Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Aneristic Illusions => Topic started by: Brother Mythos on June 30, 2023, 10:52:49 AM

Title: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on June 30, 2023, 10:52:49 AM
"GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn Floats Conspiracy Theory On Titanic Sub And Hunter Biden"

As per the article:

"Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) has appeared to suggest that an announcement about the fate of the missing Titan submersible was somehow planned to distract from accusations against the president's son Hunter Biden.

"If the U.S. Navy suspected that the Titan Submersible imploded just hours after it began its voyage, why did the Coast Guard wait until Thursday—the same day the IRS whistleblowers testified before Congress—to make their announcement to the public?" asked the senator in a Friday night tweet."

The Titanic is a conspiracy theory magnet, and the Republicult™ loves them some conspiracy theories.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 01, 2023, 12:07:06 PM
'I don't take medications': Marjorie Taylor Greene says TV turns on 'by itself' to spy on her

As per the article:

"In a message posted to Twitter on Sunday, Greene cited strange behavior from her home electronics.

"Last night in my DC residence, the television turned on by itself, and the screen showed someone's laptop trying to connect to the TV," she wrote.

The lawmaker offered assurances that she was not in mental distress."

Perhaps Greene should take some medications. Given her current condition, what harm could they possibly do?

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 02, 2023, 12:16:43 PM
"Biden ribs GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville for touting broadband funds he voted against"

As per the article:

"President Joe Biden trolled Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., on Wednesday for touting the arrival of federal funds to his state from a bill he voted against.

"See you at the groundbreaking," Biden tweeted at Tuberville after the senator praised the news that Alabama was set to receive $1.4 billion to improve broadband access in the state.

The funds are from the $555 billion infrastructure bill Biden campaigned for and signed into law in November 2021. Tuberville was one of 30 Republican senators to vote against the legislation, but he praised the arrival of the funds on social media this week."

I suppose it's no wonder the majority of Alabama voters love this guy. Hypocrisy and the Republicult™ are joined at the hip.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 07, 2023, 11:03:01 AM
"Republicans reignite the red scare in service of Trump"

As per the article:

"Conservatives have been screaming about socialists scheming to destroy everything Real Americans hold dear for as long as anyone alive can remember. Going back more than a hundred years to the first Red Scare in 1919, when the government rounded up thousands of socialists, anarchists and communists during the Palmer raids, there have been periodic paroxysms of outrage aimed at this perennial boogeyman."

Further along in the article:

"For instance, just last year, when the Democrats were hammering out the details of President Biden's Build Back Better bill, the GOP caterwauled constantly about it. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham wailed that it was "paving a path to socialism" while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., whined: "The American people didn't vote for a massive socialist transformation." And this guy couldn't shut up about it:

Suffice it to say that the old cudgel is still in use."

Still further along in the article:

"Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at White Nationalist conventions referring to the "Democrats, who are the Communist Party of the United States of America." South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem wrote an op-ed in which she said, "the idea that Georgia, of all places, could elect two communists to the United States Senate was ridiculous." And then there's Trump, of course, who told his ecstatic followers at a rally in Ohio in 2020:

"The choice in November is going to be very simple. There's never been a time when there's been such a difference. One is probably communism. I don't know. They keep saying socialism. I think they've gone over that one. That one's passed already.""

Some things never change.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 10, 2023, 09:41:29 AM
"GOP declares war on ... Barbie"

As per the article:

"In a Barbie world, who controls the South China Sea?

That's the question a handful of Republican lawmakers — not to mention much of Southeast Asia — is asking thanks to a background detail in the upcoming "Barbie" movie due out later this month.

The detail in question is a dashed line drawn on a map off the coast of Asia that critics have identified as the nine-dash line, a contested maritime boundary that Beijing draws more than a thousand miles off its own coast to claim the vast majority of the South China Sea as its territory.

GOP lawmakers accuse filmmakers of pandering to Chinese censors. But Warner Bros. Film Group, which produced the movie, said Thursday the map is not intended to "make any type of statement."

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), who leads a select House panel aimed at countering the influence of China, said the map "illustrates the pressure that Hollywood is under to please CCP censors.""

It never ends with The Republicult™. I can't help but wonder who, or what, they'll go after next.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 15, 2023, 07:29:31 AM
"MTG Ousted From MAGA-Loving Freedom Caucus"

As per the article:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene has been booted from the MAGA-loving, far-right House Freedom Caucus after calling caucus member Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) "a little bitch" on the House floor last month.

"A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she's done," Rep. Andy Harris (R-Colo.) told Politico's Jordain Carney on Thursday.
"I think the straw that broke the camel's back was publicly saying things about another member in terms that no one should use," Harris said."

So, that's what it took to get wacko MTG voted off the island. Who knew? Anyway, in their far-right world of performance art and reality TV, a really realistic name for that gang would be "The House Takeaway Your Freedom Caucus."

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on July 25, 2023, 01:40:15 PM
"What would the GOP have prosecutors do with evidence against Trump?"

If prosecutors have evidence of Trump committing felonies, what do Republicans think they should do? It's a question the GOP doesn't know how to answer.

As per the article:

"When it comes to the events surrounding the Jan. 6 attack, former Vice President Mike Pence has a unique perspective. After all, the Indiana Republican was one of the key targets being hunted by rioters who intended to do him harm, and as Pence himself has explained, Donald Trump's lies put his own family in danger.

But as the former president faces the prospect of another criminal indictment, his former right-hand man still isn't on board with the idea of legal accountability."

And, further in the article:

"It's not just Pence. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sat down with CNN's Jake Tapper last week, and the host asked effectively the same question that Pence dodged yesterday.

"If [special counsel] Jack Smith has evidence of criminality, should Donald Trump be held accountable?" the host asked. The GOP presidential candidate responded by denouncing "criminalizing political differences," which was an answer to a different question."

As we get closer to the 2024 election, the talking heads are going to ask The Republicult'stm remaining presidential hopefuls whether or not they'll pardon TFG for his numerous crimes if they're elected. And, if they're squirming now, they'll be soiling themselves over that question. So, it may not be too early to think about filling the ol' popcorn silos.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on August 01, 2023, 08:08:05 AM
"House Republicans aren't done slashing food assistance and fighting over social issues"

As per the article:

"After clamping down on food stamps in the debt ceiling deal, House Republicans now want to take a whack at WIC, the food assistance program for low-income women, infants and young children.
GOP lawmakers have proposed curtailing funding for WIC in the chamber's version of the US Department of Agriculture's annual spending bill. The legislation could force some families to wait for aid for the first time in years, as well as limit their ability to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's among the party's latest efforts to cut federal spending by limiting benefits, reducing enrollment and adding work requirements to the nation's safety net."

Nothing more clearly shows The Republiculttm is the willing tool of the oligarchs than this type of legislation. Tax cuts are more important to THEM than feeding poor women and their children. 

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: QuestionsTheSoil on August 25, 2023, 11:43:50 PM
It sucks seeing family sucked into this cult. God dammit, why couldn't you be a part of something cool, like a sex cult?
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on August 26, 2023, 06:18:44 PM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on August 25, 2023, 11:43:50 PM
It sucks seeing family sucked into this cult. God dammit, why couldn't you be a part of something cool, like a sex cult?

It occurred to me that if it were based upon the behavior of their adored leader, a Republicult™ sex cult would condone nonconsensual sex, and much of the consensual sex would be quite expensive.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on September 18, 2023, 07:20:30 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on August 01, 2023, 08:08:05 AM
"House Republicans aren't done slashing food assistance and fighting over social issues"

As per the article:

"After clamping down on food stamps in the debt ceiling deal, House Republicans now want to take a whack at WIC, the food assistance program for low-income women, infants and young children.
GOP lawmakers have proposed curtailing funding for WIC in the chamber's version of the US Department of Agriculture's annual spending bill. The legislation could force some families to wait for aid for the first time in years, as well as limit their ability to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's among the party's latest efforts to cut federal spending by limiting benefits, reducing enrollment and adding work requirements to the nation's safety net."

