
"At the teaparties they only dunked bags into cups of water...because they didn't want to break the law. And that just about sums up America's revolutionary spirit."

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Topics - Bella

Principia Discussion / B.ella's Magical Mystery Thread
January 13, 2006, 06:34:21 PM
Okay, I'm taking people at their word and not holding back anymore.  :)
So here is the new magical mystery thread.
Everyone is free to join in - submit ideas, links, discuss whatever.
Skeptics and naysayers will not be toaded.

However the posts of those who come to mock
will be subject to severely fluffifying nonsensical moderation of their posts by Mal and Moi.

You've been warned. Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!

Edit: This warning no longer applies.
But even though I'm no longer a mod, I hope you will all remain respectful.
Literate Chaotic / Personals/Want Ads
May 05, 2005, 06:23:21 AM
This is a real want ad I just found at

Nervous Wreck Seeks Domineering Bitch for Rebound Melee

Reply to:
Date: Sun Apr 10 20:19:30 2005

Insecure depressive seeks despotic ballcrusher to finalize descent into madness. Ineffectual communication skills and aggressive codependence experience a must. You should possess the uncanny ability to turn a sunny Disneyesque day into Dante's ninth circle, and frighten me into sleeping with one eye open; uncertain if your razor-like talons are poised for my inevitable evisceration.

Please be able to completely annihilate any residual faith in humanity, delusions of happiness, and sense of self worth. Depigmentation of my hair is not fully complete at this stage - and I am looking for you to finalize the process. Bonus points for initiating enough stress to drag me down the path of premature baldness, or inducing permanent stress-related gastrointestinal damage.

Please view our relationship as nothing more than a conquest to be subjugated. I expect you to reduce me to a raving and drooling shell of a human being before moving on to your next challenge. The only compensation I can offer is the knowledge that your name will be unceasingly repeated as I beat my head against the walls of my padded cell.
Or Kill Me / I can't read Sermon 15/ rant #88
March 22, 2005, 03:46:14 AM
It has clowns in it.  :evil:
Or Kill Me / Attention!
June 08, 2004, 04:21:18 AM
The threads on this forum that have been inactive for over Six months have been locked and will be deleted soon. Please, go through them, if there may be anything you wish to save.

Please also let us know if we missed harvesting any sermons, rants, etc. elsewhere on the forums that should be moved over here.

[edit- We have decided to leave all of the threads of Or Kill Me alone seeing how it contains a lot of valuable Erisiana. (St. Hugh)]
Literate Chaotic / Ask Bella
December 24, 2003, 06:07:26 AM
Quotehmm.... Ask Bella..... I think we might have a good new section here, should she be willing. What say you Bella, ready to prove that you are more twisted than Dear Abby could ever imagine?
Yup......Although I must say that it will be a challenge as Dear Abby has,
in my opinion given some shamefully twisted advice herself over the years.

Post your questions here, dear ones, and I will answer them......or not.

*Bella blends a fresh margarita and sits back to gleefully contemplate all the lovely mischief this column might cause*