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Messages - Brotep

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Diaspora
January 23, 2011, 06:33:53 AM
I'd like to give it a go.

update: thanks, hov

This game is AWESOME! One of the best side-scrollers I've ever played.
The infographic covers it pretty well.
Visit this url for the first installment of a radio play by my good friend DCBSupafly. Hope you like it! Feedback appreciated.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN: RWHN
December 08, 2010, 12:14:37 AM
I saw this, and thought of you.

Sir Apropos of Nothing
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
December 04, 2010, 03:58:45 PM
Hey look, it's like an animated semiautomatic WOMPing:
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: What is Chi?
November 14, 2010, 04:49:53 PM
While some points are genuinely situated over nerve bundles, I think a great deal of it is the performance side, even in the speedy stuff. Will comment more when I've time fully peruse the article.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Mutants and Mastermins anyone?
November 13, 2010, 08:10:39 PM
Neither, because we're talking Anatomic Separation with Additional Limbs.

According to the sourcebook, limbs detached via Anatomic Separation have the same Super-Movement powers as the character. So if my character has flight, he could detach his arm and cause it to fly into an opponent...
RPG Ghetto / Re: Mutants and Mastermins anyone?
November 13, 2010, 05:50:13 PM
Damnit, comp crashed and lost character sheet. Rebuilding today.

Question, though...Supposing that my character can detach his arms and they fly, would sending an arm hurling at an opponent count as a projectile attack, or melee?
RPG Ghetto / Re: Mutants and Mastermins anyone?
November 09, 2010, 05:34:21 AM
Quote from: eighteen buddha strike on November 09, 2010, 02:33:37 AM
Quote from: Aleister Growly on November 08, 2010, 11:07:27 PM
QuoteRight now I'm thinking of going the route of a parapalegic/comatose with high levels of astral projection and mental powers, seems a bit min-maxy, but unless I have a better idea by the time I finish my coffee this morning... I'll probably stat it out.
That reminds me of a character concept I never implemented, called "The Sleepwalker". In a waking state he's just your average human being, perhaps even below average. Maybe he's possessed or something, but he has tremendous powers that only come out when he's unconscious. So he'll wander into a situation where he's hopelessly outclassed, get conked on the head, and suddenly start kicking ass and taking names.

Uh, you know that there actually is a Marvel character called the Sleepwalker who is pretty similar to exactly what you described, actually he's a weird otherworldly being who posesses the body of a mild-mannered college student, and can only manifest when that guy is asleep.

I do now. Guess it's just not that clever a concept. But it would be funny as hell for roleplaying.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Mutants and Mastermins anyone?
November 08, 2010, 11:07:27 PM
Quote from: eighteen buddha strike on November 08, 2010, 05:07:56 PM
Quote from: Aleister Growly on November 08, 2010, 06:31:11 AM
I've come up with a substantially funnier idea: a character with extra detachable arms who carries them around in a briefcase.

I was considering something along those lines myself, the "detachable limb" power has a lot of potential, especially when combined with say... cloning.
Interesting, I guess the GM would have to answer the question of whether a duplicate's limb can be attached to the PC.

Mostly I just love the idea of detaching a spare arm and beating somebody over the head with it. He should probably be a juggler, too. A man who can juggle his own arms is truly unstoppable.

QuoteRight now I'm thinking of going the route of a parapalegic/comatose with high levels of astral projection and mental powers, seems a bit min-maxy, but unless I have a better idea by the time I finish my coffee this morning... I'll probably stat it out.
That reminds me of a character concept I never implemented, called "The Sleepwalker". In a waking state he's just your average human being, perhaps even below average. Maybe he's possessed or something, but he has tremendous powers that only come out when he's unconscious. So he'll wander into a situation where he's hopelessly outclassed, get conked on the head, and suddenly start kicking ass and taking names.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Mutants and Mastermins anyone?
November 08, 2010, 06:31:11 AM
I've come up with a substantially funnier idea: a character with extra detachable arms who carries them around in a briefcase.
Lys, I believe this will explain everything.

I fully approve of this. Take that, pink ribbon.
Quote from: Liam on November 07, 2010, 04:09:19 AM
No honest, I'm always up for a new program and / or perspective on shit. I'll give that bad boy a read. Google books seems to have that one bar the chapter entitled 'THE BURDEN OF THE VALLEY OF VISION ' for some reason ???

Culture-jamming was a new thing to me when I recently saw The Yes Men Save The World. If that was for reals. OMH. They have huge big brass bollocks. Also hey, its not a threadjack, its on topic totally.

Cool. I'll have to go back and see what that chapter is about. AFAIK Google Books excludes chapters from copyrighted material at random. Or maybe there's something about that one chapter.

Really, though, outside the epic poems it is relatively easy to understand what is going on in Blake by reading him directly. Both that book and Blake's corpus are more about the what and the why than the how.

While I've not (yet) experienced quite the same artistic visionary rapture of creation, I strongly identify with the basic project of making perception less dependent upon the world. I want to know how perception works--not on a neurological level, but an experiential level--and how it can be altered.

So many percepts are, like a Necker Cube, subject to will. The more ambiguity, the more this is so. I noticed there were two ways to experience the taste of a specific restaurant's taco meat--in one way of tasting it was mediocre, and in the other it was unbearably nauseating. By assuming/imagining you can bend all kinds of experiences into more desirable shapes.