Nothing more clearly shows The Republiculttm is the willing tool of the oligarchs than this type of legislation. Tax cuts are more important to THEM than feeding poor women and their children. 

Here's the link: (

This doesn't have anything to do with tax cuts, making sure poor people starve is important to their agenda, tax cuts are too, and they will sometimes pretend starving poor people is to make them possible.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on September 19, 2023, 09:51:28 AM
Quote from: Pergamos on September 18, 2023, 07:20:30 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on August 01, 2023, 08:08:05 AM
"House Republicans aren't done slashing food assistance and fighting over social issues"

As per the article:

"After clamping down on food stamps in the debt ceiling deal, House Republicans now want to take a whack at WIC, the food assistance program for low-income women, infants and young children.
GOP lawmakers have proposed curtailing funding for WIC in the chamber's version of the US Department of Agriculture's annual spending bill. The legislation could force some families to wait for aid for the first time in years, as well as limit their ability to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's among the party's latest efforts to cut federal spending by limiting benefits, reducing enrollment and adding work requirements to the nation's safety net."

Nothing more clearly shows The Republiculttm is the willing tool of the oligarchs than this type of legislation. Tax cuts are more important to THEM than feeding poor women and their children. 

Here's the link: (

This doesn't have anything to do with tax cuts, making sure poor people starve is important to their agenda, tax cuts are too, and they will sometimes pretend starving poor people is to make them possible.

Some of the low and mid-level MAGAt cultists I have the misfortune of knowing are into this type of intentional cruelty. I suspect the oligarchs make good use of those members inclinations, when selling their tax cuts to The Republicult™. Then again, the oligarchs don't really need to make much of a sales pitch to the cultists when it comes to tax cuts. So, that really does make the intentional cruelty a feature of the cult.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on October 05, 2023, 10:28:01 AM
"Senate Republicans watch McCarthy ouster with alarm, disbelief"

As per the article:

"The growing strength of far-right populists in the House raises disconcerting questions about how next year's primaries will play out for the GOP and whether candidates with more appeal with swing voters can advance to the general election.
"These insurgents have no plan and now they've created even more chaos and it's not good for the House, it's not good for Republicans and they have no clear path forward," fumed Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Senate GOP leadership team.
"A handful [of] House members just want to blow up the institution and themselves in the process. Sad," Cornyn posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, immediately after the vote to ouster McCarthy."

This is a long article, but it's mostly just more cultists complaining about their cult.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on October 18, 2023, 06:09:59 AM
"The MAGA Zombie Apocalypse Is Upon Us"

As per the article:

"The Daily Show has finally returned and with it, Jordan Klepper hit the Trump Trial, er, I mean, Trail, to put his finger back on the pulse of America.

I don't know about their pulse, but the MAGAts that Klepper interviewed sure as hell were brain dead. From the moron that couldn't understand that Trump's mugshot was in fact photographic evidence that he surrendered to the guy complaining about the economy even though he admitted that he spent thousands of dollars on Trump clothing and Trump swag."

My favorite part of the included video is the interview of the guy wearing a "TFG Never Surrender" tee shirt at about the 1:01 mark. But, there are some other gems in the video as well.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on October 30, 2023, 06:10:00 AM
"Were there baby dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? New House Speaker Mike Johnson worked for organization that pushes extreme creationist claims"

"Johnson sued the government on behalf of a life-sized creation of Noah's Ark."

As per the article:

"Speaker Johnson actively worked to advance and help fund the belief that the earth is an infant on the geological scale, and that humans and dinosaurs peacefully coexisted.
Before his election to the House, Johnson worked as a spokesman and senior attorney to what's now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal advocacy group working to erase the boundary between church and state. In this capacity, Johnson—a Louisiana state senator at the time—filed suit against the state of Kentucky on behalf of Ken Ham, who runs the same Answers in Genesis website, which serves as a "scientific" backstop attempting to justify the validity of YEC."

For what it's worth, YEC stands for "Young Earth Creationism." What a guy.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on November 02, 2023, 04:54:50 AM
"New Speaker Wants IRS Budget Cuts To Pay For Israel Aid Package"

"Because as we know, the only Republican priority is millionaire tax cheats."

As per the article:

"House Republicans want to pay for emergency aid for Israel's war by cutting IRS funds aimed at cracking down on rich tax cheats and improving taxpayer service. Isn't that delightful?"

And, further in the article:

"And here's the really outrageous part -- it won't even save money. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had estimated in 2022 that the $80 billion IRS expansion would cut the deficit by more than $100 billion by improving collections and enforcement."

It's always good to know a political party's real number one priority.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on November 11, 2023, 08:02:22 AM
"MTG Is Trashing Lauren Boebert as a 'Whore' to GOP Colleagues"

" Green and Boebert have been going at it for nearly a year now. But Green's latest move is straight out of the high school cafeteria playbook."

As per the article:

"After Rep. Lauren Boebert helped get Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus over the summer, Greene has been on a payback mission against her former friend-turned-nemesis. And after a date at Beetlejuice The Musical turned into a national conversation about groping, Greene has resorted to a playbook familiar to any woman who survived high school: She's telling GOP colleagues, according to lawmakers, that Boebert is a "whore.""

And, further in the article:

"When The Daily Beast asked Greene about these accusations this week, the Georgia Republican didn't deny them. Instead, she went on a tirade against this reporter." 

There can be only one Queen of the RepublicultTM! Stay classy, ladies.

Here's the link: (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on November 17, 2023, 12:40:52 PM
""It was damning": Brian Stelter excavates Fox News' culture, the Big Lie and Tucker Carlson's exit"

"The media analyst told Salon about reading the Dominion docs, Rupert Murdoch and why Maria Bartiromo is baffling"

This is a long piece, but I found the following to be of particular interest:

As per the article:

"In our conversation we discussed his findings on what – or rather, who — drives Fox's "news" coverage, Rupert Murdoch's abdication of responsibility in allowing his hosts to promote false claims about election fraud, and Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo's key role in fertilizing The Big Lie."

And, further along in the article:

"You also mention something in the book that I think people will comprehend but may be shocking nevertheless, which is that Fox really is just letting the audience drive the narrative as opposed to serving the audience by giving them information. Now, to anybody who watches Fox, that's pretty apparent. However, to hear it confirmed by voices from within Fox is pretty damning.

It is damning, and I think it's important for all of us to reckon with. We lack a shared reality in the United States because tens of millions of people are subscribing to Fox's mirror world. And that mirror world is basically being generated by the audience. It's uncanny . . . it is in one way simplistic, but I do find it confusing to explain because producers wake up and have to program shows. But at Fox, the audience is in control because the producers and hosts are afraid of repelling the audience, afraid of turning the audience off."

And, still further along in the article:

"There's this notion that The Big Lie began shortly after midnight on election night [in 2020] when Trump declared without proof that there had been massive fraud. But then it was picked up not long after that by [Fox Business anchor] Maria Bartiromo, and that's when Dominion was first mentioned on the air, with words taken directly from an email from a woman named Marlene Bourne. Was that in the Dominion filing?

So this email from Marlene Bourne, this random woman in Minnesota who alleges a vast conspiracy, this email was found by Dominion during the discovery process. It's very clearly a kooky email, several pages long, full of conspiracy theories and ideas. And the woman admits herself that some of the ideas are quote, "wackadoodle." She sent this email to Sidney Powell, who was going to be Maria Bartiromo's guest [on the Nov. 8, 2020 episode of "Sunday Morning Futures"]. Maria Bartiromo also sent it on to Eric Trump, so it reached the Trump family. And this random email became the predicate for the Dominion smear on live TV.

Two things were extraordinary about this. One, Dominion went searching through Fox's servers looking for all the mentions of Dominion before the smear started. And this email was the only email the Dominions lawyers found."

