of paper. All the stuff on the left side of my desk is blank, everything on the right side has my mental diarreah (dil ;) ) spilled all over it.

There's a 3-hole punch leaning against a speaker, which could easily knock the glass over, and then I'd have a use for the cloth that is sitting on the corner.

If I cleaned this desk up, I'd probably find the pen that I know I have.
All walls have two sides.


The plungers sit adjacent to two overturned rubber duckies (pink, green), the war of bathrooms brought kitchenside and turned to a scrubbing bubbles massacre.

The plungers, victorious and sparkling in that victory and wearing their Bath Center sticker flags with pride, are even now (in their shining hour) slightly bent in the handle, remembering the sacrifice of those who have fallen before them. Sponge, paper towel, bleach stained comrades, all gone now and left to that trashcan wasteland to be buried in time by mass grave landfill machines. Still the plungers look towards the door and the future, hopeful.  

Pink duckie gazes lifeless out of one eye. Once it floated free, a vibrant and delightful guardian of porcelain. Now it's nothing more than a hollow squeaking depiction of defeat encircled in the hula hoop of it's stoic shame. It's brother Green has been thrown a short distance away but they remain joined by death and the bubblebath patina that they still wear around their heads like skewed halos.

It is the end of an era and bathtime.

Don't ask me why these things are in DS#3's kitchen. I don't know WTF either.
Making people sorry they asked since 1983.


She got the speakers in the trunk
With the bass on crunk.

Shibboleet The Annihilator

Quote from: deetCount to ten with me.


brief pause, to relax your face.


forget about five.


Ignore all distractions.


pause. relax. remember to breathe.



You made it. Look around you. What do you see?

Concentrate on a single point. Choose it carefully, and observe every detail. Remember it clearly.

Still with me? You've made it this far, now a little more

Describe it to yourself, with as much clarity as your mind will allow.

Post the description, beginning with your first thought.

A bottle of heinekin, larger than usual. It was preceeded by a bottle of scotch, normal sized. There was a wedding today. I'm never getting married, there's nobody out there for me. I'm too mistrustful, been fucked over too many times. Women are crazy, but I'm still an addict. In more ways than one.

Srsly, nice post tho deet.

I'm becoming an alcoholic because I quit smoking pot and I don't have Her around anymore. Damn, she was great.
She made my life so much better than it was. But that was the problem, she made my life better: it wasn't me, it was her.

We were attached at the hip for years and then I lost her, like I lost the her before her. I didn't love the first her, but she died. That was fucked up. She died with my kid at the time too. Both of them, gone. What a mindfuck.

But then I found Her, and I fell in love. Real love. I would've murdered a human being for her, I would've let myself be murdered for her.

You know what's fucked up though? When she was a kid, someone violated her. Fucked up her whole life. We broke up because of it.

After that, I set out to butcher the man who did it to her. Yeah, I figured it out after a while. It took some searching but I found the piece of shit. So I drive out there, fit to kill.

What do I find?

He died a long time ago from a heart attack.

Never outed as a child molester.

Never put in prison.

The piece of shit died a happy old man.

I lost my fucking mind, again.

But hey, shit happens.

There's an empty glass on my desk, there used to be a lot of scotch in it. I think I drank it to forget, but to be honest I forget why I drank it.

My cell is on my desk too, that stopped working today.

I was fucking terrified that my son would be born and I wouldn't know it because my phone wasn't working.

I called my ex (she treats me like shit sometimes, fuck her (sometimes). But she's the mother of my kid: damn, I'm glad I'm having a son and not a daughter: I don't know how I'd deal with a daughter but my son: I know how to deal with a boy because I was one: he'll be a little hell raiser and I'll have to show him how to be strong. If it was a girl? Shit. I'd go bald worrying about someone ruining her like they ruined Her. My son? Hell yeah, I can teach him to crush anybody who poses a threat without mercy or hesitation. I learned that lesson the hard way, I wish that She had too, but She didn't. She was weak. It pains me to say it but She was. She never avenged herself, She never had Wrath or Vengeance: she just fucking collapsed), she was doing alright. Stuck int he hospital though. I'm glad she's in good spirits. My son will be alright.

Damn, funny when you look at your brain and whatnot, huh?