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Messages - Cait M. R.

As far as I can tell from, say, the Double Hermeneutic thread, it seems like Cramulus just wants more content on it in general. The more that's there the more we have to work with.

However, he could have specific goals in mind. I just want to possibly save him the trouble of typing stuff if I'm right.
Asche - Overheadlights (Converter Remix)

Necro Facility - Freeze
Herbertina, I got what you were saying. But about the bricks, it might be more accurate to use Tetris as a metaphor here, and maybe jokingly call a much larger extension to the BIP metaphor (which is on a society-wide level) the "Black Tetris-Block Prison" for a few seconds.

The government would like our prisons to be uniform and neat, because we would be predictable then. But the people they work with give them the blocks they have to use to make the prisons nice and neat, meaning they will inevitably fail when they need the long straight block and get the T instead. This leaves a hole, a hole through which resistance can escape.
While making the flowchart I came across something interesting.

Society defines social deviancy (as in "stepping beyond the boundaries of society")as "wrong" and often "insane". Even you said that people who deviate too much in their internal model of How Things Are can look insane, assuming that they aren't batshit bonkers already.

The only definition I can think of for individual, though, is "social deviant, not insane." And "not insane" applies both to the perception others have of the individual and to the fact of his psychological state.

Thus, I gave up on the flowchart. So much for that.

I'm not sure if you people keep a "dictionary" of concepts you've discovered. If you do, though, perhaps you could show me it -- it would probably make my time here easier, since I wouldn't be reinventing the wheel.
This is very interesting. I'm going to pop open notepad and start making a text flowchart of this. Maybe something important will jump out at me.

Currently I feel you're missing something regarding "social deviants" such as the feral children you mention, or the criminally insane. There's almost certainly something else there, I just can't put my finger on it yet. I'll get back to this after some lengthy thought and the flowchart.