It's amazing to read that the Fox News' conspiracy claims promoting "The Big Lie" actually started with an email received from a totally unreliable viewer. So, it appears the inmates truly are running The RepublicultTM Asylum.

Here's the link:   An Analysis of Fox News' Culture (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on November 24, 2023, 12:35:59 PM
"Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sued by book publisher for breach of contract"

As per the article:

"Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is being sued by his publisher for contradicting his book's claim about the the 2020 election.

All Seasons Press alleges that sworn testimony by Meadows undermined "The Chief's Chief," in which he wrote that the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.

In a breach of contract lawsuit filed Friday in Florida, All Seasons cited media reports from last month alleging that Meadows knew Trump had lost to Democrat Joe Biden.

"Meadows' reported statements to the Special Prosecutor and/or his staff and his reported grand jury testimony squarely contradict the statements" in "The Chief's Chief," according to the lawsuit, filed in Sarasota, Florida. A central theme of Meadows' book is that "President Trump was the true winner of the 2020 Presidential Election and that election was 'stolen' and 'rigged' with the help from 'allies in the liberal media,'" the court papers read in part."

So, opportunity knocked AND karma hunted him down.

Here's the link:   Mark Meadows Sued by Publisher (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 07, 2023, 10:44:34 AM
"Wisconsin fake electors acknowledge actions were used to overturn Biden election"

As per the article:

"MADISON — Ten Wisconsin Republicans who posed as electors for Donald Trump in 2020 despite the former president's election loss have acknowledged their actions were part of an attempt to overturn an election.

The statement was made Wednesday as part of a settlement in a lawsuit filed against the Republicans by Democratic electors for Joe Biden that sought $2.4 million in damages."

And, further in the article:

"In the statement released by the false Trump electors, the Republicans wrote they met in the Wisconsin State Capitol to sign paperwork falsely claiming to be electors to be "in compliance with requests from the Trump campaign and Republican Party of Wisconsin."

"The Elector Defendants took the foregoing action because they were told that it was necessary to preserve their electoral votes in the event a court challenge may later change the outcome of the election in Wisconsin. That document was then used as part of an attempt to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential election results," the Republicans wrote."

This lawsuit is ongoing. And, while some of the defendants are now off the hook, others notable ones are not.

Here's the link:   Some Wisconsin Fake Electors Settle Ongoing Lawsuit (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 13, 2023, 03:04:14 PM
""Can't Even Bring Themselves To Denounce Neo-Nazis": Texas GOP's Internal War Over Hitler Apologists"

As per the article:

"Don't hang out with people who praise Adolf Hitler! It should seem like an easy guideline for anyone to follow, as well as the personal preference of most people. But for Republicans in Texas, asking them to stay away from neo-Nazis is seen very differently. To conspiratorially-minded conservatives, it is a "Marxist" plot against them. Which is why, on Saturday, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas voted down a resolution barring members from associating with anyone "known to espouse or tolerate antisemitism, pro-Nazi sympathies or Holocaust denial."

That that this even had to be put up for a vote is a sign that the "don't pal around with Nazis" rule is viewed by many in the Texas Republican Party as too onerous a restriction. This entire situation started in October when it was revealed that Jonathan Stickland, a former state representative and current leader of the Defend Texas Liberty PAC, held a 7-hour meeting with some of the most repugnant people in American society, including Nick Fuentes, a loudmouthed Hitler apologist who has called for "holy war" on Jews and declared, "all I want is revenge against my enemies and a total Aryan victory." Matt Rinaldi, the chair of the Republican Party of Texas, was also seen entering the building during this time but denies being at the meeting, despite being an outspoken ally of Stickland and his far-right agenda."

It's really just another case of Republicans being Republicans.

Here's the link:   Republicans vote against denouncing Neo-Nazis (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on December 13, 2023, 07:03:48 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on December 13, 2023, 03:04:14 PM
""Can't Even Bring Themselves To Denounce Neo-Nazis": Texas GOP's Internal War Over Hitler Apologists"

As per the article:

"Don't hang out with people who praise Adolf Hitler! It should seem like an easy guideline for anyone to follow, as well as the personal preference of most people. But for Republicans in Texas, asking them to stay away from neo-Nazis is seen very differently. To conspiratorially-minded conservatives, it is a "Marxist" plot against them. Which is why, on Saturday, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas voted down a resolution barring members from associating with anyone "known to espouse or tolerate antisemitism, pro-Nazi sympathies or Holocaust denial."

That that this even had to be put up for a vote is a sign that the "don't pal around with Nazis" rule is viewed by many in the Texas Republican Party as too onerous a restriction. This entire situation started in October when it was revealed that Jonathan Stickland, a former state representative and current leader of the Defend Texas Liberty PAC, held a 7-hour meeting with some of the most repugnant people in American society, including Nick Fuentes, a loudmouthed Hitler apologist who has called for "holy war" on Jews and declared, "all I want is revenge against my enemies and a total Aryan victory." Matt Rinaldi, the chair of the Republican Party of Texas, was also seen entering the building during this time but denies being at the meeting, despite being an outspoken ally of Stickland and his far-right agenda."

It's really just another case of Republicans being Republicans.

Here's the link:   Republicans vote against denouncing Neo-Nazis (

I dunno, I'm personally very careful about anything restricting anti-semitism, since there's a bill stating that any opposition to the actions of the Israeli government is anti-semitism.  Considering the Israeli government is currently committing genocide barring folks from associating with anyone who opposes them seems a bit problematic to me.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 14, 2023, 08:10:16 AM
Quote from: Pergamos on December 13, 2023, 07:03:48 PM
I dunno, I'm personally very careful about anything restricting anti-semitism, since there's a bill stating that any opposition to the actions of the Israeli government is anti-semitism.  Considering the Israeli government is currently committing genocide barring folks from associating with anyone who opposes them seems a bit problematic to me.

First off, I am not at all comfortable discussing antisemitism on this forum. However, I strongly believe that criticism of the government of the State of Israel should not be considered antisemitic, and should not in any way be made illegal by the government of the United States of America. And, I also strongly believe that the government of the State of Israel is knowingly and willingly committing war crimes, and that the government of the United States of America is doing little to stop them.

While attempting to compose a response to your post, I quickly found myself wrestling with the perceptions of the terms Semitism, antisemitism, Zionism, anti-Zionism, and neo-Nazism, versus formal definitions of those terms. Then, to make matters even worse for me, I found that, apparently, the definition of "Semitism" has changed during my own lifetime.

In any case, I suspect you are referring to House Resolution 894. So, here's a link:      H. RES. 894 (

Now then, as per H. RES. 894:

"Whereas the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's
working definition of antisemitism is widely accepted and
serves as a critical tool to help individuals comprehend
and identify the various manifestations of antisemitism;"

So, here's a link to  the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) website:   IHRA - What is  antisemitism? (

And, here's the IHRA's working definition of antisemitism:

""Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.""

But, further along on their website, as a specific example of antisemitism, the IHRA lists the following:

"Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."

Now then, I, for one, do have a serious problem when "contemporary Israeli policy" actually does look to me very much like "historical Nazi policy," but I'm to be labeled a very bad boy by the IHRA if I say that out loud. Then, I found that my congresswoman voted "Present" when H. RES. 894 came up for a vote. So, it appears she also has at least one problem with this resolution. In any case, I think you and I may be in agreement on this particular issue. Do you agree, or disagree?

