
And if you've misplaced your penis, never fear. This forum is full of dicks.

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Messages - zarathustrasbastardson

Apple Talk / Re: ?!
May 29, 2019, 02:09:36 AM
Maybe if you dressed up as a giant golf club with googly eyes you could be the mascot of the PGA?

Quote from: rong on May 29, 2019, 01:36:23 AM
They who?
Apple Talk / Re: ?!
May 29, 2019, 12:45:57 AM
Apple Talk / Re: ?!
May 28, 2019, 10:43:03 PM
Apple Talk / Re: ?!
May 28, 2019, 04:56:54 PM
Golf cart ambrosia pen licking madness
Sorry, I am really trying hard to go away now...
Apple Talk / Re: ?!
May 28, 2019, 02:23:36 AM
Being a d-bag is also mostly not discordian. Why couldn't you just have let it be good enough :fnord:
(Oh, I forgot, you need your internet steeze)
Sup, Wack ass loser hacker trolls?

Quote from: zarathustrasbastardson on May 28, 2019, 02:19:23 AM
You're that special aren't you, that you've got to shit on everything, huh,
Apple Talk / ?!
May 28, 2019, 02:19:23 AM
You're that special aren't you, that you've got to shit on everything, huh?
May 28, 2019, 02:00:37 AM
I could go on and on about hunny pie and Brexit, but sadly I have a life to attend to.  I really did think something I forgot to post, but thought better of it.  Sleep is important to me.  Sorry I couldn't be more forum :)

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 20, 2019, 05:28:45 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 18, 2019, 06:25:37 PM
Respondent is also having a bit of a laugh at all the suckers lining up to welcome her toxic ass back.  Humans are stupid and never learn.

It has been my observation that when long-term members of a forum return after an extended hiatus, to be widely welcomed back by other long-termers, they almost invariably don't stay long.  Once the first flush of nostalgia wears off, they discover that the reasons they originally left that forum are still in full effect.
Look buds, don't blame me for your inadequacy.  At a certain point I will take a vacation from this forum again.  That is no big deal.  I have a life of my own to try to figure out the  best possible outcomes (but there are none because they all end in death). I don't necessarily, need to, or want to spend countless hours here. I have some more important tasks.  no big ting.. that I guess is it.  If you have anything helpful or intelligent to say: sure, include me.. otherwise revert to your irrelevant fun bag forum and argue amongst yourselves (or play with yourselves;).. sorry I was born, but more sorry about how insipid most of you are.


We used to do that sort of thing, but we are all horribly old and at best can feebly wave a dead proxy around while mumbling "pwnt" through our toothless gums.

Good god man, its sorta not that bad.. read "Gonzo" the autobiography of Hunter Thompson, "it's not all good, it's not all bad".. and I remember, yes, "there was glory" (and a decent amount of fun). You're not the worst of them.. old friend (I say that literally, because we were briefly FB friends). But there was also 2005.. so, well, relax and enjoy getting old as much as possible. I'd ask about grandkids, but don't think it appropriate.. the future lives on! (you are correct though, there are many stupid people - it's often not their fault though.. that is a different matter for conversation..) take good care bud!
I really appreciate that bud.. and to all: please watch your step when walking onto a train in NYC after the bar.


Good skeptic!

5 is the third prime number.  The second other than 1.  1 is a profound number. 2+3=5. Also, 5 is the 6th number of the fibonacci sequence.  6-1 = 5.  These are really root numbers and the essence of the chaotic equation. Not to mention mathematical reality.  But I admit it really doesn't make any brass tacks sense.  That is exactly the point!

I guess that's my major point.. it's not really a big deal, it's a truth that needs to be accepted. We can only understand the chaos in such terms. There will almost always be an aspect of existence that won't sit right.. Numbers are a way to harness that constant flux to utilize our own mythology to understand the chaos moment to moment.  But it's not really about numbers.. it's about our moment to moment existence. It really is a message of acceptance and tolerance. (If you don't know the kallisti story, look it up.) It is a matter of accepting we are all in this together in this clusterfuck of humanity, the perils of the world and forming a way to interact with it.

Most people don't even get that far. So consider yourself ahead of the curve if you're reading this.

Hope you don't get too pissed! :fnord:

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 27, 2019, 02:37:24 AM
Quote from: Con-troll on May 27, 2019, 01:39:22 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.
Things that come in twos tend to interact very differently than the lone thing. There's gotta be patterns there.

Many things in reality exhibit interesting patterns that can be modelled with numbers, but this does not imbue the numbers themselves with any preternatural power of prediction or insight.

The five-fold symmetry of the apple blossom, for example, is very pretty, but this does not impart any meaning to the number five.  Did the original authors of the PD take "appleness" into account when they decided to declare the law of fives, instead of the law of sixes?  Who knows?  Who cares?

It matters just as little as the fact that Newton arbitrarily decided there were seven colours in the spectrum because he believed seven was somehow a perfect number, when there really wasn't a good reason to separate purple into indigo and violet.
There are also rhythms.. We're getting in to music now.. I dig!

Quote from: Con-troll on May 27, 2019, 01:39:22 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.
Things that come in twos tend to interact very differently than the lone thing. There's gotta be patterns there.
This is why you piss me off, and I leave for a good long while.
You obviously had your beliefs challenged and reacted angrily.
What you are really saying is whatever you do, say or think is right, just because you think so.  That isn't discordian, that is ignorance.
And if you think I believe everything I read, you are a poor judge of character.
Further,If you were really an intelligent person and could actually comprehend my words, you would also understand that I am not thinking about numerology, I am thinking more in the realm of philosophy, and mythology.
But, I guess you're smarter than that? eh, genius?

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.

Why would I accept something useless?
Why would I tolerate something stupid?

My discoria isn't about acceptance and tolerance, but about cutting through the crap.  Think for yourself, schmuck; A discorian is prohibited from believing what he reads; etc.

Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to redefine "my discoria" at any time, in order to suit whatever point I am trying to make.