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Techmology and Scientism / Re: The Tech Forum
Last post by Abbot Mythos - Today at 03:10:03 AM
As the writings of Douglas Adams recently crossed my mind, I thought this looks like as good a place as any for me to post about the 'Merican "tech bro culture." So, here it goes: 

Douglas Adams on the Fate of the Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

Right now, I can't help hoping that Mr. Adams turns out to be a prophet. Because, after all, Nostradamus didn't really nail down all of the specific details of his many prophecies either.
Or Kill Me / Re: A warning.
Last post by altered - Today at 01:48:28 AM
And what are you doing other than taking jabs? I'm not saying you're doing nothing, but if you are doing anything else you seem dead set on making sure only Your People will benefit from it, because no one else is going to trust you. And you know, this is the kind of situation where any sort of petty in-fighting is going to make it worse. You're doing the fascist's work for them: demoralizing, fragmenting, etc. In some ways I feel like it's worse, because you're going to get pissed off at me for saying this and nothing will change I'll just be even more isolated and alienated and it's a waste of my fucking time but here you are, you came to ME to show THIS off.

Don't pat yourself on the back for being right in my thread. There is no time left for self-congratulations, and anyway I don't wanna see you fucking giddy about getting your dunks in while I'm bleeding the fuck out. You, yes you, are going to die horribly too.

What are you DOING?
Who are you HELPING?
Why do you want to look like you're gonna be the one purity testing folks this time while the ravenous maw of genocide comes down?
What good is this to anyone?

Like I'm only saying this shit because I know I AM GOING TO DIE. I have no reason to hold back in the hopes you might help, because you won't even if you can, and I don't know about your capabilities anyway, so I'd rather slap you across the face and say "STOP BEING USELESS" than die letting you believe you're doing anything remotely cool right now. I respect you more than to let you unwittingly help the fucking Nazis as I go the fuck out.

And if that's a bridge too far for you then I'd rather die knowing I have proven to my satisfaction that there is no good in the hearts of man, that even the people who partly made me into the person I am today, who shaped my values in deep ways, are nothing more than stupid, petty, and evil in the face of the end, forgetting their histories and their own lessons in favor of getting to stomp on someone.
Or Kill Me / Re: A warning.
Last post by Doktor Howl - Yesterday at 06:36:08 PM
Permagos was just telling me that if we start veggie gardens, we can avoid all of this.
Apple Talk / Re: Resistance 2.0: Just like...
Last post by Doktor Howl - Yesterday at 06:33:06 PM
Quote from: Faust on February 03, 2025, 06:58:05 PMSaw it this weekend:

Cartel are now terrorists

Everyone crossing the border are cartel

Illegal immogrants are Terrorists
Usa is being invaded by terrorists

Yeah, it's formulaic. 
Apple Talk / Re: Suu demands to know what y...
Last post by Abbot Mythos - Yesterday at 04:29:31 AM
As I rarely sleep more than 3 hours at a time, I typically find myself wide awake at odd hours of the night. And, not being able to do much without making noise that would wake up the rest of the household, or the neighbors, I usually end up reading, or doing something on the computer. So, about two weeks ago, when I found myself wide awake and bored at 3:30 AM, I signed onto YouTube, in the hope of finding something of interest.

Somehow or other, a music video of the song "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Nightwish popped up on my YouTube homepage. Thinking it was a cover of the song of the same name from the Sharpe TV series, out of sheer boredom I decided to give it a listen. (A member of my European extended family had a major guest role in one of the episodes, so I'm a fan.)

Of course, the Nightwish song wasn't at all what I expected, but I thought it was pretty damn good! And so, I started binge watching more of the band's stuff right then and there. And, after learning that Nightwish's musical genre is "symphonic metal," I started searching for, and listening to/watching other bands who play music of the same genre, like Within Temptation.

So, I've been binge watching even more "symphonic metal" videos at odd hours of the night ever since. As of right now, my favorite lead singers are Tarja Tununen, and Floor Jansen. But, I hope to find others in the genre who approach their levels of talent.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Republicultâ„¢ On Parade
Last post by Abbot Mythos - Yesterday at 03:09:15 AM
As per this announcement, the USCEO and his private Gestapo are going to be intimately involved with the new U.S. Secretary of Transportation:

Trump's Transportation Secretary Announces Elon Musk's DOGE Will 'Plug In' To 'Upgrade Our Aviation System'

Now, with me being old, unhip, and unfamiliar with the latest slang, I have to ask those who are much cooler than myself: Is Secretary Duffy using the term 'Plug In' as a polite euphemism for 'Be Pegging Me?' Of course, I do sincerely doubt that Secretary Duffy would even bother to utilize a euphemism, if that is indeed the case, what with the TSS regime being so honest and forthright about their real intentions and all.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED Trump thread, 20...
Last post by MMIX - February 05, 2025, 12:25:11 PM
Jebus christ almighty! Talk about Kakistocracy! That tangerine tosspot has only gone and said he's going to nick Gaza 'cos its prime seafront property. LOL. If I was Greenland I would be shopping around for a nuclear deterrent, and Oh Canada, are you in the firing line now

Yes I do realise that he has been saying this all along but apparently nobody believed him - well not enough, anyhoo. Hope those fence sitters in Dearborn are enjoying the show . . .
Apple Talk / Re: Film Flam
Last post by Bruno - February 05, 2025, 05:11:23 AM
I have decided to believe that the movie Falling Down is just a ripoff of the movie Thelma and Louise but written for "Sigma Males".
Apple Talk / Re: Some High Level Pwnage
Last post by Bruno - February 05, 2025, 05:09:18 AM
Somehow, Peter Tiel's company Palantir seems to be unaffected by this.