But, on the other hand, as I once did years ago during a heated "discussion" on this forum concerning documented facts about the life of former Schutzstaffel (SS) Major Wernher von Braun, and his use of slave labor during WWII, I have no problem calling out a Nazi, former or otherwise, for being a Nazi. And, I also believe it's a duty to call out neo-Nazism when it's blatantly apparent.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on December 14, 2023, 05:58:50 PM
I'd say we agree on what Israel is doing not being ok, I also think we agree that nazis should be called out, and that associating with nazis is no good.  Where it looks like we disagree is in being ok with a legal conflation of anti-semitism with nazism, which for me is completely due to the legal conflation of anti-semitism and anti-zionism.  Anyone who thinks Jews are any worse than any other sort of people is a racist at best, and probably a nazi, but a Jew who criticizes Israel's actions in strong and appropriate ways (comparing the treatment of Gaza with the Nazis clearing of the ghettos, for instance) is legally an anti-semite, and if the law you are angry about Republicans passing had passed, would legally be a nazi.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 15, 2023, 08:57:09 AM
Quote from: Pergamos on December 14, 2023, 05:58:50 PM
I'd say we agree on what Israel is doing not being ok, I also think we agree that nazis should be called out, and that associating with nazis is no good.  Where it looks like we disagree is in being ok with a legal conflation of anti-semitism with nazism, which for me is completely due to the legal conflation of anti-semitism and anti-zionism.  Anyone who thinks Jews are any worse than any other sort of people is a racist at best, and probably a nazi, but a Jew who criticizes Israel's actions in strong and appropriate ways (comparing the treatment of Gaza with the Nazis clearing of the ghettos, for instance) is legally an anti-semite, and if the law you are angry about Republicans passing had passed, would legally be a nazi.

I don't claim to have a deep understanding of the differences between any "legal definitions" of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, as I'm not a lawyer. But, I believe I'm correct in assuming that the IHRA's definition of antisemitism is widely accepted as a "legal definition."

I haven't been able to find an IHRA definition of anti-Zionism. However, I have found an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) definition. So, here's the link:   ADL Definition of anti-Zionism (

Within the long ADL definition is the following statement:

"Anti-Zionism is distinct from criticism of the policies or actions of the government of Israel, or critiques of specific policies of the per-state Zionist movement, in that it attacks the foundational legitimacy of Jewish statehood." [emphasis added]

And, I'm totally fine with this statement.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 19, 2023, 12:19:12 PM
"Rudy Giuliani sued again by Georgia election workers seeking to bar more defamation"

As per the article:

"Rudy Giuliani was sued again by two former Georgia election workers who last week won a nearly $150 million defamation verdict against him for false statements the lawyer made about them while representing Donald Trump after the 2020 election.

The latest federal lawsuit seeks an injunction to "permanently bar" Giuliani from making further defamatory statements against the mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss."

Well, that didn't take long. I can't help but wonder if ol' Rudy is trying to set up a "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" defense for his upcoming criminal trials. Still, it really does look like the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.

Here's a link:   Giuliani Sued Again by the Same People (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 21, 2023, 01:41:09 PM
"An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them"

As per the article:

"It's become a holiday tradition, especially in the red states. Every year, in response to overtly Christian displays put up in government buildings, the Satanic Temple petitions to set up a display honoring Lucifer in state capitols. They usually succeed. See, the Supreme Court long ago created a loophole in the First Amendment to allow religious displays, by arguing that as long as every group gets to have one, it doesn't violate the "no establishment of religion" clause. By putting up altars to Satan next to the annual nativity scenes, the Satanic Temple makes their point about the silliness of this loophole.

More important, however, is the trolling part. Every year, Christian conservatives discover the Satanic display and have a loud, public temper tantrum about it. In this, Satanists prove their point: Conservatives claim to respect religious plurality, but it's a lie. The overt religious iconography on government property was always about promoting the Christian nationalist view that theirs is the only "real" American religion." 

So, this is just one more example of the RepublicultTM being the RepublicultTM.

Here's a link:      The RepublicultTM Position on "Free Speech" (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 22, 2023, 04:29:10 PM
"'The devil is real': Ex-candidate rallies young GOPers after beheading Satanic statue"

Today, there's a twofer!

As per the first article:

"A former Republican candidate who has admitted to beheading a Satanic Temple statue recalled why he acted at a rally with young Republicans.

At Turning Point Action's America Fest conference on Tuesday, a crowd cheered as former Mississippi candidate Michael Cassidy took the stage.

Cassidy previously admitted to Fox News that he beheaded the Baphomet statue at the Iowa State Capitol."

Here's the link:   Satanic Holiday Display Beheaded (

But, not to worry. Here's the second article:

"Who is Michael Cassidy? Man Who Beheaded Satanic Statue in Iowa Charged"

As per the second article:

"In a statement sent to Newsweek, a spokesperson for the Satanic Temple Iowa said: "We were excited to participate in our Capitol's Holiday display for the first time this year. As you can expect, we were saddened to find our holiday display vandalized on the morning of December 14th. We believe that everyone should have the freedom to celebrate together and participate in the holiday season.

"We have rebuilt our display, and will complete our time in the Capitol on Saturday, with a few words about religious plurality and freedom of speech. The person responsible for the vandalism was identified, and we are pursuing legal recourse. We want to thank our community and everyone who has supported us at this time. We plan to return next year, with a sturdier and statelier display, and we hope that our community will continue to show up and assist with those efforts.""

Here's the link:   Satanic Temple Iowa Rebuilt Holiday Display (

So, the Satanic Temple Iowa has the situation under control. Our American First Amendment rights are still being legally exercised and defended.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: altered on December 22, 2023, 08:21:19 PM
TST is an entryist neo-Nazi grifting organization run by a man so horrible that anyone choosing to associate themselves with him should be given the same treatment he deserves. We're talking Stormfront-tier levels of bad.

In other news, since I'm choosing to finally speak up about your nonsense, how fucking dare you parrot the fucking ADL, the biggest Zionist propaganda organization in the Western fucking world, about anti-Zionism. Multiple rabbis have written at extraordinary length about how Israel as it stands is a project that goes directly against Torah, and how every Israeli soldier and citizen that goes onto the Temple Mount is risking entering the Holy-of-Holies, which given none of these motherfuckers are the right kind of priests (because there currently can't even be the right kind of priests, a whole lot of preconditions are necessary for that!) is an ENORMOUS sin. Like capital punishment sin. Like buddy, you better just convert to another religion, because you're fucked forever sin. Not to mention shit like an IDF soldier touching a Torah parchment (!) with a FUCKING KNIFE (!!!!!!!) ON FUCKING CAMERA. Any Jew can tell you that's layers upon layers of oh god fuck no what the fuck is wrong with you fucking holy shit holy fuck. And Israeli ministers are literally saying shit like "we should turn Gaza into Auschwitz". That's not a misquote or a paraphrase.

The leadership and the upper classes of Israel are all bloodthirsty monsters who have not just forgotten their history but have chosen to repeat it but with themselves in the driver's seat. Their actions will lead to a rise in anti-semitic violence because people will blame Jews as a whole for them, because they claim to speak for all Jews while actively shitting on Torah. Anti-Zionism isn't just okay, it should be the position of any right-thinking fucking person on the goddamn planet.

You are cheering on neo-Nazi entryists and blithely repeating the propaganda arm of a group of genocidal monsters that just so happen to be Jewish. I, a Jew, am saying shut the fuck up forevermore, you politically illiterate dunce. You may speak again when you have the barest fucking understanding of how to check whether the shit you spew is based in anything but the PR wing of a bunch of horse-laughing movie villains.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 23, 2023, 06:31:04 AM
"See 10 pieces of classic literature banned from schools in a Florida county"

As per the article:

"A law often touted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that restricts the kinds of books that can be available in public schools has led teachers in the state's Orange County to remove hundreds of books from their shelves — including some that are widely considered literary classics.

The Orlando Sentinel has compiled a list of all 673 books pulled from the shelves in the county, and it shows that Florida's law resulted in the removal of books that go well beyond often-targeted titles such as "Gender Queer" by author Maia Kobabe."

Just 10 of the 673 books taken from the shelves on Florida's Orange County are described in this article. And, among them is Catch-22, by Joseph Heller.

This book has special meaning for me, as I had purchased it just prior to a long cruise, when I was in the military. After reading it, I had loaned it to a number of my shipmates, and the book was very popular. Before too long, the guys were nicknaming some of our officers, and others, after characters in the book. I fondly remember many a discussion about who most deserved to be called "Colonel Cathcart," as we had several, truly worth candidates. And, I found myself honored with the nickname "Yossarian." Now, in truth, it may not have been entirely intended to be an honor, but at least it wasn't obscene, as was my previous nickname. Further, the book was required reading in one of my classes at "uni," as the British often call university.

Here's the article link:      10 Pieces of Classic Literature Banned from Florida County Schools (

And, here's a non-login, non-paywall link to the full 673 book list:   All 673 Books Removed from Orange County Classrooms (

I'm surprised Fahrenheit 451 isn't on this list.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 29, 2023, 08:13:09 AM
"Haley declines to say slavery was cause of Civil War"

Seriously, did this woman really think no one would notice her omission?!

As per the article:

"Nikki Haley declined to say that slavery was a cause of the Civil War on Wednesday evening, placing the blame, instead, on the role of government.

The former UN Ambassador and South Carolina governor, who has seen her star rise in the first-in-the-nation primary state, was appearing at a town hall event in Berlin, New Hampshire, when a voter asked her to identify the cause of the war."

As the US Civil War started in South Carolina, is a truthful answer really too much to expect from a former governor of that state, who also aspires to be the future president of the republic?!

Here's the link:   Candidate Haley Won't Admit Actual Cause of Civil War (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on December 31, 2023, 03:06:16 PM
"Iowa Won't Participate In US Food Assistance Program For Kids This Summer"

As per the article:

Iowa will not participate this summer in a federal program that gives $40 per month to each child in a low-income family to help with food costs while school is out, state officials have announced.

The state has notified the U.S. Department of Agriculture that it will not participate in the 2024 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children — or Summer EBT — program, the state's Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Education said in a Friday news release.

"Federal COVID-era cash benefit programs are not sustainable and don't provide long-term solutions for the issues impacting children and families. An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic," Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in the news release."

So, Reynolds doesn't want to feed any children in low-income families this summer, because some of them might be overweight. Now, if TFG were still in office, he'd probably award her the Presidential Metal of Freedom for this non-action, because it's just so emblematic of the non-priorities of The Republicult™.

Here's the link:   Iowa Stops Summer Food Assistance for Kids (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 07, 2024, 07:22:19 AM
"New Poll Finds Republicans Seriously Think Trump Is the Greatest Person of Faith"

"More Republican voters believe Donald Trump is a person of faith than nearly any other politician."

Seriously?! Somehow or other, I'm just not seeing it.

As per this article:

"A new survey suggests that an increasing number of Republicans view Donald Trump as a person of faith, with Trump earning higher ratings than even some of the more vocally religious members of the Grand Old Party, including former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Mitt Romney.

Despite Trump's sin-filled legal tribulations, 64 percent of Republicans reported that they viewed him as a person of faith, according to a new poll conducted by HarrisX for Deseret News in November, up from 53 percent in a similar poll conducted in October."

And, as per further along in this article:

"Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, who attends mass every week, per his White House schedule, was only branded as a person of faith by 13 percent of Republicans—though slightly more, 26 percent, conceded that he was religious."

I'm pretty sure we don't need a poll to tell us how these same people view Discordians.

Here's the link:   RepublicultTM Thinks TFG Greatest Person of Faith (

And, here's the link to the original, quoted article:   Deseret News Original Article (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 08, 2024, 07:04:20 AM
"Stephen Miller loses it: 'They're trying to imprison, bankrupt, and destroy Donald Trump!'"

I suppose it really was too much to hope for a Faux News talking head to then asked him, "So, what's your point?"

As per this article:

"The former White House aide raised his voice as he spoke about Trump's legal problems.

"They're trying to imprison, bankrupt, and destroy Donald Trump using the awesome power of the state, like something out of a failed third-world country, and they're leaving our border wide open to import a new generation of voters that they believe will be more favorable to big government and top-down control!" he shouted. "That's their plan. And so I will tell you what is happening on the border every single day is one of the greatest crimes in human history!""

So anyway, let's hear it for "They," and the awesome power of the state!

Here's the link to this article:      Former White House Propagandist Whines (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 10, 2024, 02:14:13 PM
"A martyr? Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt's past tells a more complex story"

As per this article:

"The first time Celeste Norris laid eyes on Ashli Babbitt, the future insurrectionist had just rammed her vehicle three times with an SUV and was pounding on the window, challenging her to a fight.
Norris says the bad blood between them began in 2015, when Babbitt engaged in a months-long extramarital affair with Norris' longtime live-in boyfriend. When she learned of the relationship, Norris called Babbitt's husband and told him she was cheating."

And, further along in this article:

"But the life of the Air Force veteran from California who died while wearing a Trump campaign flag wrapped around her shoulders like a cape, was far more complicated than the heroic portrait presented by Trump and his allies.

In the months before her death, Babbitt had become consumed by pro-Trump conspiracy theories and posted angry screeds on social media. She also had a history of making violent threats."

It's unfortunate if this woman was gullible, taken in by the con artist, and lost her life because of her gullibility and temperament. But, I'm certain many of the people who showed up to support TFG on Failed Coup d'état Day didn't really care one way or the other that TFG had been telling the world the Big Lie. And, this woman may very well have been one of the latter.

Here's the link:   Ashli Babbitt's Past Exploits (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on January 10, 2024, 05:49:18 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on January 10, 2024, 02:14:13 PM
"A martyr? Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt's past tells a more complex story"

As per this article:

"The first time Celeste Norris laid eyes on Ashli Babbitt, the future insurrectionist had just rammed her vehicle three times with an SUV and was pounding on the window, challenging her to a fight.
Norris says the bad blood between them began in 2015, when Babbitt engaged in a months-long extramarital affair with Norris' longtime live-in boyfriend. When she learned of the relationship, Norris called Babbitt's husband and told him she was cheating."

And, further along in this article:

"But the life of the Air Force veteran from California who died while wearing a Trump campaign flag wrapped around her shoulders like a cape, was far more complicated than the heroic portrait presented by Trump and his allies.

In the months before her death, Babbitt had become consumed by pro-Trump conspiracy theories and posted angry screeds on social media. She also had a history of making violent threats."

It's unfortunate if this woman was gullible, taken in by the con artist, and lost her life because of her gullibility and temperament. But, I'm certain many of the people who showed up to support TFG on Failed Coup d'état Day didn't really care one way or the other that TFG had been telling the world the Big Lie. And, this woman may very well have been one of the latter.

Here's the link:   Ashli Babbitt's Past Exploits (

Personally I see Babbit as one more victim of the police, along with folks like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, or Patrick Lyoya.  I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't excuse her murder.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 10, 2024, 09:24:23 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on January 10, 2024, 05:49:18 PM
Personally I see Babbit as one more victim of the police, along with folks like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, or Patrick Lyoya.  I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't excuse her murder.

I believe Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd were clearly victims of the police.

It appears that the case against Christopher Schurr, the police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya, has yet to go to trial. However, if the Court of Appeals allows the current charge of second-degree murder to stand, I suspect Schurr, now a former police officer, will rightly be found guilty.

But, I don't believe Ashli Babbitt was an innocent bystander, or innocent peaceful protester on January 6th. And, here's some of what the Wikipedia article, "Killing of Ashli Babbitt," has to say:

"Babbitt attempted to climb through a shattered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby, and was shot in the left shoulder by a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer.[5][6][7][8][9] After a USCP emergency response team administered aid, Babbitt was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she died.[10][11] The USCP deemed the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy" and "potentially saved Members (of Congress) and staff from serious injury and possible death".[12][13]"

And, further along in this article:

"Public remarks by CSPD Officer Lt Byrd

"After being cleared of wrongdoing, Byrd made his name public in an August 2021 interview for NBC News.[73][74][75][76][77] He said his name had been previously revealed in right-wing media and online forums and that he had received racist (Byrd is African-American) and violent threats, causing him to remain in hiding for several months. Looking back on his January 6 experience, Byrd said: "Once we barricaded the doors, we were essentially trapped where we were. There was no way to retreat. No other way to get out. If they get through that door, they're into the House chamber and upon the members of Congress." He stated that he had pulled the trigger as a "last resort" after the mob of protesters ignored his repeated orders to get back, and that he had no idea at that moment that Babbitt was unarmed and was a woman. Byrd commented: "I know that day I saved countless lives. I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that's my job".[59]"

Now, it's been a while since I last watched the video clip of Babbitt climbing through that broken window. But, nothing I saw on the several occasions I did watch that video, or have heard, or have read, since January 6th, has made me any more sympathetic to her fate, than what I have already written in my original post. So, I think we should agree to disagree about Ashli Babbitt.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on January 11, 2024, 06:05:39 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on January 10, 2024, 09:24:23 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on January 10, 2024, 05:49:18 PM
Personally I see Babbit as one more victim of the police, along with folks like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, or Patrick Lyoya.  I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't excuse her murder.

I believe Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd were clearly victims of the police.

It appears that the case against Christopher Schurr, the police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya, has yet to go to trial. However, if the Court of Appeals allows the current charge of second-degree murder to stand, I suspect Schurr, now a former police officer, will rightly be found guilty.

But, I don't believe Ashli Babbitt was an innocent bystander, or innocent peaceful protester on January 6th. And, here's some of what the Wikipedia article, "Killing of Ashli Babbitt," has to say:

"Babbitt attempted to climb through a shattered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby, and was shot in the left shoulder by a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer.[5][6][7][8][9] After a USCP emergency response team administered aid, Babbitt was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she died.[10][11] The USCP deemed the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy" and "potentially saved Members (of Congress) and staff from serious injury and possible death".[12][13]"

And, further along in this article:

"Public remarks by CSPD Officer Lt Byrd

"After being cleared of wrongdoing, Byrd made his name public in an August 2021 interview for NBC News.[73][74][75][76][77] He said his name had been previously revealed in right-wing media and online forums and that he had received racist (Byrd is African-American) and violent threats, causing him to remain in hiding for several months. Looking back on his January 6 experience, Byrd said: "Once we barricaded the doors, we were essentially trapped where we were. There was no way to retreat. No other way to get out. If they get through that door, they're into the House chamber and upon the members of Congress." He stated that he had pulled the trigger as a "last resort" after the mob of protesters ignored his repeated orders to get back, and that he had no idea at that moment that Babbitt was unarmed and was a woman. Byrd commented: "I know that day I saved countless lives. I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that's my job".[59]"

Now, it's been a while since I last watched the video clip of Babbitt climbing through that broken window. But, nothing I saw on the several occasions I did watch that video, or have heard, or have read, since January 6th, has made me any more sympathetic to her fate, than what I have already written in my original post. So, I think we should agree to disagree about Ashli Babbitt.

Perhaps.  I'm sad to see someone who understands that Trump is a monster but not that ACAB, meanwhile I'd like to see more folks who don't understand that Trump is a monster learning that ACAB, between Babbit and they way that they've gone after that particular monster I think a few are starting to understand.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Q. G. Pennyworth on January 12, 2024, 12:57:48 AM
Cops can be bastards AND occasionally act appropriately. These things are not in conflict. In fact, it's much easier for the system to perpetuate itself as long as there are people who are behaving correctly in difficult situations.

I don't like cops killing people, I don't like anyone killing people, I'm also not a virtue driven moron who thinks that no conflict is ever doomed to end in death, or that my enemies are incapable of making the right decision sometimes just because they make the wrong ones so often.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Doktor Howl on January 13, 2024, 01:45:52 AM
Quote from: Pergamos on January 10, 2024, 05:49:18 PM

Personally I see Babbit as one more victim of the police, along with folks like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, or Patrick Lyoya.  I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't excuse her murder.

Go fuck yourself.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 13, 2024, 12:14:37 PM
"GOPers embrace a crazy new term to refer to jailed Jan. 6ers"

"After trying to portray Jan. 6 rioters as "tourists" and "political prisoners," Republicans have a new absurd term: "hostages.""

As per this article:

"First they were "tourists." Then they were "political prisoners." And now they're "hostages."

Ever since Jan. 6, 2021, Republicans have treated the Capitol rioters like martyrs. In the latest example, Republicans are following Donald Trump's lead in referring to the pro-Trump confederates jailed in the deadly attack as "hostages.""

They keep using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means. It occurred to me that, conspicuous by its absence, there is another term they might have used for the many paramilitary types, who wore tactical gear and carried assorted weaponry, forced their way into the United States Capitol, but are now serving time in The Big House. And, that term is "prisoners of war" (POWs). However, since The Republicult™ lost both their battle and their war, they now refer to their soldiers using more deceptive, sympathetic language.

I write this because, if The Republicult™ had actually succeeded in their coup d'état, instead of being "hostages," those same paramilitary types would now be proudly parading around with medals dangling from chests, openly carrying more lethal weapons, and calling themselves "patriots," "heroes," "victorious warriors," "freedom fighters," and some such.

Here's the link to this article:      The Republicult's™ New Term (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on January 24, 2024, 08:44:15 PM
"DC bar authorities file disciplinary charges against pro-Trump 2020 election lawyers"

"The charges are the latest in a slew of disciplinary proceedings against attorneys who aided Donald Trump's bid to subvert the election." 

As per this article:

"Washington, D.C., bar investigators have filed disciplinary charges against three lawyers who aided Donald Trump ally Sidney Powell's campaign to mount discredited legal challenges to the 2020 election results.

Filings made public Friday accused attorneys Juli Haller, Lawrence Joseph and Brandon Johnson of making knowingly false representations to courts about a slew of lawsuits they filed in the weeks after the 2020 election."

But, but ... TFG said he only hires the best people. It appears that finding quality partners in crime is harder than it's portrayed to be in the movies.

Here's the link:   TFG's Election Lawyers Face Disciplinary Charges (,to%20the%202020%20election%20results)
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on February 10, 2024, 03:07:27 AM
"Judge denies Peter Navarro's bid to remain out of prison while appealing contempt of Congress case"

As per this article:

"A federal judge on Thursday denied Trump White House official Peter Navarro's bid to remain out of prison while he appeals his contempt of Congress conviction for refusing to cooperate with an investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Navarro was sentenced last month to four months behind bars after being found guilty of defying a subpoena for documents and a deposition from the House Jan. 6 Committee. The former White House trade adviser under President Donald Trump had asked to be free while he fights that conviction and sentence in higher courts."

So, this guy doesn't have a job, doesn't have a job prospect, and has been pleading poverty while spending a small fortune on legal fees to avoid four months in what is probably going to be a minimum security "Club Fed" lockup. And now, poor little Peter is going to the Big House anyway. It would appear that choosing to be an opportunistic co-conspirator was not a wise career move. Who'd a thunk it?

Here's the link:   A TFG Co-conspirator Is Going to the Big House (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Bruno on February 13, 2024, 05:13:51 AM
Eric Prince (Betsy DeVos's brother and founder of Blackwater) wants to bring back full blown military colonialism.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on February 13, 2024, 10:48:21 AM
Quote from: Bruno on February 13, 2024, 05:13:51 AMEric Prince (Betsy DeVos's brother and founder of Blackwater) wants to bring back full blown military colonialism.

I don't doubt a new and improved US Imperial Business Model (USIBM) would be quite lucrative for a guy like Prince. And, since he can't sell mercenary services to Putin unless TFG is reelected, and Ukraine may not be interested in giving Prince a contract, he may very well be trying to drum up business opportunities elsewhere.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on February 24, 2024, 08:22:20 AM
It appears that showing poster board size dick pics of Hunter Biden at a House Oversight Committee hearing last year wasn't enough for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's come up with yet another way to attract the attention she craves.

"Greene says Judge Engoron 'should be disrobed'"

As per this article:

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went after New York Judge Arthur Engoron on Thursday, demanding he be "disrobed" for his $355 million business fraud verdict against former President Trump last week.

Engoron ruled that Trump and his company committed business fraud by manipulating the value of assets, including inflating the value of his Florida home, the Mar-a-Lago club."

Well, Tricky Dick Nixon had Spiro T. Agnew, so maybe MAGAt Marge is the appropriate choice for Dishonest Don's next running mate. After all, Marge has a way with words too, just like Agnew, and we can always count on her to stay classy.

Here's the link to this article:      MAGAt Marge Wants Judge Disrobed (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 11, 2024, 09:07:16 AM
By the powers invested in me, I hereby recognize Alabama Senator Katie Britt (R) as a Distinguished Demagogue of the Political Order of THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL, as defined in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia (Except for the Distinguished Demagogue (DD) part. I just made that up.). I have been inspired to do so after watching her most recent Official Political Performance Art Piece (OPPAP).

"Katie Britt calls Biden a 'diminished leader' in GOP response to the State of the Union"

As per this particular article:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Sitting at her kitchen table in Alabama, Sen. Katie Britt called President Joe Biden a "dithering and diminished leader" and warned of a bleak American future under his presidency in the Republican rebuttal to his State of the Union address Thursday evening.
The first-term Alabama Republican, the youngest woman in the Senate, delivered a stinging election-year critique of the president. She argued that "the country we know and love seems to be slipping away" and appealed directly to her fellow mothers, who she said are probably "disgusted" with Washington."

This is a short article, and contains only a short video of cuts from Britt's entire performance. I wouldn't force, or even encourage a Discordian to watch her entire act, unless you're an experienced, hardened critic. Seriously, I still find it hard to believe that what she did and said during her act was not intentional political satire. So, you have been warned, and you're welcome.

Here's the link to this particular article:      Katie Britt OPPAP (

After watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 14, 2024, 06:25:42 AM
I learned a new meme! And, it explains what was going on with Alabama Senator Katie Britt during her SOTU rebuttal last week.

"Ever hear of "Fundie Baby Voice"? If you haven't, you missed what was going on. It gets worse."

As per this article:

"While Senator Katie Britt has gotten a lot of flak for her performance (and it was a performance), something else was going on. People have commented on her presentation — they way she emoted, the way she sounded, 'the woman in the kitchen talking about her kids' context.

Tom Sullivan at Digby's Place picked up on some videos that make her performance even creepier when you understand where she is coming from, and what she is messaging. Sullivan found several videos that contrast the way she speaks normally with the way she spoke that night. This video from Jess Piper explains exactly what kind of dog whistle Britt was blowing — the Fundie Baby Voice:

There's a name for it...fundie baby voice.

— Jess Piper (@piper4missouri) March 8, 2024
Piper plays several video clips from other women beside Britt to show what it sounds like, and then explains what it means to people who recognize it.

"...I was born and raised an evangelical, a fundamentalist. That is called the fundie baby voice. It means you're submissive. It means you're a good woman. It means you're kind and you support your husband. The better you are at the baby voice, the better woman you are.""

This is a long, strange article. But, it did get me thinking about this special religious voice thingy. For instance, if evangelical fundamentalists speak in a special voice on certain occasions, shouldn't Discordian Fundamentalists also consider speaking in a special voice(s) when proselytizing, and possibly on other special occasions?

Here's this article's link:   Fundie Baby Voice (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 14, 2024, 06:43:28 PM
To #46
Quote from: Brother Mythos on March 11, 2024, 09:07:16 AMAfter watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.

At first I thought these awards would be an easy win for the USA. But after thinking about who would be second I realized, there are a lot of politicians who only and badly perform an act. The UK has some, Australia, .... From a comedy podcast with Indian guests I know India will be a contender in this. Germany and Austria have their Pappenheimer (Rascals (euphemism, mostly Nazis)), but they can't speak English so you won't hear from them.

That's why people who engage in politics are either fanatics of some ideology or frustrated.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 15, 2024, 06:10:19 AM
Quote from: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 14, 2024, 06:43:28 PMTo #46
Quote from: Brother Mythos on March 11, 2024, 09:07:16 AMAfter watching the senator's rebuttal to the SOTU, it occurred to me that the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, the people who hand out those infamous "Razzies," should be encouraged to branch out from only critiquing movies, and create two (2) new categories. I suggest calling them Worst Actor, and Worst Actress in an Official Political Performance Art Piece. It's still early, of course, but I believe it will be difficult to underperform Senator Britt for a possible 45th Golden Raspberry Award.

At first I thought these awards would be an easy win for the USA. But after thinking about who would be second I realized, there are a lot of politicians who only and badly perform an act. The UK has some, Australia, .... From a comedy podcast with Indian guests I know India will be a contender in this. Germany and Austria have their Pappenheimer (Rascals (euphemism, mostly Nazis)), but they can't speak English so you won't hear from them.

That's why people who engage in politics are either fanatics of some ideology or frustrated.

I admit, I don't pay as much attention to politics and politicians outside the USA as I do inside. But, I have no reason to doubt that the rest of the world has its share of "Official Political Performance Artists."

However, I think there is yet another category of people who choose to enter the political arena. And, I believe our former president is a prime example. I don't believe TFG chose to enter politics late in life for any other reason(s) than power and greed. Other than being fanatically opposed to paying taxes and obeying laws, and frustration because our form of government expects him to do both, the only other motivation I see in him is his massive ego.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 20, 2024, 09:38:20 PM
I concur. US politics is special. Your "the winner takes it all"-voting system truly has a lot of undemocratic consequences. The biggest, I think, is the two-party system and the extremely unhinged pre-vote period/year.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 21, 2024, 09:40:16 AM
Quote from: ein Gefrorener Würfel on March 20, 2024, 09:38:20 PMI concur. US politics is special. Your "the winner takes it all"-voting system truly has a lot of undemocratic consequences. The biggest, I think, is the two-party system and the extremely unhinged pre-vote period/year.

Yes, our type of republic is different, and problematic. We were taught that our founding fathers didn't chose a parliamentary system because they wanted a clear separation of governmental powers, with an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch, with all three branches acting as checks and balances on each other. And, although far from perfect, our system did work moderately well in the 20th century, before today's hyper-partisan, no compromise era.

And, although it may look like it, our two-party system is not written into our republic's constitution. There are currently four (4) registered political parties in my state. And, Mrs. Mythos and I are both registered to vote in our general elections as "non affiliated." (All that means in our state is that we can't vote in the primary elections of any of the four (4) registered political parties. For the little that it's worth, our not joining a registered political party is a protest, as our state's primary elections are held so late in the year that all of the party candidates for president and vice-president have already been chosen by voters in the other states that held their primary elections much earlier.)
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 02:28:36 PM
Tennessee is trying to ban chemtrails.

It is going well, so far.

ETA: Fuck, if this passes, I'm starting a flyer campaign to get people to call every representative who voted for it every time they see an airplane.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 22, 2024, 04:05:23 PM
Quote from: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 02:28:36 PMTennessee is trying to ban chemtrails.

It is going well, so far.

ETA: Fuck, if this passes, I'm starting a flyer campaign to get people to call every representative who voted for it every time they see an airplane.

I love it! The Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory is one of my favorites!
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 04:37:02 PM
I think the more obsessed they are with things that aren't real and don't exist, the less time and resources they'll have to infringe on the civil rights of people who are real and do exist. Also, they'll get increasingly frustrated with their reps who are totally ineffective at stopping the thing that isn't happening.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 22, 2024, 10:29:47 PM
Quote from: Bruno on March 22, 2024, 04:37:02 PMI think the more obsessed they are with things that aren't real and don't exist, the less time and resources they'll have to infringe on the civil rights of people who are real and do exist. Also, they'll get increasingly frustrated with their reps who are totally ineffective at stopping the thing that isn't happening.

It never occurred to me that a prank could have real world, positive results. But, I agree, encouraging members of the Republicult™ to waste their time really does reduce the time they have available to do real harm.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 23, 2024, 07:06:17 PM
I'm beginning to suspect that, at least, some of the high-ranking Republicult™ comrades in Tennessee are a skittish lot.

"Tennessee Republican Warns America: Cannibals Are Coming!"

As per this article:

"Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett told Steve Bannon that murdering cannibals are poised to migrate to the US."

<sigh> And, I thought Tennessee was such a nice, normal place the last time I was there.

Here's the link to this article:      Tennessee Republicult™ Comrade's Cannibal Warning! (

It appears that Congressman Burchett doesn't believe Mark Knopfler either:   Mark Knopfler - Cannibals (Official Video) (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on March 24, 2024, 11:05:23 PM
Tennessee was only the beginning! The Republicult's™ Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory has spread like a virus to Pennsylvania!

"Mastriano proposes bill to combat 'chemtrails' rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science"

"Pennsylvania requires those seeking to modify the weather to get a license, but no one has ever applied"

As per this article:

"A state senator who was the 2022 GOP nominee for Pennsylvania governor has proposed legislation to outlaw experimental weather modification techniques falsely associated with the "chemtrail" conspiracy theory.

The false belief that condensation trails left by high flying aircraft are actually trails of chemicals released by the government for nefarious reasons has become conflated with techniques being explored to reduce the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere.

In a memo seeking support for his bill, Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin) said new technology and a proliferation of weather modification patents "owned by a combination of Federal Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and large multinational corporations" have brought forward the need to update Pennsylvania's law."

So, how long will it be before the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory becomes a "plank" in the Republicult's™ party platform? Oh, wait ... the Republicult™ doesn't have an actual platform. Silly me.

Here's the link to this article:      Bill Proposed to Combat Chemtrails in PA (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 02, 2024, 07:49:44 AM
Uh-oh, it looks like there's trouble in paradise.

"Republican blame game heats up as their majority thins"

As per this article:

"The internal blame game has highlighted both the deep divisions dogging the House GOP — where conservative agitators are bashing moderates as apostates, and moderates are bashing the hard-liners as obstructionists — and the minuscule majority that's made it all but impossible for Republican leaders to unite the warring camps for the sake of passing the party's policy priorities."

And, further along in this article:

""Every time a Mike Gallagher or a Ken Buck leaves early, that brings our numbers down and brings us dangerously closer to being in the minority," Greene said Tuesday in an interview with Real America's Voice, a conservative cable channel.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has largely downplayed the departures, noting that both parties are losing a number of veteran lawmakers next year to retirement or bids for higher office — a natural trend that accompanies virtually every election cycle.

"When I last checked, we're about on par with other Congresses," he told reporters after Buck's announcement. "It just — it always feels like that when you're in the midst of one."

Yet the number of resignations, as opposed to retirements, has been more pronounced this cycle. And some of the departing lawmakers are citing an extraordinary reason behind their decision: The environment on Capitol Hill has become so toxic, they say, that they simply can't bear to stick around."

I guess some members of the Republicult™ don't want to drink their Kool-Aid. And worse, I just may run out of popcorn before this act of their show is even over.

Here's the link to this article:      Trouble in the Republicult™ (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Bruno on April 03, 2024, 10:26:36 PM
Congratulations (, Tennessee. You did it.

You made chemtrails illegal.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 04, 2024, 11:37:14 AM
Quote from: Bruno on April 03, 2024, 10:26:36 PMCongratulations (, Tennessee. You did it.

You made chemtrails illegal.


Eternal vigilance paranoia is the price we they pay for believing conspiracy theories.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Bruno on April 11, 2024, 02:37:13 AM
An Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 11, 2024, 11:11:20 AM
Quote from: Bruno on April 11, 2024, 02:37:13 AMAn Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)

I'm pretty sure those very same people also believe that Discordianism is a strange religion.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Pergamos on April 11, 2024, 07:01:56 PM
Quote from: Bruno on April 11, 2024, 02:37:13 AMAn Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)

Sounds like their magic worked...
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 13, 2024, 09:17:13 PM
First, the good political news:

"Tennessee lawmakers send bill to ban first-cousin marriages to governor"

And, the good political news includes some totally expected Republicult™ news:

As per this article:

"NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The Republican-led Tennessee Legislature has overwhelmingly voted to send GOP Gov. Bill Lee a proposal that would ban marriage between first cousins.

The House cast a 75-2 vote Thursday on the bill after the Senate previously approved it without any opposition.

But a particularly vocal opponent, Republican Rep. Gino Bulso, took up most of the debate time, as he argued for an amendment to allow first-cousin marriages if the couple first seeks counseling from a genetic counselor.

And, as per further along in this article:

"Republican Rep. Monty Fritts was the other lawmaker to vote against the bill."

So, just another glimpse into the reality of 21st century "Merica.

Here's the link to this article:        Tennessee Republicult™ Support for First-cousin Marriages (,NASHVILLE%2C%20Tenn.,approved%20it%20without%20any%20opposition.)
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 14, 2024, 08:06:17 PM
The Republicult's™ adoration of TFG is a truly amazing thing. In reality, here's a guy who's a nepo baby, a sociopath, a pathological liar, a malignant narcissist, a serial draft dodger, a career white-collar criminal, a rapist, and an insurrectionist. And, that's not even a complete, repugnant list of his obvious character flaws. Yet, despite all that, some in the cult still go as far as to compare him to JFC.

In truth, if there were a Con Artists' Hall of Fame, TFG would be nominated, and elected to full membership on the very first ballot. After all, TFG makes Charles Ponzi look like a dilettante. Anyway, it just occurred to me that Peter's Placebo, a term originally coined by Dr. Laurence J. Peter of The Peter Principle fame, clearly explains TFG popularity within the Republicult™. And so, here is Peter's Placebo:

 "An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance."
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on April 29, 2024, 05:21:09 PM
A rule for Republicult™ talking heads:

Never let an easily verifiable fact get in the way of a political talking point.
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on May 02, 2024, 06:08:47 AM
It's happening again in Pennsylvania. And, the strangest thing about it is that Pennsylvania isn't even a 'blue state.'

"Can These Clowns Not Find A Single Republican Who Lives In Pennsylvania To Run For Senate In Pennsylvania?"

As per this article:

"This time around, the GOP nominee battling incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D) will be hedge fund millionaire David McCormick, who lost to Oz back in the 2022 Republican primary; as we noted last week, McCormick overcame that by running unopposed this year. The most notable news about that election was that Zombie candidate Nikki Haley got 17 percent of the vote even though she ended her campaign weeks ago.
However, we kind of skipped over a thing about McCormick last week, because we were mainly focused on Haley. Like "Dr." Oz, McCormick isn't so much from Pennsylvania as from another state, but this time it's Connecticut. We regret the oversight."

But, on the plus side, this one isn't known to be a puppy killer.

Here's the link to this article:      Another GOP Senate Candidate in PA Doesn't Live in PA (
Title: Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Post by: Brother Mythos on May 31, 2024, 08:45:22 PM
This internet list caught my attention this afternoon:

"All The GOP Lawmakers Telling Trump To Drop Out After His Felony Conviction"

"These are the Republican leaders standing up and putting country before party."

As per the article:

"(This list will be updated as the GOP statements come pouring in.)"

Please note, at the time of this initial posting, it's a short list.

Here's the link:   All Republicult™ Lawmakers Telling TSF to Drop Out of the Presidential Race (